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Posts posted by Dartagon

  1. The problem about queuing solo vs group is that if there is not enough solo to fill a group, they wont separate the rest of the grouped teams. IE: 9 people join the queue, 2x 4 groups and 1 solo. Does everyone now have to wait on you before they can play again? No the system checks, doesn't find suitable match up and you remain sidelined till you can be slotted in. I think this is a very good feature. It just doesn't benefit you since you solo queue. Join the premade or ask for a spot when one opens up if it bothers you.
  2. Well that is like saying its unfair that the team with the league MvP and 10 Pro-Bowlers shouldn't be playing the team in last place.


    You can't segregate 4 people grouping up from playing in a game where the other team doesn't have 4 people that grouped up together. It simply will not work.


    It technically isn't fair, which is why most sports put caps in place to prevent team staking and spreading the talent out to other teams. Its not fun to watch, its not fun to participate in and maybe that's what should be implemented in non rated queues. A skill cap, expertise cap. IE: Rated of X value can't join regular queues or something, or if you are above 1200 expertise you can't have more then 4 on your team w/ that much gear etc.

  3. Only for 5 sec.

    They are the first line of pvp.

    If they can't DPS or live long enough for 5 sec then what they can do?

    Tank?Heal? Or be a target practices?


    Others class has higher burst, better CC, some they very own bubble that last much longer and hold more dmg then sent/mara.


    I'm talking with you in another thread about Maras/Sents, I've already made a conclusion that you aren't a very good mara/sent, whatever side you play on. It's ok, you have some room for improvement, that's a good thing. I'll go back to my server where I can have good conversations about the class, with good players who know how to properly utilize the AC.

  4. << Thier CC's are hardly pathetic, they are normal... >>


    Sentinel ccs consist of 2 single target melee range snares (if watchmen specc'd), an aoe mez, a short channeled stun (that is very flakey) and charge's immobize which lasts for less than a sec. Compared to just about every other class in this game, that list is very short and very weak.


    4 crowd control abilities is above some classes. Just saying.

  5. A geared healer will not drop like wheat to a sentinel. If they don't fight back they will drop but for the sentinel I play healers take the longest to kill and many are not solo-able in general melees.


    While I don't think sentinels are a problem in the game's balance at the moment I do have to disagree with the "no aoe" comment. Focus sentinels can do a lot of aoe.


    I only play vs other geared players. Playing someone in recruit is pointless to analyze.

  6. I enjoy the Pyrotech on my Mercenary. The typical build is:


    3/7/31 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000cZMckZcGbbdGGMs.1


    while that is a good build, the afterburners talent gives us a interupt every 9 seconds and a similar build is:


    2/12/27 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000MZMIk0MZcGbbdGGM.1


    the difference in the builds is :

    - gain 9 second interupt and bigger knockback

    - use electro dart instead of thermo detonator

    - lose 1 percent tech and ranged crit chance

    - gain 75 percent pushback on power shot / unload

    - lose 3 percent crit chance and 30 percent bonus damage on enemies less than 30 percent health


    Are these changes worth it?


    I hope you play on a server with lots of healers or a friend that's a healer. I prefer builds that are viable solo queue, but that's just me. I would say either of those builds are decent, last step is to test them out :)

  7. never heard of stealth away?


    Are you referring to operatives, assassins? I don't get the point of your post. Marauders are the only class that can soak up ridiculous amounts of damage and live. Stealth has an stupid easy counter....

  8. I can guarantee pretty much that Donnie does have a good load of dmg - he certainly does not take an eternity to kill someone (only Marauder that gives me trouble in a 1 on 1 against my shadow). The thing that I can also guarantee though is that he is absolutely killable. It's just that going against a good premade with voicecoms. skill and knowledge about strategy with the people you had on your team (I know a few of the names) is a doomed action. Not to mention: If you are trying to go for one player with a tunnel view - it is incredibly easy to protect said player - and it allows him to keep smacking people without a break.


    Yet Marauders/sentinels are the only one that you can effectively do this with. Any other class will go down for the count. I know, I do it all the time pocket healing a decent marauder. He just DOESN'T die. Any other class will.


    I play sentinel and inquisior at my server. Sentinel is quite good at pvp but NOT even remotly OP, if i comared him to others classes.


    because :


    - sentinels dont have real AOE skills

    - sentinel have only two pathetic CC

    - sentinel are pure mele


    Usualy i can make around 300k dmg at WZ with my almost battlemaster geared sentinel, but i can do 2 time more dmg with inqusitor if i am lucky !!!!!!!! 600k dmg with just 4 spell and runing from danger !!!!! Why i dont see here any nerf sage thread? I have zero problems with sentinels/maraders when i play other classes. I honestly think that sentinels dont need nerf but slight buff.


    If you losing vs Sentinels that mean:


    - you dont use your CC corectly

    - or you cant run properly from him if you are range class (most classes can kite sentinels to death)

    - or you atack sentinels and let some healer heal him, so its look like he kill you alone

    - or he outgear/outskill you


    You can decide if some class is or isnt OP just at WZ performace.

    Sorry for my bad english


    So what are all the healers that are being massacred by sentinels/marauders supposed to do. I think your list is pretty short sighted and kind of pointless.

  10. Um... so you lose 2v4 with your premade? Presumably this premade has a healer, 2 dps and a tank. There is no way one sentinel has enough dps to kill someone through guard and heals. Not to mention 4 ppl can keep a sentinel perma-cced. So since you say you're not bad, I can only conclude you are making all this up, seems to be a popular pastime today (just earlier there was a "OMG SENTINEL 1v3 COMMANDOS" thread).


    This happens quite often with one particular Sentinel on Iron Citadel. He can usually pull off 2 vs 4s or 2v3s pretty easily. I'm not saying they need a nerf, but they should really be analyzed. I'm sure this guy would still be an amazing player, probably top player on our server even if the class was nerfed. Good players will be good no matter what, all the scrub maras/sentinels will be scrubs and no longer have a great class for a crutch.

  11. I can get a full set of top tier PvP gear and never win a single match, but the same isn't true of PvE. If I never kill a single operation or flashpoint boss I don't get any loot at all. Why the difference?


    Technically, you get lots of "kills" on players, I tend to get around 30 kills a match. SO....maybe they should add more bosses to PvE, and if you don't clear it all in one sitting in under x amount of minutes. You only get half the rewards....



  12. I feel the Bounty Hunter/Trooper section was very poor and why would we want exact mirrors....talk about an idiot premise


    He failed to mention that the healing varies greatly in favor of the republic. No stupid animations.

  13. Biggest imbalance ever?!? HAHAHA. Way to discredit everything you say or have said with a single phrase. GG.


    They remind me slightly of ret pallies before they got nerfed back to balance. Then everyone moved on except the ret pallies who player pre OP status and post nerf and continued to steam roll people.

  14. That's what people want. They are so angry with how much they suck, that instead of looking inwardly and learning how to play their class, and how to fight against other classes, they want what they feel is the reason that they are getting owned to be nerfed to a state where no one will want to play it ever again.


    Every thread week it's something else. Right now it's Marauders. I'm waiting for the Assassin and Sniper hate ships to sail. NERF SNIPERS SO THAT THEY ARE COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE AHHHHHH!!!! /tears


    No what people want is a tweak. You guys are blowing it out of proportion because you lean on the Marauder crutch.


    We 1 small tweak, if it bring them in line good, if they are still rampant, good. Then tweak some more. This is how you will eventually achieve balance. There shouldn't be multiple tweaks in the same tweak period.

  15. Go ahead.


    Show me the scoreboard on 3 different match displaying a team made up entirely of marauder.

    Then I'll tell you to change server cuz obviously your server has way too many noobs who roll mara cuz they think the class is OP.


    I never claimed there to be a team full of Marauders/Sentinels. But we've had matches where there are upwards to 10-12 warriors.

  16. If you get cut down in 6 sec by any class you need to either:


    A: Get better gears

    B: Get a healer

    C: L2p.


    If you get cut down in 6 secs your


    A: Playing a Healer

    B: Facing a Marauder

    C: Just died from such Marauder even after blowing all CDs so your CDs are not refreshed.

  17. you make no sense what so ever....... a merc/pyro and Comm/assault are mobile by your own words...scound/ops healing is mobile.....only class that doesnt have a mobile SPEC (by using what you described as mobile) is a sage..


    i play a Van/Assault... i would say we aren't mobile simple because we have no real options getting away from people. 2 options thats it .....Degauss and Tenacity


    if being a mobile class is simply instant cast spells/ability's then 3/4s of the specs are in fact mobile.. so the argument is pointless..


    Well yeah, like I just said, pyro is a very mobile spec, as opposed to arsenal. As opposed to NON mobile specs. The strengths of those specs are to remain mobile and are given tools to do so. I don't get the confusion.

  18. I dont. I pug for wz and I still know everyones name.


    Also, screenshot the marauder train or it didn't happen.


    I can certainly post screenshots showing other classes outdps mara on my server.

    Trust me, a team of marauder would not stand a chance against a team with 3 healers plus other dps classes.


    On a sidenote


    let's assume you're telling the truth and there are indeed a crapton of mara on your server. Whose fault is that? Do you actually think bioware is to blame?




    Other servers are doing fine but yours the only one seem to fill with marauder, which means your server is full of fotm noobs. Time to switch to a better server and you'll see how mara can get their ***** handed to them.


    Really, I need to show you a screenshot...sure. My next match I play, I'll show you a screenshot of the Marauder train. I only have screenshots of me owning. :rolleyes:

  19. I can nullify a healer with my Juggernaut. I can nullify a healer with my Operative. It's not just Marauders and Powertechs. it's people that know what they're doing.


    I can probably kill your OP on my merc... Sorry, they don't nullify healers. they have no gap closer, no real snare upkeep no survivability.

  20. Key word: Good marauder.


    How many good marauder do you know?


    I know like 5 on my server, 3 of which are on the enemies side.



    Healer vs mara aren't a fair fight.

    Because they should not even be fighting.

    it's mara's job to stop a healer.

    Its the job of the team to stop the mara stop the healer.


    Swtor is not super smash bro, you're meant to play as a team.

    On a side note, you know why healers got nerfed?

    because they had it too easy.

    While I personally think they were nerfed too hard, a coupla healer on 1 team is still OP.


    When you queue up against the same teams, and you know everyone by name. The game gets boring quickly.


    Its the same drawn out scenario over and over. Marauder trains me all game....every game. Except now, we bring our own Marauder and use the same tactic against the opposition, its a good tactic, I don't disagree, It's just played out.

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