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Everything posted by Okovango

  1. Volume is a little low, but seems like another really good guide!
  2. Just wondering if we could create a list of headgear that goes with hoods, feel free to post on it.
  3. Either or, I like to play both.
  4. I'm trying to figure out how to gear myself as a sorcerer, and I was wondering if there were any certain numbers I want on stats, much like how you don't want over 1000 expertise. Is there anything like that for other stats, per say do I want around 100 crit give or take, or maybe 250 power, stuff like that just to compare to where I am and see where I need to be.
  5. Just wondering if there was a general number based thing on how much of each we want. Ive just been upgrading my pvp gear bit by bit and trying to get PvE gear but I want to look into gear more. So is there general numbers or limits to stats, much like how over 1000 expertise is worthless to have, is there anything else like that that we should know, and is there a good number of each stat that I want for optimized gear?
  6. Thanks a ton, now its time to go sign up.
  7. I just dont get this yet . So when I sign up for a character copy on the 1.2 PTS does that mean that my character gets copied onto the server and I dont get him on my other server? Or is he just copied onto the PTS and I keep him on my main server?
  8. What, if there is one, is the solution to the problem with same names when server transfers come? I've heard that it would be that the person on the server to which you are transferring gets to keep the name, but what seems to make more sense is the account that has been existing longer should get to keep their name. Both of the people wanted that name, one just happened to get lucky and pick a bigger server. So how is this really going to be solved?
  9. Yeah, I want server transfers ASAP also, but the way I see it is this is how its going. Everyone whines and complains about how we need transfers NOW, and is trying to get BW to rush and make them asap. But say then they do that? Everyone will then whine and move on to how somehow bioware messed it up and should have waited and released it right or something like that. I'm not a "Biodrone" or whatever, sure they thought way too highly of their game in the first place and made way too many servers, but it seems that no matter what happens the masses always have to complain about something.
  10. Okay I just have to say it anyone find it ironic that the Fatman is the biggest server? FATman Like full or big? This just makes me laugh...
  11. The recruit gear is already better then the champ gear as of late to be honest. What BW did was give expertise a HUGE buff in PvP, so yeah getting expertise over some lost willpower is probably better, especially if the willpower is in the pve gear.
  12. Well they never released a time so I'm just begging that its more then one day.
  13. Please don't make this event a one time thing. There's probably a lot of people like me who didn't have the opportunity to play today and would still love to get some of the rewards. So again PLEASE KEEP THE EVENT.
  14. Anybody know when this event ends? Because I cant play today but I dont want to miss it.
  15. Okovango

    last man standing

    Wait, how did they do this?
  16. Are we ever going to see more character slots in game? I really would like to be able to test out more of the classes in the game, and more characters would add to my legacy family tree. If character slots are going to come, when? How highly prioritized are they right now? And when/if they come, how many new slots should we expect to see?
  17. Well, we could always just go and stand in our purple cirlces of life and consumption away. The only problem with this is that Revivification is, at least for me, almost never used in PvP.
  18. Well yeah but that doesn't mean it suddenly becomes ... you know.... good.
  19. A one time free transfer could be nice, but that means we have to ditch all of our alts and our legacy, and especially with all the legacy bonuses coming up soon I dont want to have to lose all that. I see some problems with combining servers but nothing huge, i'd also liek to think that its something that they are working on.
  20. I see a lot of complaints about other people on light servers, and I agree with them, I don't want to leave my legacy or the people on my server. So what about combining some light servers devs?
  21. Yeah I don't mind more at all, its just I would like at least sixteen so I could try out all the classes and not have to change servers and legacies.
  22. I was just wondering if BW was ever planning on increasing the character cap per server. I personally enjoy sticking to one server because of the community feel and the fact that I have already worked on my legacy on that server. I think that they should double it from 8 to 16, this sounds like a lot but it does allow a person to entirely spread out and get to play every class on one server instead of two. It would also increase the legacy family tree dynamic coming in 1.2.
  23. That just seems like something is missing though, just spamming FL to proc CD and using affliction and death field as you go along
  24. How would the rotation for the 1/12/28 build go? The same as 13/28 just minus CL?
  25. I don't want the hybrid build to be completely dead, I would really enjoy having a nice DPS hybrid build post 1.2 so I was just looking for some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism on this build that I came up with( its pretty similar to the 0/25/16 build)
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