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Posts posted by unicornfive

  1. Juggs do far more damage than Marauders. They just... ironically... don't have as much survivability.


    Cause we all know that Ravage with 2 sabers + Gore 100% armor ignore, does less dmg than a 1h simple jugg ravage.

    The vengeance spec bleeds that hit for 70-80 dmg per tick, do more dmg than annihilation mara dots...

    The force scream not only has +30% crit dmg on rage spec, but on carnage spec too, unlike jugg that has it only on rage..


    How exactly jugg does more dmg than mara? Care to explain to us?

  2. I guess you all rolled a juggernaut/marauder already, that could be the only rational explanation, why isnt the forum flooded with NERF threads.

    Warriors became too powerful, which made them TOO POPULAR. No resource bar ROOT, charge immunity, overpowered slow/control mechanism's leave no room for any ranged, especially not for sages. A single warrior can kill a sage in no time, but what if 2 or 3 charges you... OF course you could say that 3 sages would do the same to a warrior, but thats not quite true. And here we run into our second problem, WARRIOR SURV. Really? Insane damage reduction talents, saber ward, last stand, intervene, AOE BLIND, KNOCKBACK, and the best and cheapest AOE SLOW in the game...

    Warriors, both jugs and marauders CRIT FOR 7k , with both masterstrike and SWEEP/EXECUTE. 3 hardest hitting abilities belong to the same class, and you think its *********** BALANCED? Practicly its like if i started from 70% hp, since under 30% i get chain executed. ANd thanks to UNAVOIDABLE DAMAGE warrior mechanisms, you find yourself under 30% in an eyeblink, no matter how geared or skilled you are...


    Dear Bioware.

    Plz nerf juggernauts, because marauders are OP.

  3. What a terrible gear....

    If they add gear similar to these, i hope they ll allow ppl to wear it only inside cantinas...

    Same with the slave girl outfit...


    This gear has nothing to do with star wars....

    Its as stupid as playing Battlefield or some other War game, and your soldier is dressed like a drag queen.

  4. I've done most damage as rage and there are a few posts out there showing rage hitting one million damage in a wz with hits over 8k. with all do respect i haven't seen the other specs do that but correct me if im wrong.



    You are wrong.

    I guess u are doing wz by yourself. How many rage mara/juggs u see arround? And how many of them reached 1million dmg or critted u for 8k?

  5. the only Jedi that really benefitted from 1.2 are Guardians and Juggernauts...

    Im sure we will also be the ones hurt by any Sentinal/Marauder nerfs...



    Yeah, jugg/guardians benefited to much :


    In rage spec

    -10% dmg on smash

    +3sec cd more on smash

    +3sec cd more on force scream

    Removed talent that makes throw saber add 2 stacks of armor reduce on talent


    In vengeance

    Removed talent that gave +20% dmg reduction from intervene on you

  6. And if you have a problem killing the over powered Marauders and Sentinels YOU dont have any chance to beat other classes.... L2P



    see what I did there?


    Last time i bother with you. Blocking you after this. Better late than never.


    See what i did there?

  7. As a release day Marauder player who switched to firebug Powertech at 1.2, Im loving this.


    I saw all the dillholes posting on this forum and knew I needed to change classes asap because you guys would get Marauders nerfed further into oblivion.


    Funny thing is Marauders got nerfed in 1.2, yet it wasnt enough for most of you.

    (Yes, Carnage got a slight buff, as did Rage, but both of these trees are STILL MILES behind Anni and Anni got nerfed, so all in all, the majority of the Marauder community is actually pretty pissed off over the NERFS we got at 1.2).


    I think what has really happened here is the class had 2 completely unplayable trees, thus very few people played Marauders. Now that you guys see more of them out there, you assume its because of newly found strength of the class, when it reality, its simply a matter of people wanting to play a truely direct damage melee class when before Marauders werent capable of this (Anni tree is a dot tree, Carnage is Direct Damage but was always broken beyond playability until now).


    Also, its fun to watch recently created Marauders in fleet QQ about how ****** the class is, hehe. Its pure, enjoyable justice I tell you.


    I agree with the OP.

    After the heavy marauder nerf of 1.2 especially on ravage. I decided to go back to my feral paladin.

  8. Yes.

    It is insane how fast they can kill my mara (full bm gear) I get a cold sweat everytime I see a node on alderran that no one appears to be guarding.

    I used to call operative OP....until I actually played one.

    So there you go.


    If you think a class is OP, dont qq, play it.

    If you're good at it, enjoy. If your not, quit qqing and go back playing your own class.


    Sorry, but if u cant kill Operatives as mara, you dont have any chances to beating them with any other class in game.

  9. I dont understand the reasoning behind the opinions that you want to limit the possibility to group.


    So you want to remove premades and force all players to qeue solo? Just becaus you dont have the will to actually talk to the players around you and form your own premade? This is really stupid and it counters the meaning of playing PvP in an mmo..


    Give us option to choose if we wanna compete vs solo ppl or vs premades...

    And premade is not to ask random noobs with questionable skills to join you...

    It has no difference than joining solo, cause the same ppl that u asked for wz, will end up in your team again.

  10. Besically i think you were just plain wrong. And there can be a lot of explantions for it.


    1) You messed up the names.


    2) Time elapsed longer than you percieve + Force leap + Rescue + Guardian Leap.


    Anecdotes proves nothing!


    Leap to who? There were no allies or enemies on further ramps...

    And about the cheat lvler. He was in my friend list. I asked him to do some other instance the other day and he didnt respond, i met him on fleet and he was lvl 50 in full pvp gear..


    And mythic was also too forgiving with cheats since warhammer..

  11. I've seen plenty of premades be the living stool out of pugs but I've also seen it happen the other way around... All you have to do is play as a team and stop going to the best possible score, work together


    Premades are fun .

    Just w8 to see ranked wzs. Marauders getting guarded by tankassins and having 3 healers in their premade...

    Gonna be so fun. Subscriptions will drop to half in no time.

  12. I ve seen 2 cheat happen in game till now, and i reported both....

    But the reported player was still online the days after (not banned)


    1st ) Was a lvl 20 player that i did 1 flashpoint with him. The next day, he was lvl 50 with full PVP gear....


    2nd ) I was attacking enemy ball carrier jugg, in the 1st ramp after u grab the ball. Suddenly he dissapeared from sight, and 2 sec later i see him score...And it wasnt a latency issue...


    GMs in game dont even care...

  13. Jugg specced defensive Cds stuns and procs


    Immortal tree:



    Sonic barrier

    Blade barricade

    Guard stance

    Force Grip


    Vengeance tree


    Deafening defense


    This is on top of Saber Ward WITH blade turning, which is better than the marauder version, endure pain, and enraged defense, and lets not forget, better passive mitigation from heavy armor.


    Combine that with force push, aoe taunt, aoe snare, and the ability to guard a teammate.


    Yet it is marauders that have "all the best denfensive abilities in the game"


    Yes juggs are OP especially with their 31/31/31 spec

  14. The healing debuf is only 20% and single target and only applies with deadly throw... the group damage buff Bloodthirst not only does it require a fury build up, its on a 3 minute cool down and grants a 15% damage bost for 15 seconds, and predation is a 10% defense boost for range/melee 50% boost for 10 secs and needs 30 stack of fury to invoke, there is no ETC... thats both of them...


    If they are nothing, remove them for maras and give them to juggs...No big deal

  15. You make it sound like they hundreds of CD's


    Saberward is 3min (juggs get this too)

    UR is 1.5 min (still killable and stopped)

    FC is 45 secs

    Cloak of Pain is a 20% DR for 30 secs and down 30 secs (if you keep on it)


    If you want to count Predation a group buff needs 30 fury and not spamable


    Basically, 4 defensive CD's, and used right difficult to circumvent, but easy still to catch on CD's... Only mara/sents have 4 defense right... Ok now lets count how many stuns, Knockback, Push or Pull or CC abilities they have... NONE... I cant tell you that I have been force lifted or whirlwind or stunned or knockbacked and rooted and so forth....


    SO they have none of that but they have those defenses...sounds like a fair trade off to me...


    Whats this? :


    And this? :

    http://www.torhead.com/ability/ei8yu4T/defensive-roll And i was wondering why my smash crits lower than my force scream on maras..

  16. C'mon folks - you've got to admit, considering how many more Defensive cooldowns a Maurauder has compared to a DPS Jugg, not to mention more DPS. . . . thats kind of twisted.


    EDIT: But again - Juggs are no slouch - they do have more group utility. . . . but still.


    If u mean taunts and stuff, these are common among all classes that can tank.

    Additionaly, marauders have healing debuff and group buffs (group dmg increase, group speed increase, etc..)

  17. Can you link me to any of these posts? Is it 4 % across the board? Is it 4% physical? Is it 4% with an untalented jug? Does the % change as gear improves? Is 4% off damage all the time better than 20% for 6-30 seconds? Do you have higher HP than sents?


    I'm very curious where this 4% comes from because I would much rather attack a sent than a jug in group combat.


    4% on kinetic and energy dmg taken

    Internal and elemental stays the same..

  18. Yes, it's an ability that won't make me stop shooting him and has a high likely hood of falling off in the time that I leg shot and move.


    Play a GS or a Sniper, we see a difference in high and medium armor.


    The difference on heavy and medium armor is 4%.

    And its proven on so many posts over and over...

  19. You take less damage. I play a GS, I'd rather shoot a Mara. They really only use 1 cd that would make me not lay into them and it lasts for 5 seconds.


    Do u know what cloak of pain means? i guess not

    Do u know what obfuscate means? i guess not


    U only see the most obvious which is the undying rage...

  20. a week ago you were bad mouthing Mara's, and now you are in support and KNOW them... Hmm lets take a look in the way back machine shall we....




    Hmmmmmm sarcasm??? ok lets check this one out....




    Wow no hate for Mara's now do we? OK just ONE more (i could go on forever)





    Sure as heck seems like you dont play or know one... and since Mara's are soooooo OP and you play a Jugg and they are exactly alike, that means Juggs need a nerf too eh?




    ID-10-T !!!!!


    Thanks for proving my post that 99% of ppl that posting here are stupid....

    In all my posts that u stalked, im indicating how Overpowered marauders are....

    But since u are unable to use your brain, u cant understand simple things.


    I also noticed that everytime i post something, i see your stupid troll posts following...

  21. So in essence what you are REALLY trying to say is this..


    "I know Marauders because I play a Juggernaught."







    I got less dps than maras, i got less survivability than maras, i got no stealth to sneak on them

    And yet, i still manage to kill them... They are annoying but i can kill them. I must have lost once or twice vs a sniper, cause they found me in the open and i couldnt los entrench...

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