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Everything posted by DeepFreese

  1. If you think a sorc is nearly unkillable than you do not play competitive or ranked pvp. The sorc full corruption has very limited mobility, menial instant casts all with long cooldowns and has no defensive cooldowns other than sprint (I consider bubble a heal not a cd) You could argue that bubble stun in very survivable, but if you're full corruption you are gimping your survivability for the chart numbers.
  2. The game before reading this I did 853k in bubble stuns.. and thats not even close to my highest voidstar in bubble stuns. The 700k+ is not about padding numbers. Healing is healing. The 700k+is about player skill... And OP AOE in pvp?? It is a purple circle that is screaming for people to come smash in it! And thats if you get it off, which is incredibly difficult while being focused(which is always in ranked) What game do you play?
  3. Your cast heals take less time then a sorcs will... you have an instant cast available at anytime you have a tactical advantage...(chiv can't be interrupted:p) and on top of that it can be spammed under 30% on any target. You have hots that are instant cast and your aoe heal(basically another quick hot) is instant cast. Sorcs have bubble with a 17 second lockout, resurgance and the new insta self heal on a 30 second cooldown. Resurgance is weaker than your hots, surgical probe is miles better than our new instant heal and you have sheild probe which is the poor mans bubble. Also you have a real defensive cooldown in diversion...
  4. Loaded question here. The Sorc is neccessary for ranked warzones solely because of the bubble stun... The op is always used as well because they ar less interruptable and more mobile. The bubble stun is going to be nerfed though. Once bubble stun is gone, unless they make changes to sorc healing... there will only be one kind of healer in ranked pvp(Op). So with that I would probably choose operative as it is the safest bet right now. The op has better cc(disregarding bubble stuns) and is filled with hots and instant casts. That being said... the sorc can be incredibly fun to play. The friendly pull is one of the best ways to save a person, and is so useful in huttball(even if pugs pass to me as I am pulling them and dying -.-) The knockback on a sorc is nice, and innervate is just beautiful with resurgance to boost crit. Both classes are good healers, but in my opinion I think your safest bet is the op seeing as a bubble stun nerf is around the corner. Hope I could help P.S. I don't look for female clothing.. but I think you could find something pretty in custimizable light or medium armor
  5. I think being the best pure pvp healer in the game make you incredibly helpful in huttball. You aren't as mobile as other classes, but anyone who doesn't think securing mid is important is out of their mid. Also you have a aoe cc for securing mid when the ball is about to spawn... also they cant stop what they cant see, so use stealth to get in position for a pass, use dodge over fire pits to avoid leap roots. There are a lot of tools a scrapper can use in huttball that are helpful, you just have to play smarter. Good players are good at huttball, no matter what class they are playing.
  6. The combustible gas cylinder burn can proc of white damage. It is very possible he was rapid shotting, got the proc for burn after you put up resilience and then rail shotted. The resilience causes you to resist the burn damage, but since it was put on after resilience was popped the dot will be applied you can still use rail shot... rail shot is also white damage so resilience wouldn't affect that.
  7. This may be the most ignorant post about guarding. Every class hs the tools to survive extended periods of time. Today I was guarding an off turret on my 15k rage guardian. I was attacked multiple times. Because of early calls and being aware I didn't come close to losing that turret. With the proper use of slows, cc's, and kiting any player should be able to at least survive long enough, recruit gear or not. Imagine if the sentinel used awe, stasis, rebuke, pacify(assuming ranged or melee damage), force camo, and GBTF all at seperate times. You don't think he could guard a turret? Edit: Guarding is about surviving. Not winning one on one.
  8. This warzone is my new least favorite in unranked, but I very much enjoy it in ranked. In ranked the op has the stratagy down. It becomes a deathmatch in mid. I really enjoy it. In unranked it is a custer **** where one player can easily lose the game for you. The responses to this post show this. One person keeps going to the off node defended by two players? That is a consant kill for the opposing team and puts us at a man disadvantage for the deathmatch. Also, do you know how hard it is to get two people to defend a pylon? Near impossible. Which is fine.. I will go help the person now solo guarding... and then h runs off. -.- Ugh. I swear pugs will be the death of me. This game for a "deathmatch" requires the most teamwork to not get stomped... other than huttball that is.(but 4 people can win huttball easier in unranked than they can advanced hypergates)
  9. Why the hell do you insist that warzones are all one v one fights?! I can beat a smasher one v one all day in madness. It isn't hard. The issue is that while a smasher can kill a guy in a very few gcds all I can do is put dots on him that tick over 20 seconds. That isn't burst. That doesn't help. That does nothing for a team that is focusing targets. But you're right.. in a one v one a sorc is fine...though if there is a healer around we can't burst through heals what so ever. So if you're convinced that warzones are 100% about one v one than fine.. carry on.. But stay in normal warzones because it is obvious you don't know how competitive play works.
  10. I ran this spec once. It was a lot of fun, managing procs and such. Full pyro is better, but if you're interested in having fun... http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3010MZrsrbobcoZfhrbzh.2
  11. I don't like the idea of being paired up with another random group. I don't want to have to rely on luck of the draw for ranked warzones. It isn't fun. Also that way you have to have one comp... and that isn't how it works in ranked. I know on our server a lot of teams are running a 3 healer comp right now because ttk is so low... Anyways, the point is... like it or not ranked is for bragging rights, and I am not gambling a ranked game on gettinga good secondary group. Instead raise the incentives to queue. If more teams are queueing than just two, rating can then be matched and matchmaking should work. The issue is new teams are constantly getting stomped by teams that have been playing together since ranked came out. There is no incentive for these new teams to keep queueing(other than to just simply practice) and so they dont queue. and A lot of the time these teams never queue again. If there was a reason to queue ranked this whole system may actually work, but unless your a top tier team there is no reason... so why queue?
  12. I do not like this idea. First of all, one v one brings up a whole other issue of class balance. Now the devs would have to balance for pve, warzones, and duels. That would never work out well for all facets of the game. On top of that I play this game entirely too much... but I pay 15 bucks a month and I will continue to play that much. I love ranked warzones. I love the competition. If ranked starts happening often and I am limited to only 5 matches a week I would unsub. This system just doesn't work with how the game is set up. I do agree though that ranked should have more incentives to queue. If we could get the population re-enthused about playing ranked, then maybe a matchmaking system could work. Unfortunately with the queue system a lower tiered team queueing is rarely playing an equally tiered team. With the high rating needed to get anything worthwhile... there is no reason to queue. With an already low server pop you really need to entice people to queue, and bioware just hasn't done this.
  13. 0/10 Ranked pvp is the most exciting and most fun type of gameplay swtor offers. Only issue I see with it is there are no incentives for lower tiered teams to queue, and therefore they all die out.
  14. Whether or not this was a joke, I am down to get some mid day ranked queues. I need moar ranked I will play on any of my chars.
  15. Can I also suggest that anyone requesting help send me a message on the forums. I check for messages almost everyday, and that gives me a good way to communicate
  16. Put me down. I can do Sorc full heals and Sorc heal hybrid. You should also specify sorc hybrids, as there is a heal hybrid and a DPS hybrid.
  17. The time for a dev to do this, even how minimal it may be, is not worth it. Who cares? What will it help you determine? Who you give your one comm and 50 valor to in one out of 4... soon to be 5 warzones? Ask for something important... like class balance... or more warzones. Or that the devs start caring about pvp at all.
  18. I agree with this. Just disagree about making it ranked warzones.
  19. I have been trying to understand this option... as it is brought up all the time. Do the people who support this option play ranked? Because ranked is not a place where I wanna grab another 4 man premade. I want all 8 people on our team to have cohesion. Without it ranked fails... I also know people would not want to lose rating(I know it means almost nothing, but honestly what can we scale anything by if not rating) because they were grouped with a crappy 4 man hoping to get carried through easy comms. Ranked is not a place to screw around. Ranked is not a place to mix and match premades. Ranked is for 8 man teams made to work together, and they succeed because of the cohesion.
  20. I actually find this interesting. My roommate and I have both come to hate civil war. Simply put, I run with a premade. If another premade does not oppose us these games become stupid, easy, and boring. One assassin goes to the off turret. someone goes snow, and then we quickly and literally smash mid. Then we move grass, and fairly shortly after these games can become triple caps. At that point in time, the game is running... and I can do that on the fleet. Would much rather have voidstar or huttball. Edit: ranked warzones are a completely different story. In ranked I like all maps. just not in unranked.
  21. Psi... You're a smart guy. I was talking in general chat today about how good of a sorc you were... so we both know that unranked warzones with a premade against pugs are gonna end up like this some times. I have said before that I always premade. not to roflstomp pugs, not to show off my epeen, but because it is how I have fun playing swtor. But lets be honest, when we have played together with our premades for a long amount we learn how to play with each other. This isn't a get better type thing. This is a superior gear, superior strat, and superior cohesion type thing. Cohesion being the most important in huttball.
  22. That very well could be true. I do not notice it much, as I always queue with a premade normally full of good players to carry my ***. I know that I do not have trouble winning most warzones with pugs, but I chalk that up to me being in a premade with a bunch of good players. Also, as a healer I am not too focused on the other team we are playing. I don't check names, and I don't see if we are in fact playing another premade or not. All I know is press 2 for bubble stun
  23. Coming from the Harbinger, I cannot see how this is the case. I know that I am consistently in a premade, because It is how I have fun with the game. I love my guildies, and my roommate is a competitive pvper with me. We always group. Most guilds group. Unranked isnt fun if you aren't grouping. And trust me, we aren't talking about strat in mumble. Pretty much the furthest thing from our minds. But, back to your point... The Harbinger is pretty well faction balanced, and about half our games we are running into premades of deadweight and covenant and goof troop. Which I find fantastic, I find it more fun. I just don't see how the harbinger could be faction imbalanced, I think we are fairly equal. Edit: I think that you most likely notice more getting roflstomped by premades then you do having a premade to help you.
  24. The issue isn't who will win in a one vs one. I can kite you to death and take 20 or more seconds to kill you in a one v one. I have done it to plenty melee classes. But with a healer, my dots are completely nullified, and to do any "real damage" I have to stand still and eat your smashes. Also, in a ranked game you should be focusing targets, and I should die even faster, and because of roots I wouldnt be able to kite effectively. As a sorc I know you can kill me in about 8 seconds with good crits. On top of that, your damage is so bursty that healers play less of a factor for me. Sure I can kill you and kite you to death in a one on one, but when were these important in our warzones? If you think one v ones are what make classes op or not, you're playing this game wrong.
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