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Everything posted by DeepFreese

  1. Like I said, just whisper me in game and I will play a few games with you, answer your questions, and hopefully get you a better understanding of the game. I was just putting the underlying rule out that I will not tolerate hard core raging.
  2. I understand people rage, and I understand people get frustrated. All I am saying is that if I invite you into my teamspeak to try and be helpful and explain things, I do not want to get an earful of screaming. I have played with players like that and I certainly do not enjoy it. I am offering help from someone who has pvped with 6 of the 8 advanced classes at 50, and 2 at lowbie. I can explain things, I just ask for the respect and decency to not scream or whine during these few matches.
  3. Back off. Fuzzy is all mine.
  4. The issue is teams have been running 8 man rateds for the entirety of ranked warzones. A team's comp is most likely A sorc bubble stun healer, an operative healer, a Jugg tank, an assassin for node guard, a marauder for predation and damage, a Jugg for aoe pressure and more taunts plus the ability to respec for voidstar defense and huttball, A sniper for ranged dps and then a powertech for single target pressure. All of those members are important to a ranked team. Everyone has a specific and different role, and without one the game is different. Why would you mess with the system we have been playing for almost a year? The other team can recognize cheating. Most rated players have enough experience to note a cheat or hack just as well as you can. Make someone stream or fraps. You as an observer couldn't be everywhere anyways. I don't get why you would **** with a team comp. It doesn't make any sense.
  5. It has been brought to my attention that you are using logic and reason about hacking. I have reported you for this, and also some sort of hacking I will come up with.
  6. While not being on the same server as LD50, I have watched a lot of their gameplay(Scoundrel/Op is my favorite type of gameplay to watch) and I am near positive they have been LD50 for months... General rule: Be less ignorant and try to learn the mechanics before blindly calling hacks. It doesn't harm anyone to try and get video, and then to ask what happened. What does harm people are bans bioware has given out only to revoke them, admitting they were wrong about hacking.
  7. Hey, I am also on the Harbinger. Send me a message if you need me to explain things. I can play a few matches and explain the differences with hacking and the mechanics, but for this to work you need to come in with a headset, and be open minded. I will not tolerate you raging like crazy about everything just to have me explain the mechanics. Also, you are going to need teamspeak.
  8. And I think the general consensus is that you're not better than the players in the pub side guilds that you like to trash. So you can say you are better, but it means nothing because clearly everyone in this thread states you aren't. That's including your own ex-guildies.
  9. Asuna its just a pull with my bubble and sprint I can run the fire taking like 600 damage to health, and then its just one button. Anyone can do it. But definitely fun games. That hypergates was too close >.<
  10. The edit is the secret the most popular misunderstanding is that I actually do anything. I just let my premade do stuff and I press the bubble button. Lol but honestly, I am just playing to have fun. I really enjoy the people I play with, and I really enjoy the game. I guess I stay calm because no matter how bad a game is, I know it is just a game, and the next game is ensured to be a better time.
  11. Solid post. In this thread we have addressed something that has been brought up in countless threads, threatened bioware of losing your subscription and called this the worst class balance you have ever seen without bringing up any suggestions. Oh, and of course called bioware idiots. +10 sir
  12. The issue here is that you have done nothing to prove yourself in pvp. You have never shown anyone that you are an elite, or at that matter even decent pvper. You weren't in Goof troop when we all learned to respect each other, and you sure as hell wouldn't make it onto their ranked team. You come to the server with a big ego, yet all I have seen you do is get rolled.. by my battlemaster geared alts. I don't believe any of the top tier pvp guilds on this server have any beef with one another. In fact, I am super pleased with how well we all get along. But you will never know, because I am positive that you will never be in a top tier guild on this server again. But hey, this was your choice. If I were you I would go join your friends on a different server, and maybe learn from your mistakes.
  13. I disagree, I don't even think there is a need for too much of a buff. I do not want more mobility, and I don't want more survivability. I want to make them pay for the incredibly short amount of time a sorc would be in the fight in any competitive game. Sorcs cant be a sustained dps class with no survivability and very limited mobility in ranked.
  14. I believe the point of him saying to talk to the top teams was more because of the incredible errors the OP has in this rnaked tournament. If you want to start a ranked tournament but don't understand that a team needs all 8 players to play at maximum efficiency for their team... then you really need help with the tournament and should turn to the top teams who have the most experience in ranked warzones. I am not on this server, but from my experience all the top pvpers on our server are incredibly nice guys, and are always helpful. I think the top players on your server just think they deserve input in a tournament that will in the end come down to them. Frankly, the OP needs to take the incite of the top players because the tournament as set up now would be a joke in regards to real ranked PVP. On a side note.. Why the hell is there a cost for this tournament? Why would a lower tiered team pay 7 million credits if they know they don't compete with the top teams? Isn't this supposed to entice players to try ranked?
  15. Fine. The difference is roots and ccs keep us from staying at ranged, our only knockback root breaks on damage and our damage comes from pre-existing dots(poor design flaw), DPS sorcs mobility in any competitive game without fadeout is a joke, and don't get me started on burst.
  16. This is what is wrong with this game. Nobody wants teams to G T F O of a ranked queue. We need teams to play against too, and its preseason(time to practice.) You aren't supposed to jump in a ranked game and just beat everyone. Ranked teams have time and practice together. Do you want them to just bend over and take a few losses so you can get your joillies? This is rated warzones... its the only competition this game has, and I sure as hell know every player that plays ranked is going to compete. Ruining the game because good teams beat bad teams? Ha.
  17. I just want to explain to the players of other classes why DPS sorc's are in a bad position. As much as most players want it to be, this game cannot be balanced around 1v1's and playing terribads in unranked warzones. In a ranked match a DPS sorc does not have the survivability to live against focus fire. That is fine, no class can survive against focus fire. The issue is that sorcs and sages have the lowest survivability, and therefore they will have the most deaths, and be focused first by any competent team. If that is what bioware wants out of sorcs, then they can make it that way, but we need the burst capabilities to punish people while we are on the battefront. Sustained damage doesn't cut it with the low survivability we have. We bring nothing to the table except a free kill for the other team because we are killed too fast to get our sustained damage going. Do not try and tell me that sorcs are mobile without fadeout either. Any decent coordinated team with focus will not let you move with force speed. You may if lucky get 10 meters away, but that is negated with a pull anyways. A sorc cannot put out enough dps to offset the amount of downtime he/she will have in a ranked warzone. Some players will try to say that ranked is dead, and a buff to burst will make sorcerers overpowered in unranked, but really, all it will do is force sorcs to be targeted more... just like glass cannons should be... and hell.. maybe players will get better and start focusing... Also please do not tell me to learn to play. I know how to play my class. I have played it since launch, and I do very well with it. I just want a reason to be on a ranked team when they nerf bubble stuns. I love me some ranked.
  18. The main issue right now is that there is zero incentive for a losing team to queue ranked. Faster comms means nothing because war hero gear is incredibly easy to get, and elitewar hero's upgrades are a joke. There is nothing unique from ranked pvp other than a crappy old speeder, and different colors to already ugly and obtainable skins for outfits. Bioware needs to entice people to queue ranked in general, and if cross server queues were implemented all the game would see is the thinning out of ranked warzones with guilds that don't compete. The matchmaking systm is nonexistant, and frankly teams will get tired of losing. Please, please add some reason to queue ranked, because right now lower tiered teams have no reason to.
  19. http://www.twitch.tv/Cards407 Quality Probably isnt good. Music is much worse. Come enjoy
  20. I just started streaming Warzones. I try and play any sorc spec. If you want to check me out it would be much appreciated. Thanks! http://www.twitch.tv/Cards407
  21. This is simply not true. Lightning is the best spec for sorcs. In fact I seem to think I have seen some of these sorcs in my full lightning premades.
  22. Cilas I have watched your gameplay and I would definitely say you are a good sorc healer. That is phenominal. They are hard to find... But with the extensive gameplay I assume you have I don't understand how you are telling this poor guy to level as a sage or a sorc right now. Operatives or scoundrels outclass a sage or sorc in every single way other than bubbles, and bioware has stated they will be nerfing the stun bubble. It is great you love healing on your sorc, and I love healing on mine... But let's throw this guy a bone and let him level a class that is the safest bet for healing... not just taking a gamble on what happens next patch.
  23. Maybe make a special market with special comms revieved only from ranked... with really really awesome customizable gear... and yeah... Fact: If you don't look good you're gimping yourself in pvp.
  24. Here is my issue with this: You were given a friends list. We aren't saying you have a premade of 4 players and that premade never changes. Add good players to your friends list. Ask them to play. If they say no ask other people. I don't think anyone said you are bad, but if you don't utilize premades that is entirely your fault. And cross servers will never happen, so people are doing to have to learn to deal... If you decide you don't want to deal and will continue to complain on the forums, fine, but you have nobody to blame but yourself. The system is there, use it. That's like a marauder refusing to use his defensive cooldowns because some people consider them op. You know what that is? A bad marauder. As the old adage states, "If you can't beat em, join em."
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