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Everything posted by brentonj

  1. This thread will be locked (closed) because they simply don't want to deal with it. You'll be linked to the existing server merge / population dropping thread - which has NOT received any official response (for months). The problem, however, is only getting worse.
  2. Guild Wars 2 Cash Shop is simply for cosmetic and convenience. That's it - period. Now consistently finding Andryah (The Galactic White Knight) in these threads, is actual fact.
  3. Who on earth asks / picks these questions? They're completely irrelevant and not a single one seems to be a pressing community issue.
  4. 86 People? That's relatively high. Compared to most dying servers.
  5. At least you're making progression on a dead server. I would server transfer ASAP though.
  6. It's not really pay to win as it's more pay for cosmetics and convenience.
  7. Indeed I would agree with your assessment. However I'm inclined to believe (as is logical) that lack of activity = diminishing populations / subscriptions.
  8. Because this game can't support large number of players fighting in open world (see large scale Ilum PvP videos). All PvP has to be heavily instanced with limited numbers of players.
  9. This is a completely uneducated post and proves absolutely nothing with no facts. Where as the overwhelming majority of players are in agreement that the population is dropping - FAST.
  10. Same here. People are just not logging in and cancelling their subscriptions left and right. Just a shame to see a once healthy population die so drastically.
  11. 1.2 is really not that much content. Not quite sure what you're wowing about? Consider that Mists of Pandera (the next WoW expansion) will have 2 new PvP maps, 3 new raids, two world bosses, and over 9 new instances.....at launch. Kinda speaks volumes about BioWare's efforts (imo).
  12. As we all know, server populations are plummeting. In order to preserve or save this game - I really think BioWare needs to do the following: - Close 1/3 of the servers. There are just way too many servers. Especially for new players to choose from. I doubt they have the technology to merge any of them, but closing dead ones and giving players free transfers to wherever they want will go a long way. Yes some players will be upset about their legacy name being taken (or changed), but it's essential for the long term health and growth of existing servers that aren't dead (yet). - Immediately put 1.3 on the PTR after 1.2's release. James Ohlen claims to already have people working on content for 1.5 - Therefore, they need to show players that (hopefully) re-sub they're committed to faster content. Personally I think 1.2 is a lot of fluff. Mostly UI changes and basic features that should of been available at launch. As a Raider & PvPer, the Legacy System doesn't really interest me at all. - Make a big splash. Recent news regarding MMO's centers around Mists and Diablo 3. You could even throw Guild Wars 2 & Secret World in the mix. BioWare needs to advertise something to get the masses excited again. Seems they're really pushing Legacy. Which is fine - and I'm sure some are genuinely excited about it. However, many people simply don't care about leveling (or alts). And would rather have other features or content to look forward too. As an example; they keep hinting about Guild Capitol ships. Show me a video of piloting my own ship to dock into a capitol one. Hinting at user-controlled space travel. That would be awesome, and certainly create a lot of buzz in my opinion.
  13. My server is dead, and has been dying for quite some time.
  14. Our Fleet was up to almost 200 people nightly. (That was 2 months ago). Now we're barely above 50 each night. I'm afraid 1.2 came way too late. Servers are dead. Can't even imagine what it's like on lower-pop servers. I'm assuming they're all dead too.
  15. Each week the Q&A is littered with questions asking about controllable or expanded space content. Every week the question are dodged. Similar to server merging, among many of the game's other problems (dying populations etc).
  16. Seems like almost all US Servers, minus 2-3 have drastically died.
  17. They dodged questions about -REAL- space combat at the guild summit, and they've continued to ignore it since beta. It's not happening. With a game of this size and budget, it just amazes me that they simply don't care.
  18. At any point are we going to have fully controllable space ships and/or space combat?
  19. In a new interview with darthhater.com, lead game designer Daniel Erickson was asked about the Hero Engine's performance: His Response: (Source = http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19981-guild-summit-interview-with-daniel-erickson/page-2) Given the amount of threads and players complaining about FPS on high-end machines, how is that not typical? Much like the interviewer (as well as countless others)- I too have a machine that can perform quite well on Ultra for games like Battlefield 3 & Crysis 2. However, if you were to ask BioWare what the problem is with Star Wars - they claim it's your computer. Furthermore, during the Guild Summit - BioWare stated they hope to expand on Open World PvP. How on earth can they expand on it, when it's clear the Hero Engine can't support more than 20-30 players in combat at once? Any future PvP will have to be heavily instanced, which it already is and has become incredibly stale. I think it's clear the Hero Engine isn't sustainable for current and future-gen gaming. You really can't improve an engine's core performance. At least to the point where it will be noticeably significant. Remember this is an Engine which was not built in-house, but rather purchased by EA / BioWare for them to build around. Lastly the engine itself doesn't even allow for physics with other objects (destructible environments for example), or something so simple as allowing players to swim. Please tell me how I am supposed to remain subscribed, at the very least excited given the current state of the Hero Engine?
  20. Almost all of these features should have been available at launch. Instead, EA rushed the released, in order to make a quick Christmas money grab.
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