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Posts posted by Dartagon

  1. You can nullify a healer with any class that has stuns and interrupts with good uptime on a target. It's not exclusive to Marauders.


    And that's when you need a peel. If you have an Assassin tank that has Guard on you, he pulls the Marauder, you run behind the pillar you're standing by and heal to full. GG.


    Pyro and Marauders are the only two classes really that nulify a healer solo. Any other class needs 2 to nulify making it worth while.

  2. what you described as mobility means a Sent/Marauder has even MORE mobility then PT/Vans,,hell every class has a mobile spec except sages really..


    alot of people think mobility means that a class is hard to control using a snare/root/stun IE immunes etc


    Uh no, Snipers, Sorcs, Arsenal are very immobile classes. Most healers are not mobile, Ops are the mobile one if I were to say so.


    And yes Pyro has a lot of trick to remain mobile. If you choose to use them or not. Well that's up to you.

  3. Pretty sure I'd rather trade a marauder for a healer.


    3 healers on 1 team > 3 mara on 1 team.


    Come play on Delborra Aussie server and you'll see how one guild full of healers with a few dps dominate the wz.


    Been there done that.


    8 Marauders VS 8 Healers.


    Who would win?

  4. This. PUGs are generally bad at helping healers. 4 man premades with a healer are usually more self aware. Honestly for me, it's not a matter of killing a healer. I find it's more useful to keep him alive, but not healing anyone but himself. If I end up wearing him down, great, but I put more of a priority of taking him out of the game.


    Any team will trade a DPS to nullify a healer.


    This is my point exactly, Marauder/Sentinel nullify a healer and on top of that, pull 1 additional person away from objectives just to try and gain ground.

  5. Teamplay? Good luck!


    Burst classes are doing burst damage to you and if they don't suck, interrupting your heals? Crazy! And who is protecting you? Good players peel. Where is your peel?


    A burst dps class vs a burst healer. Should be a fair fight right? Well hardly.


    Please try and peel a good Marauder. Please. I will pay you to switch to my server and stand beside me.

  6. Plenty. When non-bads CC/root/slow me and get more than 10m away from me. That's when my uber mobility kicks in, right?


    10s off the CD of Grapple, 15% run speed boost in combat, 8s of movement impairing immunity +30% run speed. That's mobility.


    You're confusing the ability of others classes to remove your mobility, with being a mobile spec. You just listed how to shut down a mobile spec.


    You have zero cast times, making it one of the most mobile specs. Sorry that its easy to shut that down. Just like its easy to shut down cast bar classes that "arent" as mobile.

  7. I am a full Battlemaster equipped Combat Medic looking at the War Hero armor only to find that War Hero actually isn't that much of a jump in stats at all and in fact i lose stats in some areas. Is it that they want us to rely more on expertise than actual stats to PvP with? (because this is the only increase in stats that i get per peice) Has anyone really noticed this as well for any other class?


    Any insight would be appreciated.


    The expertise bonus was big for me since my BM gear didn't get the buff. Expertise is your #1 PvP stat now. Plus you can get the augmented gear for WH and transfer the bonus for an extra 18 Aim 13 End or whatever.

  8. What needs to be tweaked?


    Bad players need to learn how to play. That's the problem. it's amazing that every class/spec I play, I manage to dominate people. And there are plenty of people out there that do the same thing.


    The problem with the PvP forums, is that I can almost guarantee that 90% of the people here lead with a stun when they run into battle. DERP. Or they are Mercs that decide it's a good idea to fight a Marauder without a terrain advantage while misusing cooldowns, and cry foul when they get owned.


    People do NOT know how to play their own class, let alone how to fight specific other classes. Most everyone here fights a Marauder like they fight an Operative like they fight a Sorc. Button mash with no priority or rotation - stun stun stun - button mash - "OMG I'm gonna dieeeeeeee" - try to run away - die.


    I play a bodyguard merc, please list out a tabletop version of how I should defend myself against either of those classes.

  9. First let me give you a little background. I normally play as an OP healer in warzones, I'm not a die hard pvper, I pug 100%, only play at night for the daily/weekly quests. Last night I was specced leathality because I had just done a HM with my guild and hadn't bothered to respec, and something i noticed, was that I was getting no heals and dying VERY quickly.


    After the match I looked at the scoreboard and yep everyone in that battle ground was dps specced ranging from 190k to 300k dmg. This is the first time ever since release that I have not seen at least 1 healer in a warzone. I know personally i'm pvping 90% less then I was before 1.2 and partially I feel that's because healing is not keeping up with dmg in pvp and it's really hurting pugs. I have had my weekly pvp quest in my log now for 2 weeks with only a total of 4/9 wins, normally I used to win 4/10 matches a night now I'm struggling to win 1/10 matches. I will still continue to heal just because I feel concealment is useless untill you have for bm or higher and leathality is too clunky and squishy for me.


    I don't know exactly what changed but I guess I'm just looking for other peoples experiences and possibly answers (and "join a group" is not an acceptable answer for me, my play times are too erratic to be reliably in group play)


    A massive influx of Marauder/Sentinel happened. People started realizing playing a healer where nobody gives a damn to protect us is a fruitless endeavor. That being said, I still love playing a healer and will most likely play my Merc Healer till its driven in to the ground.

  10. Don't confuse control with mobility and act all uppity about it like you know what you're talking about. Advanced Prototype is a mobility spec, not Pyrotech.


    How often during a game do you sit and cast something?


    I don't know why you are arguing about this. :eek:

  11. And what do you play? Do tell.


    I've been playing Marauders/Powertechs since last July. Neither of those were FOTM in beta. Sorc was. And now that it sucks, there is 10x the amount of crying on the forums. I WONDER WHY??????


    Nah they all rolled Marauders :p


    Nobody is blaming you for playing a Marauder or a PT. But, to disagree that they need to be tweaked slighty is just...


    Crazy talk. Look at it from an open perspective and tell us honestly. Should there not be some tweaking??

  12. Should have quoted the source material or gave reference to where you got it, else you'll get called out for plagiarism..this is the internet after all.


    Good read though..although very little of it applies to an mmo since so much of winning comes from relying on the other folks in your group.


    Just like the old 6pool, cheap as hell but you best believe all the top players were abusing the hell out of that strat until everyone figured out how to counter it.


    It all kind of applies to MMO pvp. Some of the context doesn't but the message behind the words do. I'm still trying to figure out how to beat that Nozgat, Katarac premade. I think we are like 0-20.

  13. This is what I find as well. I am almost always force choked AFTER my bar hits white and I've gone through mutliple stuns.


    Likewise, I haven't seen anything recently in this thread about pulls. Resolve seems to randomly affect pulls. I can be pulled through a full resolve bar, or my resolve bar draining. Which, I can also on occasion do that to my target. It seems to me that it's random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, which i don't think was intended.


    Being choked 3 times in a row is just not fun. Had it happen today. I just sipped my coffee.

  14. Uh, you do know that the only a PT pyro gets is a snare removal off of energy shield on a 2 min CD- and it's not even the most popular one to take, mostly because it's limited in what it does. It doesn't remove stuns.


    Their gap closer is on a 45 second CD, and doesn't work against resolve and several movement buffs. Other than that- you have a snare (not unlike marauders), no roots (unlike marauders), no mez (unlike marauders), no escape (unlike marauders), no speed buff in all specs (unlike marauders), no group wide buffs, no trauma debuff- ironic you mention instant cast when PTs have two cast abilities- like marauders- but unlike marauders both can be interrupted by the person you're casting it on.


    Add to that marauders do more damage, have far superior defensive CDs, and rather than running high in heat when bursting- only grow stronger- it's pretty clear marauders are far superior.



    Superior to a class that is indeed fine where it is- PT is a pretty good, balanced class- there's just too many classes that are very weak- and then marauders which are godlike in power.


    I don't disagree that Marauders are far superior because of their survivability and CDs. I do disagree that someone thinks PT Pyro is not a mobile spec.


    You can choose to spec however you want as a Pyro PT. I prefer to spec for sustainability and survivability. Depends what role you are filling in your premade I guess.

  15. Like wise, I have no other incentive to play PVP, other than for fun, (I don't bother picking up the daily) either, just to win a lousy 99 tokens now. But I 'Do' feel fed up facing off against the same people ever day, and as soon as you walk into that game, you know what your in for as well. There is really no chance of success and no chance of failure, if you get my meaning, because you know from the players your up against what the 'likely' out come will be. Hence you see people leaving within the first 30 seconds.


    Read the play to win post. It will help you a lot.

  16. If **** isn't going down in your warzone, you're probably doing it wrong and should just leave.


    I'll wave next time you're sitting their training me, then blowing all your CDs to train me some more. We play on the same server and your premade that you queue with for obvious reasons, stack melee.

  17. Exactly. The class is freaking broken right now. Once again the ones who think they aren't are the ones who either play them, or team up with them to face roll people for easy wins.


    I love when Marauders are on my team as a healer. It means that I won't have a marauder in my face all game. Cause, well, Marauders can deal with Marauders. They have their own little mini game pvp going on.

  18. Kinda but you have to add Queue, join, GET 1 METAL, lose, gain , celebrate


    because if you do not get that metal then it really is worth nothing.


    I've yet to find any metal in the WZs, maybe you could tell me where it is.


    Thank god that I'm a healer and I can gain 1 MEDAL instantly by using any of the abilities on my bar once.


    Even if its a massacre I can pop my shield, my relic my instant cast and get 2 medals. 2.5k heal, 5k heal.

  19. Pyrotech is not a mobile spec. Please explain.


    Did you not just say that you play a PT Pyro. If I need to explain it to you....


    I play an alt PT Pyro and they dominate everything...it has something to do with I dunno, everything being instant cast.


    Hence mobility, snare/stun removals, constant snare.


    I think you know what I'm talking about and you're a bit scared that letting your bag a tricks in to the open, people would realize how OP Pyros are. Don't worry, from playin in low level wz, there will be a huge influx of PT Pyros to hit the PVP scene so its only a matter of time before PT Pyro has a few adjustments.

  20. Damage is the same it has always been aside from Master Strike. Which they JUST BUFFED in 1.2.


    I wonder why all the sudden this forum has blown up into this Marauder/Sentinel hatefest? Could it be because Mercs don't just hit 1 button anymore and Sorcs have been nerfed? Sorcs and Mercs are generally played by bad players, because ranged is king in all MMOs but this one. Hrmmmmm. I think I'm onto something here...


    Everyone else got nerfed, so if you didn't get nerfed, its like getting a buff.

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