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Posts posted by Forsbacka

  1. name 1 other post WoW MMO that has had a 82% retention rate after it's first month.


    Go ahead I will wait.


    People in free month are counted in that number. This game doesnt have 82% retention rate. But i guess he means why they havent sold much copies after christmas and if the hype is gone, seems so. Real paying sub figures we will see in about 25 days.

  2. But damage meters -- and then eventually the armory/gearscore -- are the entire reason they had to start handing out welfare epics in WoW. People who used to have a chance at experiencing the content were being systematically blocked from it unless they had high-end gear. It's a vicious cycle that this game is doomed to repeat if the devs don't learn something from it.


    Not really, it was due other issues. Combat logs and meters has been in almost every MMORPG game for last 15 years in a form or another and will continue to do so, it didnt lead into those problems in other games either.


    WoW had dmg meters in molten core already so why it got miss used by some people in WoTLK was due other issues. Gearscore was a good tool to see gear potential fast on people when forming pug raids, reason why it was missused was cause there shoulndt have been pug raids in the first place, when you give those tools to bad nonraiders, they might blow in the face.

  3. Tera has combat logs and it has a system in place where you can set up your abilties to be used in a certain order by hitting a hotkey. For example my Sorc will use painful trap then hit 4 to use my flame pillar then hit 4 again to jump back. It's basically an interactive macro. Soooo....I guess the future is combat logs and interactive macros?


    So will GW2. Maybe he lives further in the future, i mean he raided 40 years ago as he said earlier so why not 40 years in future also and tell us how games are gonna be then.

  4. nope not true. They sold 1 million in the first month and lost 50% of those players before the 1 month was over and 75% of them by 3 months.



    SWTOR sold 2 million and only lost 18% by the end of the first month.


    So not even close.


    Actually they sold 2 mil in about 45 days most of em at release and they had 1.7 mil people playing where 850k up to 1.7 mil were paying subs, rest on free month.

  5. That's a complete exaggeration. I've never played an MMO, where I get a full set of purple, for just logging in. Not once has that ever happened.


    Name one game, where that is true.



    Well ToR operations on all difficulty levels are pretty close to it, just go raiding whatever peoplein guild, clear nightmare modes in a evening get purple pixels. There was supposed to be 3 difficulty levels to cater for all kinda raiders, but there is only one.

  6. I actually love this game. Yea it has its bugs and issues but what game doesn't? I'm pretty sure WoW, when it first came out had its share of bugs and issues. Give EA and Bioware a break, this is Bioware's first MMO, so bugs and issues are to be expected. if you hate the game then leave and go play WoW, personally I think WoW is stupid but thats my opinion.


    2004 =/= 2012 70 mil=/= 300 mil

  7. Don't know what exactly will cause the failure of this game(I have some "ideas") but I know what can help stave it off a bit.


    Gimme back my SWG and I will stop posting about all the things I, and my fellow SWG brethren, are finding wrong about this game.


    PRE-CU/CU/NGE, don't care which one. Give it back and I will leaves these forums forever.


    I doubt that any game company will make games for such a small amount of players these days but i guess you can always hope.

  8. Obviously anyone who takes part in the system is going to need to follow the same rules as anyone else, but you're assuming a ranked system will be based around a gear reward system, which to me seems flawed from the start.


    These ranking should be about the pride of being on top, not a gear grind.


    Again, what you want seems to be a very flawed design in which the top teams will have better gear than anything other players can get, making it easier for them to stay on top. I'm sorry, but that would be a broken game.


    The top of the ranking should be the best players, not the guys who got there first and then hid behind a gear wall.




    People who put time and effort into the game aren't getting anytthing for "free". They're working for it.


    Turning the ranking system into a gear grind makes it trivial by default.


    "I'm good becuase of my high ranking"


    "No you're not, you're good becuase you rushed to the top and got the best gear"


    Besides, people who are bad at the game will have low rankings, why do you care what gear they have?



    Sorry, meaning with the gear ofc an visual upgrades just like in WoW apart of t2 weapon which wasnt gamebreaking. Other than that, i dont mind anyones ranking, in a pug or not, everyone got same chance, ratings gives titles and visual upgrades. Im just saying that if random people wants to get into solo queue, i hope they know what they are asking for, skill can only take you to some level untill you start to meet organized premades with vent and good class setups, and that level aint very high. But if it was up to me, i can agree to having solo queue to rated matches in smae ladder with premades.

  9. It first started happening with "Echoes of Doom" flat 30% health nerfs to all raid bosses in BC. From there they decided to dump Naxx on us again and that wouldn't have bothered me save for the fact that we had 2 "Onyxia-esque" single-boss dungeons beyond that in the first tier. I rather enjoyed 3 drake Sarth, and Malygos. They started handing epics like candy in heroics and from the TONS of badges people were getting from them. By the time we got to TOGC they were handing out tier gear that allowed people to skip the first 2 tiers of the expansion by just running 5-man dungeons. They also decided that Ulduar's difficulty was a mistake and they nerfed it into the ground. The only 2 fights worth a damn after the nerfs were zero light Yog and Algalon(25).


    During Wrath Blizzard decided to take a page from EQ and many of us raiders had hoped was lost to the annals of history. This was the time limit/attempt limit bosses. Introducing an "artificial difficulty" that was based not on mechanics of the fight but by the limited amount you could see the actual boss. I think it culminated with the scaling buff in Icecrown and once again allowing people freshly capped to waltz around the top tier content where they didn't belong because of welfare gear. Not to mention attempting to even out 10/25 man content by handing out the same gear and attempting to balance the modes evenly WHICH STILL DOESN'T WORK.


    Not to mention the shifting of raiding philosophies of class roles and niches. Bring the player not the class drove me insane, but that's my personal issue.



    I agree on what you said, just wanted to hear specifics on that backstabbing part. I raided myself from first days of MC up to Algalon and more casually in ICC and didnt raid in cata anymore. I hated the gear handouts, and having different difficulty levels, there was really anything special feel on downing same boss on hardmode that other people were downing on normal like it was in Sunwell or old naxx, 4 HM comes to mind. But you have to admit that there was few veryhard hardmodes in ulduar, lich king with low buff and on top HC ragnaros, it wasnt just worth it anymore cause everyone was gettting same gear and doing same bosses on normal.

  10. Those two points seem to contradict each other. :confused:


    Not really, i dont mind if they add solo feaure in the ladder aslong as they fight within same rules as premades and in same ladder. What i meant for rating reqs, it was men to be as so you cant buy gear just with points you get each week but without any decnet rating cause it would just make whole system trivial and mainly for farming best gear for free.

  11. You're totally missing the point.


    The ranking system already makes matches competitive, so if a pug of 8 individual players with great individual scores happens to be in the queue, they can be placed together and make a fine team. Will that happen often? Probably not. Will a team of 8 great individual players be able to beat premade teams? Depends on exactly how good the premade is.... but it doesn't matter because by benefit of having ranked matches there is absolutely no point in keeping pugs out of it at all.


    Premades will already be fighting premades and pugs will already be fighting pugs. Only bottom of the list premades would be likely to have such bad scores that they end up fighting pugs very often, and even then it would be the best pug players who reach scores high enough where they might face a premade group.


    What you're fighting for is a system in which your ranked match queue is basically empty because no one is allowed to even enter without a full 8 man team. That would be pretty stupid, especially when players will be ranked individually anyway.


    I dont mind pugs in same ladder with premades, just have to sort rating requirements on gear to prevent gear handed out just for participating. Im not afraid by pugs in any means, no randomly made pug via LFG tool wont reach 2k rating in WoW, or equivalent rating in TOR.

  12. I played EQ, mate. Read what I wrote before you go on some mindless banter. I played until PoP as a raiding Cleric. What I am after is not what everybody is after. I'm looking for the next competitive raiding-based MMO and I had hoped that maybe TOR would be it considering Warcraft has consistently stabbed it's raiding community in the back since the merger with Activision.


    Stabbed how? I kinda understand that, making normal and HC modes of same bosses was a big mistake for rading community but HC modes still provided max challenge on many bosses, was it worth it anymore like it was in Sunwell or old naxx? Not for me. Just curious on whats your take on that backstabbing comment?

  13. Perfect example of a gamer that buys every commercial title in search of something epic.


    To say that the future of mmorpg gaming is going to be the same garbage that's being peddled now is just crazy. People have played the same game with a different name, different graphics - for 7 years. None of them has ever put a dent in WoW.




    This thread is not about future of MMORPG gaming, its about combat logs and TOR which is exactly like WoW except lot easier and we hope it would change, difficulty level that is, game is already what it is.

  14. Meters, Logs and Addons are NOT in the future of gaming, sorry!


    Proof of this comes in 2 titles that are following a similar path.


    Darkfall released a niche gamea few years ago that has an action style combat that doesn't even have targeting in it.


    A title being released in May - Tera, which has a huge commercial budget and a subscription based model has further developed it. You don't tab a target.


    People have grown sick and tired of macro snoozefest. They are on the way out my friend. Do some research. I guarantee you games going into development today, are following similar models, because the day of the lazy nerd that likes to copy and paste a 2 button macro and bang their head off the KB for a win are coming to a close in the very near future.


    Trust me - no company is ever going to follow the commercial succes of WoW until a different model is used. This model is worn out and dried up and dead. Gaming companies know this. They also know that there are 2 million gamers that will buy absolutley any new release as it is released because they are searching for something epic.


    But all of these games have 3 month lifespans. Why? Because they are all too easy. macros make games easy. Add-ons make games easy. Parsers make figuring out encounters easy. Just because Blizzard allowed them and made them popular, doesn't mean it was a great decision for the gaming industry. It just means tons of gamers have become gimped over the last 7 years.


    But these companies arent stupid. They know you will spend your 50 bucks and then give them 30 for 2 months if they advertise the game right. They cash in and when they make their money back they could care less about making a great game. They use you like a shake and bake bag to make a profit.


    The last thing on a companies mind is to make a truly epic MMO. They would rather make a couple dollars.


    We are not talking about addons here, but combat logs and parsers are past, present and future of MMORPGs, its just a tool to analyze the fights and to identify players that aint palying at a level they are supposed to. Logs or meters has been in almost every MMORPG since UO in a form or another, baseline features or mod based, also in your belowed EQ1.


    Edit: what comes to Darkfall and Tera, those has different combat system and numbers doesnt show same role than in generic MMOs, but sicneTOR is one its same as saying modern warfare 3 doesnt have combat logs.

  15. This ^


    Besides, how are they going to rank a "team".... you can only enter with the same 8 players every time?


    No, they're going to rank each player individually, and if they form a premade that will give them a team score. This means that pugs can be ranked just as easily as a premade team.


    Whether or not they allow you to que as an 8 man team I don't know, but I'd rather they not allow it to be honest.


    No it wont, players are ofc ranked indicidually, but in pug you dont have any control of group setup, you cant sort any tactics before hand, unlikely ingame either, you cant evaluate player performance in a match by dmg/healing done, objectives done etc. Your next win or loss is based totally on luck you cant have any control over.


    If you think ranked matches are gonna be for anyone else than 8 man premades, you are delusional.


    For those people that dont want organized competive PvP there is normal Wzs to play just like now, rated ones will be "endgame" of PvP.

  16. How many guilds do you think would be clearing content in WoW without the assistance of a site like TankSpot?


    I argue very few. Sure you could read about what you are going to see in old EQ days. But you can pretty much experience the fight 100 times before you ever set foot in it today watching ayoutube vid.


    All of these factors contributed to the difficulty of succeeding back then.


    When you ask if the Boss or the grind was harder. I will say the encounters were harder. There was more going on. There were adds that needed to be kited with aoe's with enrage timers with death touches. Bane damages where you had to have a balanced group of blunt weilders, slashing weilders, peircing weilders - fire damage, holy damage. You couldn't just swap specs and micromanage every little thing.


    But developers were afforded more imagination with encounter design and difficulty, because they wern't strangled by the tiny raid compositions that the 16- 20 man raid community holds them to todday.


    Everything about it was different. It was bigger, it took longer, it had more going on, it was harder.


    It felt epic. I can't even get excited about doing anything in a 8 man group. Really? An 8 man raid? How much do really think can really be happening in an encounter with 8 players in it?


    It wasnt harder as a fight, best wow guilds would walk over it in no time, you think it was harder causr your 72 man raid wasnt composed out of good players only, it was composed out of people that had very different skill level. Also competition for raid spots wasnt so serious. People back then used to be generally worse players skillwise than players today.

  17. I killed every Boss up to through the Lich King. Can't tell you for certain when I killed them all whether it was prenerf or not. It was probably after the nerfs, because you knew at some point that company was going to nerf everything anyways - making a complete joke out of all the content they jsut spent millions of dollars designing. And like I said - that game could never hold my attention for long enough stretches of time anyways. Because guilds were blowing through their endgame content 1 month after release.





    So, did you ever kill any hard bosses in the game?No

    Did you ever particiapte in hardcore raiding? No

    Do you know anything about WoW raid difficulty? No

    Did guilds blow through naxx or AQ40 in a month of release or at any point before TBC?No

    Did guilds blow through Sunwell 1 month after release or before they nerfed it? No

    DiD guilds low through HC ulduar after 1 months, or even 3 months after release? No

    Did guilds Blow throguh HC ICC 25 1 month after release? No

    Did guilds blow through HC ragnaros in 1 month after release or at any point? No

    Have you ever participated in serious raiding in WOW? No

  18. You, sir, are terribly wrong. SWTOR has 2 non hybrid classes: Sentinel and Gunslinger. Point #1 goes down.


    Point 2: WoW's "hybrids" as you put it, ARE NOT HYBRIDS. They can not spec halfway up 2 trees. You have multiple options for role withing the class, but you can't spec for DPS AND healing equally.


    Also, off topic side note, there IS more than 1 choice of tank for high rated RBGs in WoW, freakin Blood DK


    Hybrids are overrated in most cases, at least for PvP. Contrary to what the QQers believe, if someone is specced heals/dps hybrid, they will do neither effectively. They won't be able to kill people and they won't be able to keep people up. It's good for medals, bad for ranked play.



    sentinel is advanced class, jedi knight can be tank or dps, adn slinger for smuggler which can be dps or healing.


    What comes to point 2, you wont be able to do that in ToR either in high rated games.


    Also for your DK tank, there was total of 1 viable tank in high rated RBG play, at 2.3-2.8k rating i saw zero BLood DKs, 1 prot paladin, 0 tank druid. Taking anythign else than prot warrior was serious gimping of your team, ofc it was possible but with +150 games of ranked twin peaks and WSG i can say it was almost impossible to meet a team with one and for good reason.


    What comes to hybrids in most cases, i agree with you, there is no reason to take an hybrid over a "pure" spec in good teams.

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