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Everything posted by Xbladez

  1. hahaha well, it's a legendary thief that work for poor peoples. You can not compare him to a video games thief, that's a insult to Robin...
  2. Remember a thief won't give away stuff that they stole from others
  3. Technically, I was not aware or care about companion CHAOS event going on social media until I saw members started posting "Thank you" and others whining that they already have those companions
  4. 2 hours planetary heroic mission easy net you 1M+ I'm a stealther class so I skip a lot a mobs along my ways and still getting 1M+ after 2 hours, my sage would need to kill everyone and he got **** load of credit just from killing trash mobs...I'm come back to this game less than 2 months ago and I'm holding nearly 300M (I also manipulate GTN for my benefit too), just play smart
  5. Best give them a hand to hand combat glove like a monk or a spiky guanlet
  6. I replayed the story last night and 1 of the conversation between me vs Lana about I wanted to turn the galaxy back to where it was before I got put into carbonite sleep, and Lana replied that she "won't go back to her empire and go fight against me (i'm a Jedi)", so my guess she refer to stay neutral as free lander alliance.
  7. You know, it's too late for some folks and it's true. Do you know when 6.0 coming out? For sure 6.0 won't come out at least few more months toward the end of the years or they even try to save it and release near Anthem release to keep folks busy here. They can't just announced that expansion coming "SOON " to get every everyone attention and expect players to stay sub without knowledge actual release date. The current stage of the game is not interested me to buy more game time. Do you expecting me keep buying more game time and wait for new expansion? I'm rich but I'm not that dumb.
  8. You know SWTOR is a linear base game, their is no need or any value to revisiting the old worlds that you're already past, completed your story there. They are not spending man power for that after 7 years and their game engine is weak for that feature, don't you see NPC still shoot at the empty space after you already killed all the enemies? I often yelled at them "stop wasting your ammunition dude, you dumb NPCs...."
  9. I stopped crafting for quite sometime already lol there is no real benefit to craft and sell for benefit after you crafted your own arguments for your toon. However, critical legendary craft still make good benefit for someone that needed credit, I don't bother cause I don't even know what else to burn out my hundreds of millions if not nearly billion....
  10. In any games I never bother with player house so does SWTOR. I don't care about it for many years and you can say I'm a noob lol I just bought SH for the first time (less than 2 months ago) after 7 years....All I have in SH are Cargo bay, Legacy Storage and a mail box, oh I just upgraded it with a GTN and Felucia to dump all the trash gears For all those years in the past I just mail stuff between my toons
  11. We already have a space for the Starship Dock, the dock in the balcony is where the ship landing, well it fit for personal ship not a Fleet I was disappointed when I found out I could not place a ship there.
  12. +10 I'm only a few dozen in game mails on a new toon and it's not fun stand there for good 10 mins to go through everything, unlocking and teleport into SH to store bound stuff in there, would be better to get items I need the most in early level from collection tab.
  13. Did they said they will increase character level? Why? They just rise the CXP level and add a new set tier of gears rather than do a whole coding for new skills, new animations, balance/adjust all the skills damage value for new levels then trying to balance the game which is more harder. We are at T4 gears but some items still not adjust their value base to match 248 gears like color crystal and augments and relic that we put together from ancient machine.
  14. Yep, I like the idea of the founder title sitting below your name. I refuse to use it because it does look ugly after my name and in some cases the founder title made my name FUNNY and pretty much change a whole name definition
  15. Since we are talking about security key, I have a question. IF I setup an Android App security from my account and link it to my phone. Do I get access to Security Key vendor in game? Thanks in advance!
  16. That's how DS Jeasa, don't judge her since your DS Sith do sleep around with other Sith Lord too
  17. Don't bother buying game time on BW website. *You can buy game time card from Amazon + its always come with extra bonus items...same price and sometime cheaper, and it's instantly then just activate the code in your account. *I got same problem after years using same credit card, house address stay same and same IPS for many years, all of sudden BW website refused to accept my payment and customer services couldn't do anything about it lol. They are actually advised me buying time card, coins from Amazon.
  18. Thana is LONG DEAD in my imp character story No, I don't want more universal comapnions, it does make my character owning a batch of WALMART cheap sh*t companions.
  19. TBH, most saber with special blade effect like unstable arbriter dualsaber, the saber handle look extremely bad design, while the descendent heirloom dualsaber the saber handle look fantastic but it has no blade special effect lol. Seem like whose created the special effect has very poor talent design physical 3D design part. IMO they should juust selling the special effect and you can use it on any sabers in game, just create a slot for it like armor dyes.
  20. If I want to GSF I just play some other games that setup purely base on that, joystick has nothing to do with GSF.
  21. hahaha Well, I was going back some Planetary Story Arc with Lana Beniko as my companion, I'm a Dark Jedi so I have no issue to make dark choices but the awkward feeling while in story conversation all about killing Sith and Imperial in front of Lana I know she has nothing interfere in vanilla story but its still feel so wrong That's make me concern how these Dev. gonna deal with the Imp vs Rep story (By the way I have to use different companion for those stories....)
  22. Then why would you take it off in the first place?
  23. I'm gonna wait to see how these Dev. pull off the story of Imp vs Rep and we are Outlander that utilizing both Sith and Jedi members...And don't ever think to put me as sleep in Carbonate for another 5 years and said your Alliance is disbanded while you MIA.....
  24. ^^^hahahaha Nah, they always attack my base when I'm not there LMAO And in game mode I'm playing (survaival or hardcore) I can not use fast travel, I would have to walk back, sometimes I made it, sometimes I did not, sometimes my defense system can beat the attackers fine, sometime they lose and I came back for repair quite fun though.
  25. After years you should know this game running base on Star Wars fans, and "Star Wars" Title is a mad making money business for EA/BW, fans folks keep their sub just because they have faith, hope in Dev. team and believe EA can turn and make a good games. Also, 15 bucks a months is not an issue to many players nowadays so they don't care . Back in 80' when 13 bucks a month sub for MMO game is big deal when minimum wage at that time is $3.75/hr. and "Cool Kid" don't have that kind of money to play game yeah I'm that old hahaha
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