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Everything posted by DeltaEkotte

  1. Holding agro at lower lvs as vanguard can be a real pain, the best advice aside from using taunts when you get them and guard on the highest damage dealing player (sents/maras for the most part) would be to put out as much damage as possible since damage=threat which equals agro.
  2. Kira so far since my sent is still low leveled, but chances are I will just trick out Scourge in dps gear/stance since my sent is also DS.
  3. My advice, grab biochem and grind greens until you hit 400. Then grab the rakata fort stim, armor adreanel and med pack, they will really help you with ops/ hm fps. In terms of augments, I would advice you to wait until you get black hole/ campaign or the pvp versions of those gears so you arnt spending 40k+ aug'ing one peice of gear just to replace them in another peice of gear. For tanking grab shield/fort augs, for dps grab resolve augs.
  4. In the force/tech drop down menu, there is a bonus healing number, is that added to the healing done when you use a medpack in combat?
  5. For leveling, tank all the way, esp with a healer companion, I can do all of the class quests on the planet without before I do a single side quest. For end-game I love dps, it is jsut wicked awsome.
  6. Lost Island in HM. Its the only FP in game that is a real challenge because it not only takes good gear, but the group really has to work together or else the group will fail. So it feels really good when it is over.
  7. I'd say go with Alienware, yes it can cost a lot but they do great work except for one instance with thier M17X lap top. I burned a hole straight through the motherboard after 13 months almost to the day, and have been through two new motherboards and a video card. If you are going to a great gaming lap top and willing to cough up serious money then buy the M18X not M17X.
  8. Even if the word is no, its not going to happen, it would be nice to have an answer just so that we know and arn't geussing.
  9. So if they go out and jump off a bridge (which at times seems like what they are doing with SWTOR) you would follow them off? Great to know this game has such a strong community.
  10. Trandoshan and Wookiee would be nice I think.
  11. There isn't an overall guide that lists each differences between the factions sadly. In terms of class differents each class has a mirror oppisate, meaning that each class on the empire side has an equal on the republic side. That said they are only different in terms of the names of abilities, animation of abilities, and the names of skills in the skill tree. For non-force using classes there is a different in weapon usage. The most in-your-face differences are classes and the weapons that each class uses and eachs storyline in my opinion. Class differences Weapon differences - in order from class list
  12. The only downside to SWG's pvp was that after a few months no one was running Battlefields and I remember waiting for 30+ mins looking at the other faction in restuss waiting for them to cross the auto pvp line. Space pvp was epic on E-Chimy, happened every Sunday and there were plenty of people on both sides.
  13. This is the spec that I use on my tank. http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/juggernaut/10/?build=023200230213120200120320001003020002000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000&ver=15
  14. Yep, I have also been able to que for and get into fp's when I am around 3 levels above the level maximium that is stated in the tool tip.
  15. If you havent already check out the class trailers, they are a ways back in the trailers section and spread out a little my advice would be to go to youtube and search swtor all class trailers and they should come up. Then pick the one that looks the best/coolest/most intresting to you. As one who has played most of the classes, Agent, Warrior, Inquisiter are awsome throughout thier stories, Bounty Hunter is ok but not the best, Trooper is epic, jedi knight is ok, I havn't leveled a smuggeler or consualr up to 50 yet so I can't talk about those.
  16. Gear helps a ton, but its the amount of skill that is important. Generally for Tier 1 FP's tio/recuit/moded gear from dailies, for HM Lost Island I would say at least columi (56 grade mods). As for SM ev/kp tio/recuit/moded gear, HM ev/kp columi, SM EC (aka devona) columi/rakata/black hole, HM EC black hole, SM TfB rakata/black hole, HM TfB black hole/campaign. I'm not sure about Nightmare EC but I would guess that it would be dread guard.
  17. I run on madness also and from my point of view madness is a insta dot spec, as opposed to merc/mando arsnel/gunnery where you have 2-3 sec cast times to do damage. Yes it seems like it takes a while to get the dps really flowing with 3 dots at a time firing something off every global cooldown unlike mercs arsnel or mando gunnary where you have to wait 2-3 sec casting traser/grav round spam before using unload. So when you look at it madness is a high speed spec. As for Creeping Terror it is part of my rotation simply because it is a dot, I can fire it off and forget about it until it ends. Granted I play mostly PvE and its been a while since I ran PvP with that spec but my adivce would be to use it on ball handler or to freeze people in the acid pits/fire squares in huttball.
  18. Here, sorry for getting this too you so late I have been busy with other things. http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/11/?build=020300030000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000302032201220021012203200100
  19. I'm pretty sure that you can only get those sets from FP's, you might want to check the planet commendation vendors also tho.
  20. No aoe's on the Infernal Council, put op HoT's (heal over time) on the final boss phase when you are jumping down, be sure you put up the sorc/sage shield bubbly thingy that absorbs damage on the people who have the lighting balls on them on the final phase, avoid the same lighting balls if they arn't on you. Also on the final boss, be sure to keep the tank at full health and having the protective bubble/buffs that absorb damage becuase the falling pillars hit for a ton of damage, and if the tank is at full health when the pillar falls and isn't damaged then do as much dps as you can on Soa when he is down on the final phase, but that only really applys to HM/NiM.
  21. The trooper armor that you see when you create a trooper character, yellow/white with the shoulder cover and no backpack thingy.
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