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Everything posted by RynZelara

  1. Go go Council kill! Kill them dead. =)
  2. Don't sweat it, 1.5m dummies are brutal for TK/Lightning spec. There's so much rng in the spec that one bad string of non-crits or non-double ticks can nuke your DPS into nothing. =) That being said, glancing over your parse I noticed a couple things you can do differently to eke out some more DPS. - APM is low for this spec, by about 3. Some ways to fix this really depend on your latency and playstyle (click vs. button). If you're a button user, simply mashing your moves before the previous move is done casting will negate some wasted time between attacks, although it makes your finger tired =P I don't have much experience clicking, but it seems like good latency would be required for an avid clicker. Otherwise, hit moves faster. =) A good example of what I'm talking about is in your opener, your Affliction comes more than a half a second after your Crushing Darkness applies, and your Thundering Blast comes 2.3 seconds after your Affliction application. This results in about 3 seconds from the time you enter combat to the time you use your first Thundering Blast. That elapsed time should be as close to a single GCD (1.48 seconds or something like that) as possible. Doing little things like this everywhere will increase your APM more than you might think. Those extra 12-14 moves can add quite a lot of DPS =) - Your opener has you using your adrenal before your Affliction and then your PS before Thundering Blast. Use both your adrenal and PS right before Thundering Blast to maximize the time on the adrenal. Also don't use adrenals outside of PS. Line up your adrenals with the 1st, 4th, and 7th use of PS to maximize their use throughout the parse. (Although this will change once gear starts getting better, Sages and Sorcs in TK/Lightning will have to start using them literally on CD on the third one once max threshold for the 1.5m TTK goes below 7 minutes [is it there already?], and then all of them on CD like you did just to get 3 into a parse, until the maximum threshold for our spec goes below 6' 15 - 6' 20 on TTK with two adrenals. But that's completely irrelevant to this discussion >_< Lol.) - Your Affliction application seems to be fine (only applying before TB) but there were two spots in the log where you used Affliction twice back to back, and the first one didn't miss. Not sure if that's just a misclick, but obviously that's quite a bit of time with no damage output. - Your second activation of Polarity Shift was 5 seconds after it came off cooldown. There were 23 double ticks of LS/CL/TB/CD total between your first activation of PS and your second activation of PS, which would reduce the cooldown of PS to 67 seconds. All your double ticks after your first PS came within 66 seconds of the first PS, which means your PS should have come off cooldown 1 second after your final double tick in that 66 second period. Thus, 67 seconds. However, the second PS came at second 72 after the first PS activation. Which means there was 5 seconds where PS was off cooldown and not being used. This may not seem like much, but over the course of a 7 1/2 minute parse with 7 activations of PS, especially considering your last one got clipped by 5 seconds of uptime, just using it as fast as you get it would allow you to fit that 7th activation, along with your adrenal with it, very comfortably, on top of increasing your DPS. Those are just a couple things I noticed while perusing your log this morning (it's snowing, I'm getting over a cold, I have today off......boring morning much lol?) and working on those things will bump your DPS by quite a bit, because to be honest, if you do the things I suggested above and get a crit rate like the one you got in this parse, you'd have probably beaten me. =) Nice to see people doing more on their Sages and Sorcs. Moar representation!
  3. Nice to finally see good Sage/Sorc representation. All 5 board parses are sub 4' 40. Huzzah.
  4. Ahahaha, it's not so bad. That's how Telekinetics is. I'm convinced that if all the cards fall right it's possible to do like a 3750 or a 3800, but that requires so much RNG it makes my face hurt =P
  5. TTK is actually 4' 33.705s with the new rule (start of combat - death of dummy now in the combat log). Great parse though, guess I've gotta hit the books again =P
  6. 3809*, not 3890. I was about to say that's a LARGE gap xD Gotta love mistypes.
  7. Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/578995/time/1391616073/1391616350/0/Damage+Dealt 3616.07 AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b8755b6a-4694-4930-aa05-fa93d0ec0816 Character: Rosalyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (2/36/8) | TTK: 4' 36.9s Got a couple more enhancements and at least all 75 armorings. Still missing that amazing crit parse...I'm getting there slowly. =P
  8. ^^^This (although with much more tact Rydarus...seriously). This kind of bickering really is childish though. It's like.....In my experience, and with the viewpoints I've gotten from many different people, it's like no one can be civil or friendly towards one another unless the other person doesn't make a mistake. The way some people from different guilds act and treat each other reflects an attitude that others are not allowed to make mistakes or else they will be permanently looked at as a bad person, or someone worth not getting to know. And that simply is not true. I know several people from several guilds (including all the biggest progression guilds on the server) and I can personally attest to the fact that I am friends with, and get along with, several different people that do not like each other. And it's personally kind of saddening to see that happen. MMOs are community driven games; We interact with other people and work with them to achieve common goals in the game. And yeah, there's always room for competition, but it should be friendly competition, because if arguments like this continue to happen without getting resolved, all it does is further widen the rift between players on the server. And when that happens, all of a sudden something as silly as a guild tag automatically marks you as someone to be avoided by certain people. And that isn't fair. To anyone. As for the point of the thread in the first place, it should be a place for peers to gather and congratulate each other for their accomplishments in the game. The kind of competition we find on this thread shouldn't be towards the aim of being the "top PvE progression guild" or towards seeing who is the best per se. It should act as a subtle, motivating force to move all of us to do better. And I know there will invariably be people who do not agree with this, but the basis for my opinion is founded on the way civilized, normal human beings interact with one another. So to see the entire theme of PvE progression get to the point where progression threads can't even be maintained (we've gone through 2 of them already, with fault for that coming from ALL the major PvE guilds) is just saddening. People have been made to feel that their accomplishments in the game are not worth anything simply because someone else did it first. And that is not right. If something is difficult, it's an accomplishment regardless of who did it first. And of course, those who got it first should be congratulated, don't get me wrong. It reflects the amount of time, effort, skill, and dedication they've put into getting something down. But I think quite a few have lost sight of the community spirit that's supposed to drive everyone, and they've lost sight of the fact that this is a game. Games should be fun, not a source of irritation or discouragement, and when that's all you start getting from the game because of the overall pervasive atmosphere that all the major guilds have contributed to up to this point, it starts making the game less fun for everyone. Some of us have even thought about quitting the game because of how the relationship between guilds is. I don't claim to be wise. I don't claim to be a master mediator. And I certainly cannot tell other people what to do, nor do I have the right. But I am entitled to an opinion, and this is one I have been sitting on for FAR too long, and I simply felt I could not be silent about it anymore. What's done is done; I feel with great conviction that it would be in the best interest of the PvE guilds to put past drama behind them and try to start moving forward with a fresh perspective. And maybe that's already happening, I don't know (I hope so). But the kind of arguing I've seen on this, and other, progression threads has prompted me to post my opinion. We're human beings. The internet doesn't change that. We thrive when we can freely interact with others and have peaceable dealings with others. That much is a very well-founded opinion. Hopefully we can all try and do that, regardless of how prideful we may be. And that may sound idealistic but you know.....it beats being grumpy all the time and tip-toeing around others that you should be able to talk to without fear of upsetting someone else. It's like High School: The Game. =/ And I don't know about everyone else, but I hated school (math was fun...o.o)
  9. Lol, me teach someone? I think the world would explode first =O
  10. I say "yay", if for no other reason than to promote competency on the server. =) People who aren't looking for a big guild or a raid guild, but still want to run with people who know what they're doing, can look at the progression list and find a group just like Lira's. I'm not entirely sure what stipulations and notes have to be made to make it clear that it isn't a full guild but rather a consistent group of people, but I don't think it would be a terrible idea. =)
  11. Impressive =) Nice to see another commando step up.
  12. Updated parse. (post edited once for better TTK) Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/556758/time/1390001395/1390001673/0/Overview AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b8755b6a-4694-4930-aa05-fa93d0ec0816 Character: Rosalyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (2/36/8) | TTK: 4' 37.935s
  13. Many thanks Falver, it's a little more time consuming but with a TTK that method will be more reliable and accurate. =)
  14. Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/548487/time/1389405254/1389405537/0/Overview AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b8755b6a-4694-4930-aa05-fa93d0ec0816 Character: Rosalyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (2/36/8) | TTK: 4' 43.535s Again would like to point out that the death of the dummy in my combat log according to TORparse cropping tool is .244 seconds before the final event in my log. My TTK is thus -->4' 43.535<-- instead of 4' 43.779.
  15. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my 5th leaderboard spot! *grumble grumble* Guess I need to get a lucky crit parse like this. =( Grats. I'll get up there eventually.
  16. Ah, I was under the impression Thran was joking... Handcuff (and I apparently *gleeful*) are pretty good indications of what a Sage/Sorc is capable of. Handcuff obviously has a bit more gear than I do, and a crazy lucky parse to boot, so his DPS is currently about 200 ahead of my best world parse. If I were fully min-max'd and had the same lucky crit as him, I'd be over a 3600 easy. Even in my current gear, a parse of the same crit rate as Handcuffs would be about 3550-3600 I reckon. That being said, I'd say the AVERAGE for Sorc Sage is somewhere in the 3500-3550 for complete min max. That's not incredible, but I'd say 3700 is definitely possible with a good crit rate and some lucky double ticks. In short, Sorc/Sage DPS (and ANY class DPS for that matter) cannot be measured as a whole on the merit of one persons parse who isn't min-max'd yet and doesn't have the rotation completely and totally optimized just yet (although it's close, just need more APM. Hit those buttons AZ!). I agree that Guardians/Jugg are in need of some help, but baselessly bashing other classes does nothing to endear others to your viewpoint, nor does it make the community look at you well as a whole. Let's just all hope BioWare decides to make some needed changes. A GS nerf would be nice, substantial Jugg/Guard buff with a complete reworking of Focus spec, Shadow buff with a complete reworking of Infiltraton, and a fix for the almost provable brokenness of Assault/Pyro procs for Comms/Mercs. Honestly, if just those things happened, the scene would look good for both PvE and PvP for balance. One of the biggest reasons for not buffing Guard/Jugg has been PvP, and that can be fixed with a reworking of Focus/Rage spec (same goes for Shadow's Infiltration). Yeah it would mean less burst DPS overall, but it certainly wouldn't be the boring sustained kind of damage that Balance spec is for Shadows and Sages, and it would mean increased DPS overall for both Jugg/Guard specs. There's been enough needless drama around here as it is. Let's just play the game and have fun =)
  17. Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/539454/time/1388810878/1388811165/0/Overview AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b8755b6a-4694-4930-aa05-fa93d0ec0816 Character: Rosalyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (2/36/8) | TTK: 4'46.986s TORParse says the time to kill is 4' 47.456, but in the actual log the death of the dummy occurs at xx:xx:45.393 and not xx:xx:45.863, which is the end of the crop. So the actual time to kill is 4' 46.986, which should be good for 4th instead of 5th if I'm not mistaken. EDIT: After reading through all the Sage/Sorc parses, I'm almost certain this is good enough for 5th, but no better. Lots of parses to sort through Falver. >.< So many...
  18. I feel ya there man.....I absolutely hate it when I've gotta cast Turbulence before I activate my Mental Alacrity. If it's that short an interval though, I'm usually ok delaying Turbulence by a GCD to wait for Mental Alacrity. Probably shouldn't do that but....meh. It's the games fault for giving me bad CD reduction rates on Mental Alacrity =P
  19. ..................I......I have no words for this. I clap for your complete and total ignorance. Mind Crush/Crushing Darkness is an integral part of the rotation. It does more damage without double ticks, on average, than a LS/Dist. It CAN double tick, further increasing it's damage output on average. Each of those double ticks plays a key role in reducing the cooldown of Mental Alacrity/Polarity Shift. And more MA/PS means more chances to double tick with Dist/LS and TkWave/CL. Knowledge (and proper use of it) is the building block of understanding. Please acquire some.
  20. Well as Tam suggested, the crit rates are just too low right now to justify refreshing as it falls off and then clipping it to make sure the next TB is under it. They could fix every problem it has if they just gave us back our 21 second weaken mind/Affliction...but that's besides the point. I'm sure with healthy crit rates, refreshing as it falls off would be a better way to go. But as it stands, refreshing as it falls off only adds another 15 ticks or so over the whole thing (if I'm not mistaken), and with crit rate as low as it currently is, the damage done with those ticks, even on average with the crit rate and accounting for possible extra FL procs, can be made up with the 3 or 4 extra LS you'll get as a result, which also has a chance to proc CL. Tam, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about any of that. As for the APM, interestingly enough I had this problem as well. I couldn't understand why I couldn't match KTap's apm at all (I was a full point behind him) even though my rotation was more than solid. THen I started mashing my abilities before it was time to cast them, and you know what? I saw my apm jump above 42. I actually had a 42.73 once. The key to apm for Sage is really just the following things: - Hit buttons faster - Make sure to hit your next ability after Force Lightning as SOON as possible, but not so soon that you clip and cancel it. This takes a bit of practice since you can hit your next ability, depending on lag, about .1 - .2 seconds before Force Lightning ends and still not clip it. - If you refresh Affliction and TB won't be up by the end of the GCD, use another move besides TB. Do not wait for it, even if it's got only .2 seconds left. Even if it's got only .1 second left. Do not wait for it. Activate something else. The same goes for Crushing Darkness. The only time you can wait for it is if, in your brain, you calculate that there will be a span of time LESS than what is visible on it's CD text (so less than .1 second basically). This requires an incredible amount of micromanagement on the part of the parser throughout the entire parse, because latent alacrity from skills and gear and the 4-piece set bonus will both throw that out of wack to where TB can have as much as .5 seconds left on its CD when the GCD ends after refreshing Affliction. I can't count how many times I've been super focused, then let my focus drop for just a moment, and watch as I refresh Affliction a GCD too late or use a LS when Crushing Darkness could have been used instead. >_< TK/Lightning spec is definitely a lot more involved than people make it out to be, especially if you want to maximize its damage. Because then you start wondering about how long you can delay using your CL and FL procs so you can get it to hit under your relic procs, and things like that. Even small micromanagement like that can increase your DPS by decent amounts. =)
  21. Curiously, I checked out your parse and noticed you have too many ticks of Affiction in there I can only assume it's because you refresh weaken mind as soon as it falls off, and then refresh it early the next time around so it will be up for your 4th/7th/10th etc Thundering Blast. Don't refresh it right away though when it falls off. Refresh it only when there's a GCD's worth of time left before your next Thundering Blast. This way you activate it less and leave more time for Lightning strikes, and the pattern will look more like "Affliction-->TB-->everything else-->TB-->Affliction ends-->wait-->Affliction-->TB" rinse repeat. It makes it so that each Affliction can get two TB in. It ends up being slightly better for DPS. =)
  22. http://www.torparse.com/a/537389/4/0/Damage+Dealt 3434.31 Character: Rosalyn | Class: Sage | Spec: Telekinetics (3/36/7) Yeah....this is a great deal better than before. Got some more gear today (including the 78 MH), and decided to throw adrenals in the mix. This was the result after a couple parses. After I get my DPS set min-max'd (lol, if I EVER do) I'll probably go at it some more, but this is pretty good for now. =)
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