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Everything posted by Nicolettexiv

  1. I saw that as well, however they've promised most changes to be "soon". I've been out of the game for over a month, as I am sitting at 50, with no opportunity to do any end game content due to lack of population. Thus, there is absolutely nothing for me to do but craft/sell, which is pointless at this stage. They've focused on adding end game content, yet haven't addressed the problem of those being unable to find groups for said content. In an MMO. (...)
  2. I see no reason that legacy experience wouldn't transfer, being that standard transfer procedure includes all inventory, currency and experience. I also believe it would be simple to implement the standard procedure of retaining your name, unless someone already has it, and at that point triggering the renaming of your character(s) in the character login screen. I would imagine it would work similarly for legacy; if your name is taken, it then triggers the legacy naming ui. Although, considering there aren't even legacy rewards implemented yet...
  3. Ha ha. This is directly contradictory to EA's standard business practices and procedures.
  4. I support this as well. When I first got into the game, during early access, I chose a "standard" population server, wanting to avoid the capacity limit queue times. I thought I was being wise and responsible Alas, My server never seemed to increase after that point. Now, it's ghost town with low-level planet populations averaging 10-15 people (High level? haha. I was either alone, or 1 of 3 people on planet.. starting at alderaan) and the fleet hovers between 11, and sometimes up to 35. This means finding Heroic quest groups, FP/OP groups, etc. is nigh impossible. Not to mention, lacking any sort of community (which they're so trying to build/protect, apparently) as there is no one to commune with. (ha) I rolled a character on two other servers, which were more densely populated (Ajunta pall being "heavy" and Zaalbar dabbling with Standard), but having already leveled 2 characters all the way, and a handful of 20-30s, for a total of 6 characters.. I really don't want to have to endure the process again, especially not for a class I've already played through. I think server transfers are an absolute necessity, especially for those of us stuck on servers that are light 90% of the time. Perhaps it was a mistake to open so many servers without the player base to adequately populate them - condensing them would be nice, however maybe some don't mind never seeing a group. I don't even mind losing my legacy name - although, there is no excuse for losing the experience - I am somewhat attached to it, but being able to experience all content is more important. Surely if Blizzard can figure out how to transfer you with all of your items/rep/currencies, in a smooth seamless manner, Bioware should certainly be able to. Moreover, I don't mind PAYING for it. AT ALL. As the lack of other players severely limits my MMO experience. Let's put the massively in MMO.
  5. I'm waiting to find this out as well. I know a vague statement was made that they could possibly be implemented in the near future, but it's rather frustrating being on a server with planet populations never exceeding 10-15 and the fleet reaching heights of only 25. It is IMPOSSIBLE to find a group for heroic quests, meaning I'm missing out on decent, quick gear upgrades and finding a group for FPs is also, impossible. In my opinion they opened too many servers for too few players. Signing in to my lightly populated WoW server is overwhelming, as it now almost appears overpopulated.
  6. HA HA! Your signature! It's surrounded by a moat of urine colored fluids, with slave girls dancing in it on one side and party goers vomiting in it on another. Oh, Nar Shaddaa! sorry, off topic..
  7. Before I decided to bail on mine, I did youtube the final scene; and it basically looks like a corporate quarterly profit earning conference or something. In a really bad conference room. Seeing that completely sealed the deal for me. No. Way.
  8. So far, I have only reached 50 on my Inquisitor, but my Smuggler is at level 40, and I have to say the smuggler storyline seems the most entertaining thus far. No one is controlling you or giving orders really, you're just trying to get your bloody ship back and either cover your own arse or exact revenge. It seems rather fly by the seat of your pants and make the best of what you have to work with. Further, I liked how they incorporated Risha into the story line, and bumping into Akaavi was rather fun as well; albeit, I wish she retained her battle prowess when she became my companion... I was a little bored through Hoth, and I left off at Belsavis. Now I have a SW and IA at level 25. I'm waiting to see where they go!
  9. I agree wholeheartedly. I had a female consular, and around level 30 I was just so bored with the story and character that I bailed on her. I then created a Sith Inquisitor, and loved the storyline. I wasn't as crazy about my romance with Andronikos, although some of the dialogue/follow up mail was rather entertaining. I preferred Corso, to be honest (my smuggler companion). Can I mention, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan? So this isn't nerd love, or fangirl stuff. This is the perspective of someone outside the target market demographic. Well done, I say.
  10. Oh, Kaliyo is deffs going to be my girlfriend. I mean, she already calls me babe and goes drinking with me. Come on. It's a given! I'm just waiting for that one crazy night in Nar Shaddaa. Talos and Theran are the likely candidates for s/s male relationships, if they were to be restricted to certain companions. I just think it's unfortunate the female playerbase misses out on so many of these romantic/flirt options. Male Sith Warriors actually get a love triangle/ two possible romanceable companions. I'm jealous. That's a lot of XP and an entertaining break from slaying mobs. Moreover, even in general quests, I've got six female characters, and I can count MAYBE ten occasions in which I get to flirt. Even fewer where it actually goes somewhere. Male characters get at least one hook up per planet. Just saying... keep us ladies entertained as well. And whoever wrote the Jedi Consular female flirtations..... Really? #Awkward.
  11. You COULD always get a different chest piece. Or equip a head piece of sorts that hides the hood. I am a little bummed that the entire jedi color palette seems to be shades of brown and taupe, while the empire gets bright colors, glowing lights, etc.
  12. With that logic I guess they're also not likely to be implementing a legacy system, or new flashpoints, or fixing PvP balance, or fixing Ilum... Point was, Stephen Reid acknowledged that people wanted it, and they're looking at ways to incorporate it. This has nothing to do with flavor of the month; I already have those characters, and never have I seen dps readings/meters measuring output. I simply enjoy playing those classes. After rolling on my first pvp server, and realizing on my level 15 IA Sniper, that not only do operatives get stealth (which, yes, I knew) that would come in handy, but I could run up and stab things. IN contrast with my sniper in which I barely get a shot off in a group before the mob is down. Which not only means I hardly can contribute with 1.5-3 second cast times, but I'm really only handy in boss fights or soloing. Those are things, cast times and such, that aren't explained when choosing your class. Is it unreasonable to at least ask to see the trainable abilities before hand? Then you see dps numbers, cast times, energy costs, etc. and can better evaluate a permanent decision.
  13. Stephen Reid on Advanced Class Switching http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/
  14. This Seriously, any wow reference anyone makes is essentially obsolete, as one can ding 85 within a few weeks of running straight dungeon finder, even sooner with BoAs and Guild XP bonuses. No grindy quests. AND you can respec anyway, yet you don't hear anyone complaining about it. It's a good feature. Albeit, I understand why SWTOR made it this way; it's to serve as an entirely different class to make up for the fact that they offered limited main classes. I get it. However, I rolled an IA sniper, as I had played the gunslinger class on my smuggler. I love it. However, I watched a friend play his operative and it actually looked really fun and more suited to my playstyle; do I want to reroll and do all of that content over? NO. Did the talent tree tell me much about the playstyle? Nope. Do you get to see the tranable abilities of the classes before choosing? Nope. Maybe allowing the players to see the abilities available to either class (in addition to the talents, er... skills) they could make a more informed decision. But I see nothing wrong with allowing an advanced class change. Does it REALLY impact anyone if some player on their server decided tanking wasn't their forte, and the dps build was unsatisfying, and opted to change from Assassin to Sorcerer? They wouldn't even notice.
  15. Not quite. It's like being locked into Holy when you realize Protection is more fitting. Moreover, Rolling a maurader and realizing that, being a primarily solo PVE player, you'd actually have a better time leveling with a juggernaught in dps spec; but you don't realize that until content becomes a bit more challenging to solo, as everything beforehand is a pretty quick kill. Then you're invested to say, level 20-30, and then, the idea of rerolling through Korriban, Dromund Kaas and Balmorra makes you want to vomit. Especially when you've already done them on your Sorcerer, your BH and Imperial Agent (hutta, obvs). NOT fun.
  16. Indeed, you have to make a permanent commitment to an advanced class you've never played, with a vague description. Sure, I have a general idea of what the IA sniper playstyle is like, I have a gunslinger. Fine. But leveling up a character to 15-20 and realizing it doesn't suit your playstyle, and having to reroll and play content that you've either just finished, in addition to my case, already gone through several times, isn't necessarily enjoyable. There is no reason to belittle the original poster for questioning why this is problematic, and asking for a one-time change if your choice isn't suiting you. I agree, the ability to change once should be added. How would you like to be stuck playing your Ret pally from vanilla to now? How was the ability to change specializations in WoW a detriment? How many former players posting in this forum found it to be problematic or opted to never use it? Just saying.
  17. This. I leveled my first character in wow alone, and wasn't really able to get into the community until level 80 when I found a decent guild. My second 85 was leveled exclusively in dungeons with players I never saw again for the most part. Doesn't change the fact that it's massively multiplayer; just simply gives you the choice as to how much you want to interact with them. Forcing players to interact also creates issues; the idea is that you CAN interact if you want to, you can participate in the community if you want to. Yes, for some aspects you actually need other players. It can be more enjoyable interacting with other players, eaier to level anyway, or it could be detrimental. This doesn't undermine the concept of an MMO.
  18. Thank you so much for sharing that. I'm really hoping the comes live soon!
  19. I'm with you Terin! I made a sorcerer to level with a friend, by level 20 I was thinking I'd reroll, because her appearance began to bother me. Now I have a level 50 that I think looks mangy, and it bother me. I can't tell you how many times I've changed my character's appearances in WoW. I'm also rather disappointed the eyebrows in the character screen are all dark brown. This does not compliment platinum blonde, guys. You need a female on your design team! Sorry, this sounds so tragically vapid, but having been a game producer for several years, these things out to be thought of. Especially with all of the customization options players were given with SWG. Let us have some sort of character customization vendor, in addition to (maybe? hopefully? Someday?) giving us more options with said vendors. Also, Legacy system tooltip mentions potential bonuses including additional customization features? I know there are other important things to be added and fixed (Character server transfer, advanced class respec, general bugs/brokenness) but I hope this is also being considered.
  20. I chose to sign up on a lower population server during early access, to avoid said queue times; however now I have a level 50 and 40 on said server, in addition to a few 20s, which feels like a ghost town, despite being within my same time zone. Want to find a heroic quest group? Too bad, there are three people on your planet. Want to do a flashpoint? you have to wait until Saturday afternoon, best of luck. Nothing better than making up 50% of the population on Hoth. Or playing an MMO, "massively multiplayer" and being the only person on Voss. I have two RL friends on the same server, we all PVP and it's AWFUL. STILL. I rerolled on another server, and played on it to level 25; and decided it wasn't for me. Finally, I rerolled again on another server that had a larger population, so I leveled another class I had been wanting to play. I love the server, but the idea that I would have to reroll my Sorcerer (50), Smuggler, and Consular is PAINFUL, considering I've done each quest zone, up to 30, at least 6 times. I will pay for a transfer. I don't see how this is a difficult fix; it's been done before, the information is there. If my legacy name is taken? Is my character name taken? So what. Give me the notice of this risk when I'm in the transfer screen (ala Battle.net) and I'll change it upon logging in with my highest level character. DO transfer over the level though; I've achieved level 12 legacy thus far. I've no problem sacrificing my names (I have them reserved anyway) or my legacy name (I'm working toward securing it on my new sever) so long as I can at least consolidate, and that my friends can as well. I WILL PAY FOR IT. This seems like such a BASIC thing to include, I was rather dismayed when I realized it wasn't an available feature.
  21. Have any of you noticed that the Pazaak table in the first room of the Esseles encounter has the blue glow indicating it's interactive? You can't actually interact with it, but it acts as an interactive object. I wonder if they were intending to implement this feature? If nothing else, to provide some sort of cantina culture, like that which was found originally in SWG.
  22. My friend and I leveled from 20-50 and I'm at social IV, and we've discussed taking an additional friend or two and just grinding black talon (Esseles equivalent) to increase our rank. You do run into the issues the OP mentioned, limiting playtime, coordination, etc., but if you can manage it, say simultaneously leveling an alt when your friend can't play, I imagine you'd get even greater points in a bigger group if schedules permit.. Maybe with a questing group of 3-4 attaining the higher tasks could be possible before dinging 50. Otherwise, I've seen a few "party time" rank 10s, and I imagine the spent a lot of time grinding extensive dialogue FPs.
  23. These also cracked me up as a sith warrior... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iMpIbAnoBg&feature=youtube_gdata_player Unfortunately, on my inquisitor, I couldn't record the awesomely hilarious marriage proposal from andronikos.. Something along the lines of our lovers quarrels involving his blaster and my light saber.
  24. OH, and in tatooine, I stumbled upon the "interesting looking skull" and then noted I was in a heroic zone so left it alone.. Only to watch a republic player run up, look at it, and click it.. A which point the world boss, Trapjaw, was summoned and one shot them. Five seconds later, another player did it, and immediately died. I golf clapped.
  25. My favorite moment was when I was heading up to the dark council chambers for a late class quest, and on my way back to the massive elevator, a little level 7 bolted around the corner and fell to her death in the elevator shaft, followed by yet another player. I chuckled heartily. I do have to say, early cademimu shenanigans, including the multiple elevator deaths, were hilariously entertaining. especially the part of group that felt elite, including myself, for NOT dying on the initial elevator who then died on the big sloping platform elevator. And on republic side, in coruscant, I jumped a railing by the taxi transport area outside of the senate tower, thinking I'd land on the lower platform... But no... I fell into oblivion.
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