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Everything posted by PRSturm

  1. Then I guess I'll just keep interrupting them.
  2. Yeah you're right. You're a War Hero. I'm just valor 58 subbed from early play which means I'm not a dedicated customer that deserves the red carpet you want every time you want cookies (or something). Seriously? I've played just as long as you have, subscription-wise, and no, I didn't spend 4 weeks straight grinding out to War Hero. This doesn't mean I'm not a dedicated customer, or deserve less consideration than Your Highness. You sound like Princess Leia before Han gave her a reality check.
  3. We've got a couple guildies who leveled almost purely by PvP. It seems a fine way to go about things. Probably bypasses a whole lot of unnecessary gear churn as well while leveling. (The whole new piece of gear that lasts all of 1 hour before the next one comes along thing.)
  4. I came over from Yahoo! Chess. And Farmville.
  5. So you died in PvP. I fail to see the issue.
  6. Thanks for the attempt. I need advice since there is one real good Operative on my server than can consistently own me. Since they are so rare, I've never had the practice time to figure out how to be competitive with them. Only class in the game that goes through me like butter. (Vanguard SS). Usually when I get ambushed by an Op I just sigh and wait to die and respawn and go play. I don't get pissed or anything I just start over.
  7. And leet programmers can type fast and accurately. So can court reporters and secretaries. So can just about everyone else in the world. So no, it isn't about typing fast, it's about a 13 year old pretending to be a programmer. What's your code look like anyways? Must be a terrible mess.
  8. Another leet programmer who can't spell.
  9. I like them all equally. Voidstar for the mass damage. Alderaan for the tactical monkeying around. And Huttball for the team work.
  10. PRSturm


    I guess I'm just lucky. I'm a Vanguard, I always get my resolve immunity as I'm coming down the last ramp to the goal-line, crawling my way excrutiatingly slowly for the score. I like it because it pisses everyone off. I could literally drag myself by my finger-nails and not die being swarmed by five people wondering how the hell I'm so invincible... it's the best part of the game. Let the Jedi and Sith jump and swoop around like a bunch of silly ponies. I'll linebacker it to the end every time. Part of it is pure numbers: if you're getting CC'ed that much, you're getting swarmed. And whether or not the resolve works, you're not supposed to survive getting swarmed. So it seems a moot point to me. If you are getting lolslammed/focused... well that's what happens. Resolve shouldn't be a mechanic designed to let you simply ignore the reality of being mobbed.
  11. My guild has cent-geared healers getting 300k. I don't know what the issue is. Maybe your friend just has to be a little faster.
  12. Constructive advice: tell your friend to play another class. If the class you're playing isn't enjoyable for you, then you're playing the wrong class.
  13. PRSturm


    I think the design is fine. About "half the time" resolve "doesn't work" which means resolve, by any account, pro or con, is working in mitigating CC dominance "about half the time". If it "worked" all the time, as people want it to "work" (ie: never having to worry about CC), it would be a silly system designed to neutralize itself.
  14. I always stop and wait for the fire to end. Because i'm a SS Vanguard. I take less damage from being swarmed than I would in the fire. So I let people wail on me with utter futility. Or I Storm through the fire if someone is dumb enough to stand there and let me pounce them.
  15. PRSturm


    The only thing wrong with the resolve system is that it shows you the bar. Take away the transparency and the bar and it'd be fine. This aren't supposed to be so friggin' transparent. Resolve is like an envrionmental element to the game. There are enough bars and numbers and math. Quit turning everything into a number-crunching calculator game!
  16. PRSturm


    Resolve is not a single-player mechanic. It's that simple. Resolve is not an ability to use to your advantage when you need it. Resolve is a match-wide system designed to reduce CC dominance over a range of time and players. It isn't a button you push that is there for you to be a winner. It is a pure balance mechanic working over an entire range... resolve is not your friend. It has nothing to do with you. It isn't there to help you. It has nothing to do with helping individual players.
  17. PRSturm


    Resolve wasn't meant to neutralize CC as a factor. It is meant to manage CC as a factor. For some reason, people have this idea that Bioware programmed a game with CC, and then re-programmed a system to remove it as a factor... that would be hilarious.
  18. Dear DPS, I'm a tank. Sometimes I'm about to die. Sometimes I throw the ball to you to avoid them getting the ball. So when I throw it to you, please do not throw it right back to me. Signed, Vanguard
  19. I'm a SS Vanguard with some points in Tactics as well. I engineer the battlefield. I taunt, stun, freeze and damage debuff everyone near me. I interrupt, DoT with Gut, and step back to bring the rain with Mortar Volley. I move in and out of the fight, always keep track of my healers, and distract sorcs by Storming, Gutting, interrupting and debuffing. The AoE Explosive Surge does about 700-900 damage while giving everyone a 4 percent damage debuff for 15 seconds. Keep taunting, keep debuffing and keep interrupting. You are a battlefield engineer. You are not a 1v1 or anything like that. Ion Cell and HIB help pad other people's damage... that is, ATTACK WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE ATTACKING. Stockstrike as well. You're there to augment your team's damage while mitigating the bad guy's damage. Good tanks SEEM overpowered because they spend, at most, 3-5 seconds on a target before switching to someone else who needs interrupting or taunting. Meaning, they don't stick around to get DPS'ed down. The best part is, people don't tend to notice you because you're not facerolling anyone in particular. You're kind of an annoying but very effective bug.
  20. I find it hard to believe that anyone is actually so exclusively invested in one game mechanic that changing it will make them stop playing. Srs. Aw man, that one game mechanic was the whole reason I played! Really, it just sounds silly.
  21. Usually the loudest whiner is on the bottom of the list... probably because they spend the match typing rather than playing.
  22. PRSturm

    Not OP?

    I just see a guy with great heals support.
  23. PRSturm

    Is SWTOR dying?

    I submit that most 50s are currently leveling alts more than they were at the beginning. A lot more alt play as people burn through the content. And hey, when there's an expansion, you have your main ready to go! Amazing. Logic, it is an astounding thing.
  24. Well, my schedule for SWTOR is one raid a week, 2-3 Hard Modes a week, a lot of warzones a week, and when I'm up to the grind, I do dailies to take a break from everything else. Sometimes I take a couple days off (gasp), and haven't even hit valor 50 yet! If Ilum is dead, I can do other stuff, or if nothing is happening, I have an alternate character to fill in the gaps. I can even help out our team by taking new players and new 50s through some stuff they haven't seen yet, in order to strengthen and tutor the guild... so um... well... I don't know, I think maybe if you bought a game for warzones and all you play is warzones, you're wasting 80 percent of your money.
  25. PRSturm


    Let me guess, you're one of the OMG leet PvP'ers that run in circles for "tactics" and leet play. I love it. Hey, you know how you keep faced on someone trying to circle? Walk backward. It's my absolute favorite part of the BS that gets passed around as "skilled" PvP play. Or, you know, keep running around each other in symbiotic orbits and wasting time and energy. I'm a shield-spec vanguard and I EVEN KEYBOARD TURN and all the leet, awesome, mega-PvP players run around in little circles like crazy little people. I guess that helps them or something.
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