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Posts posted by unicornfive

  1. You know whats funny?


    People on the PTS said the exact opposite,they said when a healer is guarded that the tank and healer were impossible to bring down,if i recall correctly.


    If i recall corectly ppl couldnt copy their 50lvls chars and BW never gave a chance for 50lvl PVPers to try PVP....

    This is what happens when u get pve guilds to check PVP

  2. well first of all i think Bioware wanted to give us some love but not some OP love, and that is good now they just have to work a little with it.


    1. For PvP the heal is okey, and the rage is step, but if you have a Vengence/immortal spec, you get 15% damage reduction and that is really a nice skill to have. and the rage is not bad if you skill the talent where you get rage when they CC you. i would say that here the skill is what i want in PvE as Main Tank.


    2. For PvE DPS, the skill aint that bad, yes it cost 4 rage but its faster to use then Intercede and you still have intercede to help others out with Threat dumps, i would suggest they lowered the cost of this skill to 2 rage if you are in an Offensive stance.


    3. For PvE Tanking, well it reduces my threat and i would for love of god not dare to use this on bosses Nightmare mode, if i loose agro ppl will die, and i suggest here that they change it so when you are in Tanking Stance you wont loose threat.




    but if you ask me this skill should be something that would change as we change stances.


    1. so if im tanking i would get the passive 15% damage reduction when i use it and i wont loose agro...

    2. And when im DPSing i dump Threat, and loose rage if i get hit every sec for even more Threat dumping.

    3. and the skill should't cost 4 rage, but should cost Zero rage to activate and 2 rage every sec.

    If Bioware would change it to this! i think most juggernauts would be happy, i just dont know if the other classes would like that :eek:.


    2 rage drain per sec?!?!?!?!

    How about making it reduces your dmg by 100% while its active....Its the same thing, but at least u get to see the animations...so u can pretend u fighting.

  3. The funny thing is they knew about this during the Test period. A ton of people on the test servers told them that Knight/Warrior DPS was out of control. What did they do instead - nerfed healing and increased Melee DPS. Honestly in full BM gear I can pretty much get taken out by 1 average Marauder in 4 hits, 2 on me it's game over unless another healer is with me.


    Knight/warrior dps too high? So you mean guardian, juggernaut dps too high?? Nerf it??

  4. It should give rage instead of draining...

    And the 15% dmg reduction should be on spell while u trained it, not on talent


    Marauders/sents :



    lasts for 30 sec when getting hit, with 1 min cd... and dmg enemy too, with more dmg than vengeance dots...



    another 1 min OP defensive spell



    1,5 min god mode for maras....After 1.2 when all classes die within secs...Mara is the one that killing them within secs with OP ravage with 100% armor ignore and ofc survive after killing them all with his :



    only 45 sec cd, and ofc..dmg reduction on it too.



    After they got the +smash dmg talent too, they need to make 100% sure than rage mara will pwn rage jugg everytime they see them, 1v1 or 1v2 or more..

    Because their defensive cds werent enough, they must had 30% passive aoe dmg reduction...


    Cause all of us know...Which 1 of 2 classes, is the tank class..

  5. Wanting to level a warrior focused 100% on PvP at lvl 50. I prefer more control/mobility when I'm playing in PvP over having lots of HP/Mitigation. I don't know much about max level skills for both sides (Mar or Jug) but going off of what I've said what would you recommend?


    Pros and Cons also for both in PvP?




    I have both and my jugg in dps feels like a gimped marauder...

    Mobility about the same...jugg has a friendly leap, mara has 5 sec stealth

    Survivability, Mara is the god of this game in it

    Dps, whatever jugg does, mara does it better, dots, burst, ravage crit, 100% ignore armor, etc..

    You pick jugg only if u want to tank too...but in this case i would advise you to play assassin or powertech.

    Also another reason to pick jugg (like me) is if u dont like to dual wield lightsabers :)

  6. First, Charge triggers a global cooldown. So you will only be immobilized for 1.5s of that duration.


    Also, have you seriously never heard of a stun/knockback/blind or any of the various defensive cooldowns in the game that render ravage/master strike useless?


    4 sec immune to all CC and knockbacks after charge as vengeance jugg.


    Have fun.

  7. If you stand there long enough for a full ravage/MS to go off you've got what's coming to you. And I don't even play a Sent/Mara.


    With 3 sec root on charge, im sure u can avoid it mr. smartas5

  8. The free month and free day show that the coffers are full enough to sustain it through these tricky times, which shows they are both confident in their playerbase as it stands, and confident that subscriptions will continue.


    Also time is not meted out by a company in the same way you work it out. A free day costs nothing to EA/BW, it just steps back a payment by one day.


    A free month does cost, but at the same time, they can easily take that hit.


    I like how they are finally giving everyone what they want, and still people are wadding up their knickers.


    A free month at the date they mentioned means only 1 thing : Some major MMO is gonna get released by then. So they want ppl back and to stay in the game for some time

  9. Are we talking about alts? No. We're talking about mains who cleared all the NM content on the beta the 2nd week the beta was up. Now quit trying to find loopholes like you're successfully blowing holes in their numbers. Obviously it is not a large sample size, but it's an acceptable sampling given what we know of that guild. This isn't your baddie WoW guild that cleared Sunwell 6 months after the fact. These are content pushers that actually play their classes correctly.


    Nice sample size. 8 ppl from ONE guild...

    And about my wow guild, yes it was crap (for me) but it was the best there was on my server that time....And even me brought it as example that the rogue in my guild sucked...


    According to you, since it was the best guild on server, every class in my guild would be the best on server....

  10. I don't think you fully understand. In order for a guild to clear nightmare mode with 8 people, only four of which are DPS, it is fundamentally impossible for those DPS to suck. We aren't talking normal mode here. We aren't talking 25 man Sunwell here where your DPS can hide behind superior DPS and be carried. In order for an 8 man guild to clear nightmare mode content it is an absolute guarantee that those four dps are well within the margins of near perfect DPS.


    Hence.. implicit.


    Thats weird. 3 guilds on my server were even boostin their undergeared alts in NM mode...

  11. That post was from a guild that clears 8man NM content. All of them are good. The burden of competency was implicit. Your post is invalid.


    Yes, and my guild in WOW was clearing sunwell so?

    This doesnt mean that all rogues, warriors, shamans, hunters, warlocks, etc etc are the best compared to every player in wow...


    Find me dmg charts of other 9 guilds that clears 8 man NM content and if the dps positions of their classes are same like yours, then i ll agree with u...


    Also, if im noob that wipe on HMS with crap gear, and join the best guild on server cause my friend got me in. Does that make me pro all of a sudden? And ppl that see me in that guild will call me pro?


    Prove me that the sorcs in that guild, are better than the sorcs in my guild....and they know more about their class than mine...

    Or the mercs or any other classes...


    1 more example....i saw lethality sniper at 1200...

    How i know that 1200 is good for lethality sniper and if they cant do close to 1400 or 1500?

    Can u ensure me that? That would be a big fat no

  12. Me, Vengeance Juggernaut: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/4085/11medals.jpg


    I'm usually #1 for DPS and kills, but I have off matches sometimes where I only do about 200k (or Huttballs, where I do non-DPS-related stuff to actually win the game).


    If I hear anyone claim Sorcs/Maras/Rage can hit 600k+ without the entire enemy team being SorcSage healers, they're lying. I've even been in some pretty good stat pad matches, and I've never seen anyone hit over 550k and I do almost nothing but PvP all damn day.


    I do just as good with Rage. I think my high score with Rage is about 525k, but once again, stat pad match. My averages are about the same either way.


    Gtz, u did more dmg then the 5 healers on your team...i think u are the best dps ever

    Also, among the 3 dps in your team, u end up 2nd....If i were u i would delete screenshot and not post it on forums..

  13. Juggs/Guards are still very.. very good?


    PTS dummy DPS with self buff numbers look like this (according to:http://ambient.enjin.com/home/m/2994108/article/669668)


    Annhilation Marauder ~1500


    Madness Sorcerer ~1400

    Vengeance Juggernaut ~1350

    _ Powertech ~1350


    Marksman Sniper ~1300


    Mercenary ~1250 (increases notably with the number of mercs in raid)

    Madness Assassin ~1250


    Lethality Sniper ~1200

    Lighning sorcerer ~1200

    Lethality Operative ~1200


    Deception Assassin ~1150



    Obviously said source hasn't compiled a complete list, and your spec (rage) is not represented here, but it still goes to point. Juggs are still very.. very good.


    How i know that these ppl know how to play their class? And they arent 1 of these keyboard turners that i farm in wz?

    I remember in my guild in wow, we had 2 rogues that never got in top 3 dps in 25man raids.


    And when i saw combat logs of other guilds, i saw many rogues on top 1 with huge dps difference than ours...


    I can say your sorcs are noobs, and u know that there is no way to prove the oposite unless u compare their dps, with the dps of other sorcs, from at least 10 raiding guilds and same geared.


    This post of yours offers no real statistics, and your point is invalid.

  14. [/color][/u][/i][/b]


    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA i play Rage in 1.2 (around 30-40 games or so) and i find it to be the best spec out there lol. Vengance is crap, hybrid is deacent but 0 dmg and ravage dosent crit unless you stack crit (in witch case you are going to be doing 0 dmg aswell with your awsome 0 power) true you have survivability but its just usless tbh. Sacrficing that much dmg for 1-2 cds hmmm no ty no ty.


    Now if your a defender then sure go ahead and spec hybrid you can defend aloth but if a sniper comes you will still die fast. With rage you can atleast kill him, with hybrid you will do what 20% dmg to him IF you reach him? with freaking rage you will crit him once or twice and he will die or at the very least run away. (2x7 k crits hurt brah)

    all in all dont say rage is horribad or usless + soresu form is bb in 1.2 in rage spec you get 20% ARP in shi-cho brah. u rank 10 or smth?


    Chill little jugga. I'm rank 80 and been championing Rage on these forums since day 1.


    Also you are dead wrong about sniper damage against hybrid. They are very easy to kill and can barely touch me.


    Rage without pocket healer and soresu dies in two seconds flat after 1.2 simply too much damage out there.

    Been getting killed in one electrocute stun and so on by several opponents. That virtually never used to happen before.


    I havent tried soresu rage spec afetr 1.2 but after shii-cho 3 sec cd reduce talent removal, and new saber mastery that also gives dmg on soresu, it might work better than shii-cho with thos patch.


    Though i loved shii-cho pre 1.2 cause i could keep enemy cc'ed for 9 sec starting after smash-scream till my next smash scream.

  15. That's not a new talent it was just moved from rage. I currently use a rage spec focused on force damage rather than weapon attacks. Three sources of building and shockwave and the burst dps I can keep going with a power relic shortly after firing my crush to increase the damage of it

    This is what I run



    I didnt meant new talent, i meant new in vengeance tree :)


    Also as rage i use same spec as yours but with 3/3 single saber mastery instead of imp sundering assault

  16. This is what happed..


    You can blame the devs all you want but they did what you all told them to do (not all but the majority). The devs listen to trolls and people who had no clue how to pvp


    It went like this



    "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Help me, the jugg just smash me for 9k the op just rolled over me and I couldnt stop him"


    Bam fixed surge = good ( at face value, look below explained )


    1 mounth later


    "AHHHHHHHHHHHH help me , the jugg smash me for 7k, and by the way the op rolled over me again."


    Lets nurf the burst classes even more. Nerf ops = bad thing


    " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH devs Help me, I cant kill anyone, they heal to fast and It seem like I cant hurt them"


    Tank+Healer = unstoppable


    Explained since we lost are burst in the first 2 patches. The fundamental balance of MMO's was messed up. There is not enough Burst to take down a well played tank+ healer combo.



    " Hey devs lets Nerf Healers they make pvp so boring and buff damage"


    This led to 1.2, Now for the people here they cried this over and over again. Thank you; u finally did it an ruined a great strategic game it was a launch.


    At launch and beta, yes there were Tank+Healers, but there was enough burst around to compenstate for this. The game was not boring at launch it became broken when people cryed about being basically being killed in under 5 sec (which took the other player 1-2 min to set up). Sometimes that is need to kill the tank+healer pack that is in a game, sorry u got the short end of the stick that day but think if u were guarded and healed no way he could of killed you that fast. That’s what it comes down to getting friends to play with and not thinking you are the best in a MMO so the mmo is unbalanced.


    Yes it wasn’t perfect at launch. But the state of Launch was a lot better than the game is now.

    I plea to the people, they all know you hate 1.2, SO what the hell do u want!? You ask for this the last 3 months not everyone but the un skilled voicing there opinion on the forum got what they want because there voices spoke louder . Now its a fast paced no skill MMO.


    I know what I want Tank+Healer+ Burst DPS ( to kill the tank+healer, Iam sorry if u get caught alone and pawned, it happens to everyone find some friends)


    Also if targeting was better thought out, alot of the problems to start off with would not be here. There need to be a opposing team menu that was blank, names would pop up within 35 mm, where as oppenets got close it made it easyer to target a certain opponent by name instead of tabbing for eternity.


    Swtor need some tweak but not like it is now =(


    What your opinion?



    Ps Iam going to add links to all the forums that ask for this bs and there are alot right after I drink my sarrows away at hOOters ( they allways cheer me up =)


    Says the bioware employee...

  17. The main and only dps ability after 1.2 is Ravage...

    Skipping Rampage is quite a drop in dps, both pvp and pve

    Rampage with Shien also gives u enough rage for Enraged defense.

    Alsp Ravager talent gives it +8% dmg


    Charge - ravage and then if impale reset ravage again, its sick dmg


    I see u going for offensive build (since u got impale) But the question is :

    Does it worth losing insane dmg output for the cost of a 3min defensive cd?


    Also about the new saber throw talent...Not only it helps u with instant armor reduce on it + rage build But also it allows the instant use or Shatter after charge (using saber throw before u charge in ofc)


    My opinion is : If u want a more defensive spec, skip impale and get sonic barrier and ravager (for offense). And ofc rakata medpack to use with endure pain and get + heal form enraged defense. You can use the less costy vicious slash (no big difference with non dot impale and helps u manage rage better.


    But i would still advise u full vengeance spec. The total dmg u gain is outmatching a 3min cd 40% dmg reduction.

  18. Quit whining about this system sucking because you are undergeared and causing your teams to lose. You can purchase pvp gear for credits now, and BM gear is rediculously easy to attain, go pvp a little and get what it took us ballers weeks to get in just a few days.


    I got 7 champion pieces out of 10 bags i opened within the 1st day i dinged 50 in pre 1.1

    And back then it was the best gear available since none was above 55 valor...


    Funny how u made a post with that title...while the Whinner is you about these ppl.

  19. I am thoroughly enjoying pvp again and here is why.



    No more easymode comms for losing, now you all must work as a team to achieve a win, without a in, you dont get much like the way it should be, wz,s are a team game, not solo, no one cares that you got 16 medals because you camped a populated node and put a shield on someone who wasnt going fo an objective anyway



    No more gear crutches all over. I lol my *** off fighting now because i see a lot of names that used to be on top every match, now down near thbe bottom because its 60% skill, 30% teamwork and 10% gear. Thanks for that bioware !


    Healers can no longer spam heal themselves to full while running to their team to support, and now need to play their roles as support, not a solo moving undying target


    Wzs like voidstar now end right when 1 team makes more progression than another, farming at the second door was annoyinh, on both sides



    All the kids who are crying about dying and unsubbing because of wz are finally realizing that they really were just bad without their gear bonus



    And i cant stress it enough how nice it is that the losers finally feel like losers because it requires a win to get full comms at the end, no more kindergarten field days where everyone gets a trophy, even for being bad, and no more people screenshotting their vr and gear like it was some awesome achievement when anyone could lose 2000 games in a row and get the same thing




    Signed, that guy


    Im not stupid enough to stay on a losing game. It doesnt benefit u at all...Quite the oposite.

    You dont earn money.

    You waste wz stim that cost twice the price of the commendation u gonna earn.

    You waste your time.

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