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Everything posted by poosticks

  1. poosticks

    Ilum Armaments

    I agree with your suggestions about the need for more PvP quests and objectives in this area, they are good ideas.
  2. poosticks

    Ilum Armaments

    If this dribble is any indication of your average posting then perhaps stop posting altogether. I was simply asking for peoples opinions on the matter and if it had already been discussed you could of been courteous and said so. I am well aware this game is not about me and i never said anything to the contrary. For the record i enjoy the PvP in this game. I am only collecting the armaments because there is already close to zero fighting on Ilum because of the faction imbalance (which is no ones fault).
  3. poosticks

    Ilum Armaments

    I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but i personally find the armaments (or lack of) in Ilum to be an annoyance. It's fair to say that the purpose of Ilum is to provide an open world pvp area, but on my server, as with most others, the imperial faction grossly outnumbers the republic thus rendering this area largely void of action. That aside, the only way to complete the daily/weekly PvP quests is to collect armaments. Is there a reason why, in what is supposed to be an MMO, there are roughly 15 spawns that have a relatively long respawn timer ? I am told they respawn once per minute but with so many players trying to collect them it is difficult to gauge. Why also does only the person looting the armament gain credit ? Could we please add more armaments to the area or make collection of an armament credit a group as a whole ? Pretty please ? As it currently stands it can take hours to collect 30 armaments and it is not fun driving in circles around the same area. I know no-one is forcing me to do this quest but i am working towards the champion set and will take commendations anyway i can get them, especially when considering my luck with the champion bags (near 30 opened and no sign of an unassembled item).
  4. I've opened close to 30 champion bags and have not seen a single unassembled item
  5. Was it just me who noticed the player called 'Babs Bollux' ? Couldn't stop laughing at that for some reason.
  6. I agree that it is not that hard to get up and running when first reaching 50. I myself reached 50 late on monday and had also saved up 1000 wz and mercenary tokens having already bought a champion bag which i kept on my person. With those i bought centurion chest, legs and a champion relic. Last night i completed both the daily and weekly wz win quests giving me another 4 bags and also managed to get enough wz tokens to buy an additional bag. Now i have 4 pieces of centurion gear and am saving for the champion lightsaber. It's not that much fun participating in PvP at the start, you just have to accept that you are going to be cannon fodder for the most part but it will get better later if you stick with it. In my first couple of pvp games at 50 i came out with 9 medals, which is pretty respectable considering i was one of the worst geared people in there (i play a juggernaut so no ranged/stealth kills, medals mainly gotten from shielding/supporting others). In the other games i have played i have gotten anything from 3-6 medals - not that great, but that's just the way it is at the moment. Those that pick on me because the have the gear-advantage are just earning themselves a place on 'the list'. Once i catch them up i am going to pummel them.
  7. BOLTgamer though i think your video should of demonstrated more that just smash crits i think it is pretty decent video attempt especially as this is your first MMO. Ignore the token internet heroes who jump at the first possible chance to trample all over someone and keep enjoying the game as you see fit. I love your attitude as well, looking for new ways to improve your game play and welcoming what little constructive criticism was offered. I won't add to this as i think Richoshist gave some great suggestions but i look forward to seeing another video from you.
  8. I bought the pvp sets available at lvl 20 and 40, i also suplemented these sets by buying orange items off the TM and item enhancements also. Weapons are available from vendors at more frequent intervals. You will actually gain quite a lot of money by leveling through pvp so buying things from the TM will be no problem. I don't think gear is much of an issue really before 50, bolster evens things out quite well in terms of stats. The main disadvantage you will face in lower levels is that you will not have your complete arsenal of abilities or a well established talent spec.
  9. I have reached this rank solely because i enjoy the pvp aspect of this game the most as should be evident by the fact i have been participating actively since level 12. I am well aware of how long it will take to get to higher ranks and i am fine with that, i am also aware that i will need to work hard to get good gear at 50 which i am also more than fine with. What bugs me about your post, and others i have seen, is that the definition of a good pvper seems to be what he/she is wearing. I don't claim to be the best or even good, i simply asked why this restriction exists.
  10. I've been pvping actively since level 12 only taking time out to do class quests while i was still awarded xp for doing them. I am now level 42 and have reached VR 42 and noticed last night that i was unable to progress further. Is VR capped to your current character level before 50 ? if so what is the reason for this ? I really don't see the harm in allowing players to gain a high VR before 50. I've put the hours in trying to become good with my class and aiming to put myself in as good a position as possible before reaching 50 so that i am not just cannon fodder, as seems to be the case going by all the complaints on the forum.
  11. Probably it is the case then, on my screen he most definitely had his back turned to me when the boulder popped out of the floor and then smashed into me. It was just frustrating to see him waddle off while throwing stones at me.
  12. I play sith juggernaut and i can live with having to work to get into melee range and keep my target there, it's fair, but can it at least be a requirement for a sorcerer/sage to be facing me to cast a spell. Yesterday a sage managed to give me the slip and as he was walking away with his back turned to me he threw a massive boulder in my face. The effort these classes put into getting kills does in no way match mine. Mostly i see them racking up kills by chain casting force lightning/pebble chuck which can do quite a bit of damage and my interrupt literally does nothing to combat this. I have to burn a lot of cooldowns to stop them casting and put up a reasonable fight; interrupting when possible, force choke, force push, and backhand to stop casts as well keeping my snare up and putting other attacks in. This enough to counter the average nincompoop, but for a half decent player i may also have to resort to larger cds like invicible or endure pain because they will have the common sense to stun or smash me away while they wander off and if my force charge/stun break are on cd (which more often than not they are) then i have to crawl up to them while being ripped to pieces or try to run away/los until either my charge becomes available or they are so kill hungry that they end up walking back into range.
  13. I hope you have plenty of moth balls to hand, because those moths you promised subs to at the ATM machine are probably going to get mad and chew your clothes.
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