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Everything posted by mrfoughtforever

  1. They are distinct types of damage, unfortunately.
  2. I disagree with the last part of your statement. If you're having problems, report them via an in-game ticket and offer constructive criticism...or go away.
  3. If you're going to compare Star Wars to WoW, you need to keep in mind that one game has been out for a week and the other has been out for seven years.
  4. The people complaining are in the minority. Most people are busy playing and enjoying the game, hence you don't see them posting here on the forums. It's my hope the community managers will take a no tolerance approach to spam and trolling threads. I'm all for constructive criticism, but making a post and ranting about bugs, or game balance or anything else isn't helping anyone.
  5. As a mature and constructive member of the community, you reported those bugs in the appropriate way and in the appropriate place before making this thread, right? Happy Holidays.
  6. Just recently rolled a Trooper here. Here name is Avacyn. Hope to see you all in-game.
  7. I'm pretty keen on the Republic Trooper at the moment. That's my top choice, in any case.
  8. Full immersion role-play isn't possible in a video game, which makes this whole conversation rather silly.
  9. I'm looking for someone interested in rolling a new character to level and role-play together. I plan on rolling a dedicated tank (either Trooper or Bounty Hunter). A healer class would be great so we can two-man most of the games content. I'm not totally committed to any particular character history or personality yet, so I'm open to any ideas. I also haven't picked a home server yet, but I'm leaning towards Kath Hound, as it has the lowest population right now. Anyway, post here or send me a private message if you're interested.
  10. I currently have a level 13 Jedi Consular (Sage) on Rubat Crystal. I wouldn't mind having a questing companion. Her name is Avacyn.
  11. Will a hybrid dps spec like this work? The top tier of Balance seems sort of weak, especially for bosses. Any feedback would be great. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600Zfcb0dZcrdRsMkrc.1
  12. I'm starting a Jedi Consular (Sage) this evening and was wondering if anyone wanted to start a character with me? I enjoy pretty much everything this game has to offer from dungeons to PvP to questing to crafting. I'm on East Coast time, so someone with a similar play schedule would be preferred. Post here if you're interested.
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