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Everything posted by Nicolettexiv

  1. Absolutely not. I just understand that, the way I play, every so often I have to complete 5-10 quests to generate credits, sell my loot, and sell some materials to support my characters. I've never played an MMO in which I could endlessly gain currency, and never have to spend it. If I did, I'm afraid there would be no value to anything. I'd return the favor and suggest that you must be one of those ones who doesn't want to put effort into anything, but that would be rather presumptuous of me, wouldn't it? Everything in this game generates credits, if you don't enjoy participating in those aspects of the game, I don't understand how any of it could be entertaining. You can craft, farm materials, run quests, complete space missions, group finder dailies, pvp dailies, Story mode ops, hard mode ops, etc. If you're not doing any of those things, how are you incurring repair bills? Without doing any of those things, what content interests you? I don't enjoy running dailies every day, and when I do actually run them I go with friends; we make them fun. I make credits selling things, and if I'm getting low, I go do quests. Yes, I raid, but I'm not by any means a hardcore elitist - I'm a casual player. I suppose because I've played other MMOs, and have been a producer at a game developer, it may be that I just understand MMOs have an economy, and the consequences of giving players everything they want without earning it. You have to earn money to cover the consequences of damage, and to obtain certain things. So, when I need it, I earn money by the means provided. Seems logical. That's part of the game, that I play for fun with my friends.
  2. Are you joking?? I can't tell if you're trolling or not. They're HALF the price they used to be. It used to be 20-25k, if not more, to extract a single mod. Now it's more like 8k-12k. I swear the forum users won't be pleased until everything is nearly free, and quick and easy to obtain. And who would put a purple augment into a white item? Definitely trolling. You're good, you.
  3. Yeah, yesterday when I did those quests (for the second time) it started to look like a savannah/serengeti watering hole around the pylon: slow movements, everyone's a little jumpy, a little distrustful, a little too eager to act.. so, because I suck at sage PvP, and at the time we only had myself and my friend's scoundrel... we devised a system. I was bubble stun spec, bubbled both of us, he went down to wait by the pylon, I'd strategically burst his bubble (stuns!) and then yank him out when the orb was placed. And then we ran. Like hell. Stressful, annoying, but still worth laughing at.
  4. There are two PvP quests. The others are PvE. The other quests can be completed without venturing into the PvP zone, should you not wish to participate. There are world bosses to kill that more than make up for not doing the PvP quests. Were they to give the PvP quests objectives of killing other players, there would be a great deal more griefing. Yes, it's annoying if I choose to do the PvP quests, as I only PvP on my operative. My other characters don't have War Hero gear, and it's a pain. However, We get our guild into two groups and run through it, in a pack. Today I didn't feel like bothering, as we killed the open WBs 3 times each, and Xeno on SM and HM. It's totally optional to go do PvP, especially if you're not fond of it. If you're doing all of the PvE quests, and WBs, you shouldn't be hurting to get your rep up. I honestly think they were simply trying to please both crowds, by offering them both what they wanted. It also gives the opportunity for PvE players to see if they want to PvP. Wishful thinking, obviously, but I don't think this is broken. Especially with all of the cries from PvP players for more open world PvP, after so much catering to PvE.
  5. No, It's just the Gree. Voss, Section X, and the Space Missions won't be leaving/unavailable for a time. More on the event: "All events we run will be designed with the possibility that they may be reactivated again, and, while the Gree’s time on Ilum will be limited, we are already making plans for them to revisit multiple times over the course of this year alone."
  6. Did you not play before 1.2, when repair costs were ridiculously high? The current repair costs are still cheaper than they were. Not to mention the cost of extracting augments. Let me repeat that, the costs used to be much, much higher than they are now. They've stated that the system was flawed previously, as it was not taking into account the level/quality of modifications in the gear. Repair costs were only being based on the item's shell. That is why they've increased. Or just don't die. Uhhh... This game consists of questing, running group operations and flashpoints, as well as PvP, all while in a glorified chat room. These involve missions. This is the entertainment. Corellia takes maybe 30 minutes if run efficiently, with a friend. Belsavis: Section X, perhaps 45-1 hour if you can find a group in a reasonable amount of time. Illum, maybe 20-30 minutes. I'd hardly call that an all day grind. Plus, you get commendations for end game items - Dread Guard or Campaign relics, Rakata implants and earpieces (the implants can be sold for 100k+) .. so it's part of the game, and what is supposed to be entertaining. It's a quest based MMO. Mind you, one day, three hours, would cover your repairs for more than a week, unless you die often. Which, in that case, I'd suggest revising your game play strategies. Run them with a friend, and you've got a decent way to kill time prior to your raid/group pvp/etc. etc. It really is what you make it. Also, TFB SM Comms run gives a crazy amount of credits. And it's easy. I mean... I just do. not. get it.
  7. 500k/day for dailies, not including the new event or voss, not including PvP or Op/FP dailies and weeklies, not including space missions, is throwing money at you. Oh, that doesn't include selling the daily rewards, 15k-28k/ea. or crafted items, or mission items (gifts and mats), or random vendored greens/blues/junk. It all adds up. Tonight, I did 16m HM xeno and 16m SM xeno. My repair costs, in full Campaign? 98 credits. For each instance.
  8. I am completely OK with not being able to get Champion level rewards during the event's first appearance. Otherwise, what's the point of making it repeat? We can't complain about lack of content, and then complain when we can't render it obsolete immediately. You're not intended to be able to get it in the first two weeks. If games continually hand you things with minimal time invested, players will continue to get bored, and the game will continue to lose their player base. To freak out that you don't get to obtain Champion reputation gear within the first two weeks of the event is a bit overkill. Not only that, but they also want to balance out the rate of accruing reputation, so the players who, say, aren't fond of running dailies all day (jobs, school, families) on multiple characters, still have a fair shot of getting their reputation rewards as well. I have 33,660 points in rep sitting in my bags, I capped on the first day, but I also have multiple alts and have farmed world bosses. I have ample time on my hands during my vacation. Someone without that amount of time would be here in the forums, ranting, that they felt shafted that someone could have all of the rewards already (were there no cap). Bioware has to choose a middle ground to attempt to keep the various types of players happy. ALSO, the vendors will be present even when the event is not. So, you can utilize your trophies to meet the caps even while the event is gone, and still be able to visit the vendor. Guild Wars 2: To get your dungeon gear, you would have to run approximately 54 instances. Of the same instance. For your first set. The best weapons take a major grind and gold sink. World of Warcraft: Faction rep grinds took forever without tabards. Their latest xpac factions take at least a month to grind up enough rep. Accumulating valor points for raiding gear is capped, and takes ages. About a piece/week. SWTOR: faction takes around 4-5 weeks to reach LEGEND if you use your trophies wisely, to exceed the cap. Gives you full set of tier gear upon hitting 50. Full set of recruit/Battlemaster gear when you hit 50. Easy as hell to get columi and rakata. 159 Black Hole comms/week are available to get 3 major pieces of gear/week. Are we really complaining about how long things take in SWTOR? If a game makes things too quickly and easily attainable with minimal investment, they lose their players. If content can be rolled over and progressed through immediately upon release, they lose their players. God forbid they try to put some lifespan into an event, and thus their game...
  9. No, but this may insure that people do their research prior to joining an Op, it may increase raid awareness, and possibly encourage them to work for just a few more upgrades (via dailies) before jumping into a HM EC/TFB run. My raid groups aren't considering quitting. Because we run dailies (500k+ credits for one day, on one character - they're pretty much handing it to you, they're so easy.) We also craft in-demand items, materials, and run crew missions to generate revenue. The repair fees used to be much higher, and with so little need for credits, I think it's impacted the games economy, as no one really needed the money. Guild Wars 2 is a successful game. It is a very, very slow process to earn gold. You have to either craft exceptional items, or sell materials that are rare to make any headway. This game practically throws credits at you. If someone is willing to unsub (which is proclaimed so often it's reminiscent of a dramatic wife threatening divorce over spilled milk..) or stop playing due to the costs of failure (that you can work to avoid) - expenses that are easy to cover, if one is willing to work for it -- then I think they may not know how easy they have it in this game.
  11. Um, when this game first launched repair costs were higher than they are now. You know, back when there were more subscribers. Two deaths in KP (this was soon after release..) could amount to over 50k in repairs. When they reduced the costs it was a MAJOR decrease in repair fees, to the extent that many of us were gleefully shocked. Same goes for extracting mods. 22-25k, if I remember correctly, for each purple, high level mod. I had to do dailies, to keep up with my expenses. While it's not fun having to pay a higher fee for repairs, I think this also has some positives of making people take wipes a bit more seriously. With the amount of godawful pugs happening lately (apparently I've had extraordinary luck in the past) perhaps now people will actually put a bit of effort into not dying. Another potential benefit is the possibility that people won't ravage the in-game economy by wiping out markets on the GTN with their lack of basic understanding of economics, or perhaps laziness; heavy undercutting and listing items for vendor price, or less. I've seen items listed for less than the listing fee. Perhaps now, they'll put a bit more thought into how much they're selling things for, seeing as they'll want the extra credits.
  12. The Gree event release states that this event will be recurring, but there hasn't been any information - that I've been able to find - on how often it will reoccur. Whether it be once a month, every other month, quarterly, etc. In all of the stockpiling and planning to achieve higher reputation, it would be nice to know, if possible, how often we can expect the event to come back (and would probably relieve a few of the trophy hoarders ) So, how frequently will the Gree event be returning? Any information helps. Thanks!
  13. So over the last few weeks, I've noticed that after the weekly reset, the group finder role selection also resets, leading to several groups with someone critical (tank, healer) not realizing their roles have been set to default when they intended to queue as DPS. This either leads to the group quitting, as said individual(s) don't have the gear to respec, or - what I've noticed more often - someone who either doesn't read party chat or chooses not to respond, has queued as tank or healer, and the group has to deal with it until someone realizes the silent one isn't tanking or healing, but rather dpsing. THEN requeue. Every week, this results in several groups that are nothing short of a hot mess waste of time. So.. until this is resolved, please check your roles before you decide to queue. It makes things much more efficient, and cuts down on the ensuing nerd rage.
  14. If you're close to the cap, say, within a few hundred points or less, you can use a trophy (purple being ideal), which will put you over cap. You'll still get all of the reputation points for it. I have no issue with the PvP portion of the event. They limited the number of PvP quests, and while yes, it can be frustrating, I can appreciate the initiative for people to try it; to work together, to be challenged, to attempt at strategy. However, you can always join one of the World Boss (Area Quest) groups and gain the reputation that way.
  15. I see no issue with having to wait until you actually achieve the required rank to buy the item. What is the difference between: 1. Buying items now, despite not being able to use them until you've passed through all of the weekly caps with stockpiled trophies (while the event is inactive) or 2. Buying the items when you've met the requirement, after passing through all of the weekly caps with stockpiled trophies (while the event is inactive) Either way, the time until you're able to use the items is the same. The only difference being you're out the cash earlier, and it's taking up space in your inventory while you're waiting to be able to use it. WoW was the same way. You don't get the privilege of buying the item until you've achieved that rank. You're not entitled to it. It's beginning to sound like a cultural problem.
  16. Just to reiterate, If you have done damage to the mob, with an aoe, conal attack, etc., they're grey to other players. They do not get loot or experience. Not every mob drops items - in a group of five or six, it's normal to get loot from only two or three of them.
  17. More like you're encountering the players who don't help, and the players who do. You're displeased with both.
  18. And if you're in a group, you get increased xp.
  19. That is THE WORST. I play a sage and a sorc. I don't get how other players do not understand that pushing a mob is not helping. ESPECIALLY if the class is melee. Additionally in FPs, blowing the mobs away from your tank is a pain in the ***. /endrant
  20. While running dailies, our group will usually help defeat the champions spawned. Especially if there's a line of people waiting to do it - not only to save the player time, but others as well. I've never considered it to be potentially annoying, as I know I don't particularly enjoy soloing a champ with 9 people waiting for their turn. It seems a bit rude to sit and watch someone apparently struggle. Good to know, thanks for sharing your perspective.
  21. Unlikely, until it's purpose is discovered. They'd probably like to crack it first.
  22. Thanks for quick and informative post. We were just waiting for Gravak'k to spawn, and weren't sure if there was a means to summon him or not.
  23. When pushing to 50 on alts, we usually hit up the Belsavis and Ilum dailies at level 47, and finishing them will usually push you to 50. That, or run a few flash points. My last alt wound up hitting 50 in Voss, especially with the use of the Major XP boost. That might help?
  24. And then piss off the people who are using the shells for their set bonus with black hole mods? Do you really want them to dedicate time to going through obsolete gear and adding the set bonuses to the armoring on a tier set that is granted as soon as someone hits 50, and soon replaced, while pissing off other players? Instead, they give you cheap and easy Campaign Armorings. With 159 commendations/week, and each armoring at 36 comms.. it's not that much effort if the set bonus matters. Then, at least when you pair your Campaign armorings with your tionese mods and enhancements, in your $15 gear set, you've put a little effort into it.
  25. 1. They've significantly reduced the cost of extracting mods. To the extent that, upon returning to the game, I was cringing in anticipation of spending 400k+ credits for my gear, and was rather relieved to see that such was not the case. 2. The earlier tier set mods are not able to transfer the bonus, as it was a feature added later in the game, and would have required the reworking of the existing armor sets. 3. Tionese gear used to be earned by farming commendations, or drops from flash points. It is not a reward for hitting level 50. They began giving level 50s a starter set of Tionese because the gear gap for new 50s proved to be too challenging for some players. 4. It's unfortunate you find the tier armor to be immersion breaking, but remember that it's your opinion. Some people really like it, and when working hard to achieve it, were proud of it and what it signified. 5. I have the phantom set. I have my set bonus, as I have campaign gear. Campaign armorings carry the set bonuses. Therefore, the cartel market armor doesn't have a limited lifespan, otherwise you wouldn't see so many progression players rocking it. The purpose of tier gear is to both reward players for completing challenging content, and also to prepare them for more challenging content. (Tionese* > Columi > Rakata > Black Hole > Campaign > Haz Mat > Dread Guard for Hard Mode Flash Points > Story Mode KP / EV > Hard Mode KP / EV > Story Mode EC > Story Mode TFB > Hard Mode EC > NiM KP > HM TFB > NiM EC respectively) Meaning... If you don't intend to play through the more challenging content, and prefer to do dailies, questing, etc. instead, you really don't need the gear set bonus. In fact, many of our raiders prior to the latest operation, chose to upgrade to Black Hole, bypassing the set bonus, while working toward Campaign gear. If you DO want to progress through the content, and feel the set bonus really helps you, you can do black hole/group finder dailies, and for 36 BH commendations, purchase campaign armoring, which carries the set bonus. Then, while you're working through content, you can simply replace the mods and enhancements as you get higher tier gear. (don't even get me started on augments!) Anyway, yes, cartel market armor can still carry set bonuses, and many end game players use it. So it doesn't have a short life span, other than getting bored with how it looks.
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