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Everything posted by Niconogood

  1. Having played at competetive levels in several MMOs I must honestly say that commando is the most boring class Ive ever played. Yes we can put out some decent damage, and have some ok survivability in hybrid/heal, but heck, we got NO utility, no getaway possibilities, no tricks up our sleeves whatsoever, theres simply no FUNFACTOR, and no way to get better, because the class is simple and boring. I would say its the noobclass of the game. Its pretty easy to learn, but impossible to be top, cause you simply dont have the tools. The class is ***** compared to most others in this game when it comes to utility, teamwork and clever play.
  2. The big question is why pyro/assault is a shared tree with merc/com.? Since it has perfect synergy with vanguard/pt and make them into wrecking machines. While for commando/merc it is utter useless. It makes them about just as immobile as with gunnery, having to spam a weak *** power shot instead of tracer missile, with only half the damage output. I mean ***. Rework the entire tree, and nerf vans/PTs in the process. As of now it is retarded. The best spike/damageoutput in the game combined with grapple (no escape), 2x stuns and craploads of interrupts and heavy armor are simply too much. Especially compared to the zero utility the counterpart that shares this damn tree get.
  3. Totally agree with OP. Make a russian server. I have met nice russian people who actually speak english, but its like theyre one in a million. I myself am from Norway. Although Im 1/8 russian myself the impression you get is that Russians in general are just rude, arrogant, self-centered, violent simpletons. This goes for both MMOs AND vacation. Have encountered russian colonies in both Egypt, Thailand, Dominican etc., and theyre just generally deuches compared to any other nationalities. So please make russian servers to have us normal mannered people dont have to put up with that crap. This is not racism, its just rational dealings when the cultural span and general manners are too diverging.
  4. If you use pyro as a merc you are already bad. Pyro is a vang/PT tree, and have no synergy with merc/commando. If they nerf gunnery merc/commando will have nothing going for it damagewise. I understand they will buff kolto bomb so it will hit 5 targets instead of 3. The healing it does is still ridiculously weak, but it will still be enough to force every merc/commando into being healers.
  5. I just mentioned a game, GW, which is probably the most balanced competetive MMO theres been to date. You can also learn from games like bloodline champions. Stuns are for max 1 sec. Interrupting should be saved for key moments, not just something you use as an opener, and by the time it wears out you are sure they are on max 50% hp, and just have a teamie stun them again to finish him off, no matter gear, skill or abilities used. To counter zergfiests, what you want is soft CCs. I realize that most players come from the pretty simplistic PvPwise environment of WoW, so to put it out, soft CC is CC based on the targets action. Ie. putting debuffs on them that will kill them in a couple of casts if they heal, ie forcing them to DpS or run instead in that duration etc. Something that calls for more clever and timely play. Its already pretty clear that any close to serious PvPer will leave this game for GW2, but hey, SWTOR should at least make an effort, when they now even plan to start ranked WZs.
  6. Any game where you can get stunned and lose control of your character for more than max 2 seconds at a time is a failgame in my opinion. Gear doesnt matter, skill doesnt matter. 2x stuns = you can just go check FB or something, cause you wont be able to do anything in game for a long, long time, and when you do you will most certainly be dead. BW should definitely learn from games that take PvP seriously like GW. Hard CCs like what we see in SWTOR is ridiculous and have nothing to do with skill. Soft CCs on the other hand is what you want. Debuffs that will proc on actions from the target you cast them on etc. Able to be dispelt by teamies etc. Taking damage on action, but still have the option if it would be for the better good and would save the team even if you yourself would be sacced. Currently CC in this game is in a very bad state. Just herpdiderping, sitting in the air, being electrocuted or frostied, unable to do jack for 12 of 30 seconds gameplay at average as a commando healer is just frustrating and hardly what makes for a good gaming experience for anyone.
  7. Mercs/Commandos are pretty much free kills to anyone with half a brain. If you let him stand and spam on you for 10 sec plus without countering it or LoSing, of course you will die. But the same would against any other class in the game. Gunslingers do just as much damage, if not more, yet they are considered one of the weakest in PvP. Gunslingers also have more damagemitigation with 20% cover + 20% scramble field than commandos. Heavy armor only gives 5% more mitigation than medium. They also have more utility with more stuns AND they got interrupt. So a class i OP because its considered "easy" to play? Explain why you think its OP, and we can discuss the specifics in how it is OP in comparison to other classes.
  8. You mean I will not get instantly tagged with a big fat target marker on my head and have 3+ marauders humping my leg nonstop for the entire match? Oh noes, what is this game turning into??? Its madness I tell you, MADNESS!! Faster queues, even playing field. Sounds good. You will still meet the guys with grudges occasionally, and most certainly on ilum. But just not having the same people on your *** EVERY freakkin match.
  9. Rakata is already comparable better than BM-gear. If thats true we would have no need of PvP gear, and all PvPers would be forced to do PvE content to be competetive, decking themselves up in full rakata instead. This is retarded.
  10. Cool story bro. You want me to send you a voiceover so you can remix it into a rap? Well, as it is. The game gives incentives to play. In PvE its about leveling and progressing your story. Pre BM PvP its about gaining valor and faction to buy gear and reach valor rank 60. Every MMORPG offer incentives. Thats how they make people put up with what usually is nothing but a derp grindfiest. Grouping with premades and RL friends on skype and playing from that is fun, but some times you just want your dailys done, and your friends are offline. And as it stands the only way to do so is winning. Point being the GAME offers no incentive for BMs to stay in a match with green puggies which usually involves wasting 15 min to get nothing but a humiliating loss. On smaller servers it also tends to be that people ignore the greenies and zerg the known BMs, as they are the only threat, especially the healers, me. Game being 7 derp greens running around like headless chickens with no clue of what to do and where to be, accomplishing nothing, while the only BM being tagged, having 3-4 guys humping his leg CONSTANTLY. Point being;That ***** gets tiresome after a couple hundred games. I have nothing against being zerged, in fact im pretty used to it. But when you dont get any help from your teammates, and they also neither accomplish jack in the maybe 30 sec i can keep 3-4 guys busy, its just fkin annoying and not enjoyable at all. Thus leaving is a tempting option. They need to offer incentives to stay, or just revamp the entire idiotic daily PvP missions.
  11. Thats my point. Before I hit BM I played out all games to the bitter end due to getting valor/medals anyways loss or win. When you hit BM, medals/valor means diddely squat. So if you know this game wont be enjoyable, and it will provide you with no progress toward dailys. Why bother as a BM. The games leaves no incentive to stay as it is of now.
  12. Like it says. This is from personal experience through hundreds of games. Not like i started out leaving games, but seeing what a furstrating experience it is to play with teammates thats not contributing or simply cant contribute to victory due to being ridiculously undergeared compared to the opposition is very little gratifying. You can be a lolchamp in all the games you want to. attending a WZ in crap gear will still make you a free kill. I see the same thing when i roll with premades and meet those guys, just wiping out 4-5 guys in 4 seconds with some coordinated aoe with a GS friend, is very funny. But not so much if youre on the receiving team. And ESPECIALLY not if youre a healer getting blamed by the greenies for not being able to keep them up while they clump up and derp in 3x coordinated mortar volleys, freighterstrikes and whatnot.
  13. You can say that now, and I had the same attitude. Always taking charge, giving directions etc, etc. Unfortunately most of the time having low hp is also corresponding with lack of skill and gamesense. Have had the entire team limp around in the huttball pit trying to kill one or two random guys, while i singlehandedly have had to defend the highground against the 4-5 inc. ballrunners, time after time. When youve had a couple hundred of games like that you simply just get fed up and rather than having to rip your hair out and say things in public you really dont want to, Ive found it easier to leave up front. Especially when my time is limited, like you only get playtime from like 1700 to 1900 in between work and eveningplans. Leaving and requeuing til you get a team thats not an instalose off the bat is a faster way to accomplish this. The reason I made this thread is that I would like some detriment to leaving. or possible revamp the daily pvp quests. But as it stands now, leaving is so easy and seems to be rather encouraged by BW given the daily quests nature and no deserter debuff.
  14. I used to sit on 102% accuracy in my BM gear. After i changed out all that ***** for the champenchancements for power/surge, my overall DpS has gone up drastically. But of course most of my attacks are tech. I dont however see any justification saccing 10% surge and 10% power for increasing your chance to hit from 90% to 100% for maybe max 1/3 of your attacks.
  15. I see how you as a powertech still can have fun. As a healer however. Trying to heal undergeared people that basically just evaporate in 3 seconds is very ungratifying. Thus leaving is a very tempting option.
  16. Correct answer is 0. Any other stat is more useful. You get alot of that crap in your PvP gear for some ridiculous reason, but thats what moddings for.
  17. ... you join a PuG and all your teammates have below 14k HP? Personally I leave. Not to be an ******e, but simply because I probably wont get a win, and playing pretty much alone vs an entire team is not all that fun either. Winning is also the only reason to play as BM, to complete the dailys. And as of now theres also no penalty for leaving. Must suck for fresh 50 players pugging it, seeing the few higher ranked players leave as soon as they enter, having to play against probably better geared players with players short, losing game after game... But thats nevertheless how the BW intends it to be given the current game layout.
  18. Good observation. It is the worst attempt at OWPvP I have ever encountered in any MMORPG. And Ive played alot of them. This game is very lacking, and every serious PvPer will not continue playing this game after GW2 and the likes comes out.
  19. What do you mean not enough interrupts? We have NO interrupts. Pretty gamebreaking yes. Especially considering of how the entire metagame both PvE and PvP wise is built up around having one.
  20. Hmm.. Ok, thanks for clarifying. Tanks must die then....
  21. Seems many players will avoid guarded healers and rather go for the tank guarding. I dont really see why. You will still do more damage total to a squishy sorc than to the tank guarding. And that damage is also distributed to two players, so you will do lightarmor damage to the heavy armor tank, that damage also being unavoidable as I understand unless he cancels guard. You will also get the added benefit of being able to interrupt the healer. Any diverging views on this?
  22. I nuke down healers all the time even in hybrid spec. But of course thats because Im BM 69 valor with min-maxed rakata/BM gear and those healers are scrubs. What Im talking about is even matches against opponents of equal gear/level. Thats were commandos will have no way to win, unless they GET very lucky, aka you crit on all your attacks, and they crit on none of their heals. Not being able to interrupt is terrible. And move in to interrupt PB? Have you any idea of how much DpStime you will lose by that? You also realize that you WILL knock the target further away when interrupting, which again means you will have to move closer and waste DpS time to do a second interrupt. Try playing the class and understand the mechanics first before trying to theoretizise nonsense.
  23. Knockbacks demand point blank. All healers are ranged. Thus not viable. To make mez instacast you have to use an additional skill first, which means your instacast still got 1,5 sec effective casttime. Thus not all that much better. So.. NO interrupts.
  24. How we beat healers? Basically.. We cant. We got no interrupts. Only way is to burst them down, try stunning them at 50%, and hope you proc some crits to burst down the rest of his hp in 4 sec. Against competent, geared healers, theres no way. Commando NEED an interrupt. In its current state its gamebreaking. We are the most prone class to receive interrupts, but we cant do it back? Just stand there like idiots and watch him cast heeeeaaal after heeeeaaaaall after heeeaaal. Thats just beyond annoying. Probably the most annoying issue Ive seen in any MMO ive played. Complete lack of utility as commando. Makes for very boring play.
  25. Know the feeling. DpS Commandos are prolly the squishyest class in the game, heck even the comparable immobile gunslingers got 20% reduction from cover, which puts them 15% in damage reduction over heavy armor. They also got the immune***** for 5 seconds, and they can pop the bubbledome for additional 20% reduction. Thats 40% dmg reduction right there. I could get away with being pure gunnery a while, but when you hit valor 69+ on a small server people tend to watch the scoreboards, with the result you being limbolined by glowstickers from here to eternity every time you show yourself. That forced me to go gunnery/medic hybrid for added survival. I for one would really welcome a servermerge at this point. Not just to reduce queuetimes, but to make the matches more generic. After a while it becomes too much personal issues in the WZ on small servers. Solokill a guy 2-3 times on ilum and you have him on your tail in every WZ forever after.
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