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Posts posted by Forsbacka

  1. We don't want your arena here, personally I don't want to be forced to arena just to get geared for WZs because arena has better gear. Go play wow if you want arena


    Dont talk as "we" and arenas in WoW gave same gear as rated BGs. No one is asking better gear from it if it gets implented, just visual upgrades and titles. There you go, problem solved, you dont ever have to enter arena, just like in WoW.

  2. No way to sort out the awesome players? Sounds like we'd need some sort of system with a matchmaker that would pit players against each other and give some sort of rating dependant on how good they are... but where on earth would we find something like that?


    Well since there aint arena, we will get premade rated Wzs and i guess thats only way to measure how good people are. it will be dominated by WoW arena players, there will be FOTM setups, there wont be gear advantages just like there wasnt gear advantages at high level arenas or RBGs, best players were best.

  3. actually a perfectly balanced warzone is one where the perfect team includes all 8 classes. there will never be perfect balance for warzones, but even an imperfect balance won't be game breaking like arena.


    That is true in a dreamworld, but all top teams in RBGs had classes that were must to have in every team, all teams were built 2 possible ways class setup wise, and there was many specs that wasnt allowed in high rated gameplay, as much as in Arenas. Exactly same will happen in rated WZs at highest levels where class balance actually is an issue.


    Hell, this game came out just a few months ago and its class balance is already far better than wow's.






    Rofl. And even that there wouldnt be few classes that people cry about on forums, there is no way to tell which class is OP and which is not cause awesome PvPrs are non existant in this game as is anykinda competetive PvP on equal ground and no combat logs, organized gameplay so we dont even have any numbers. Only people that play their classes against other classes on equal grouns at almost flawless gameplay can give any solid comments about class balance, none of the above doesnt meet in random WZs or in ToR atm.

  5. A perfectly "balanced" arena is an arena with only 1 class to choose from. This is why the ONLY way to balance the game for arena is to homogenize the classes.


    And exactly same goes for Warzones. Hight rated RBGS were as much class/combo based as arenas. It will be exactly the same in hight rated WZ ladder.

  6. No interest in raids, no interest in pvp no interest in dailis, no interest in crafting....

    I have no idea what you are interested in than, that this change doesn't bother you. :rolleyes:



    You say.. What, that every mmo randomly gives away all the items for almost no cost?

    That doesn't make any sense, I thought that MMOs were all about gearing and achieving stuff. Not giving it away just to show-off.

    That's the Barbie and Sims series domain man. ;)


    Not really, this game is not about achieving or doing anything difficult, its only about the story.

  7. Sorry to correct you, wait no im not, 70% hated arenas and the crap it brought, maybe a lil light reading would help you see this both on forums/polls and all sorts of informative things, educated yourself so you look less a tool in future posts champ, GL!


    So, do you have any source to back your stupid comments up?

  8. I hear what you are saying but consider this; every starter dungeon is a bit light on the difficulty even in the hardest mode....I'm pretty confident that Nightmare mode in the upcoming operations will be a bit more difficult and you will see a ramp up from there as we approach the first expansion pack. That is little solace for experienced raiders but it is what it is.


    Well i wont see next Operation since me and most of guildies quit already raiding or whole game but i hope for the people that are in it for raiding and will stay to play the game that you are true.

  9. It never fails every time a new MMO is released we have a group that screams about how easy it is..the devs cave and six months later they realized what a huge mistake it is because people start leaving in droves.


    Cataclysm is a perfect example of this when it launched we got snide "Dungeons are hard" blogs from the devs and Totalbiscuit was singing "hark the wrath baby"


    Several million lost subs later; the devs are almost taking you by the hand to Deathwing and handing you Tier gear.


    The Moral of the story? If they just left things alone and not listened to the hotpocket crowd they would not have to go overboard in desperation after losing a huge number of subs.


    Although Cata had 2 difficulty levels just as wrath did and that offered challenge for serious raiders, HC Ragnaros beeing most difficult boss fight in MMO gaming history.


    This game had 3 difficulty levels, easy easy and easy. People are complaining cause they thought there is different levels of difficulty with Nightmare modes beeing for serioous raiders , normals beeing for very casuals and hardmodes for average plyars. But instead they tuned nightmare modes so that most casual guilds clears em now. Why even make 3 difficulty levels for no appareant reason?

  10. Yes, the objectives are. However, if you're not interested in the story, I wouldn't think this is a game you would want to invest time and money in.


    I was more intrested of what it has to offer at max level where most gamers will be spending biggest chunk of their time eventually in this game and in other games of this genre. Anyway, its how i roll and i understand this was marketed as story driven mmo and im fine with that and fine with people that enjoys it. I was just commenting on the questing part in general to the dude that trashtalked wow quests beeing only collect/kill/pick amount of x when quests emself are exactly the same here, just presented different way.

  11. So, you skipped about half (if no more) of what made makes TOR different, because you didn't like a few intro quests?


    IM not really interestf of lore or background story, thats why i skipped quest logs in WoW and thats why i skipepd quest lo.. sorry cut scenes in ToR. I was just saying that quests emself was pretty much same with WoW quests.

  12. They should add /teabag with nice animation.


    Cant see how few people gets annoyed of spit emote, if i kill my opponent that wants to kill me im sure he doesnt mind me spitting on him afterwards when his dead.

  13. I thought I was supposed to kill 10 boars then get 5 wolf tails and 6 bear claws. What game are we playing again? :confused:


    Sounds pretty much like my experience with ToR leveling except, boar, wolf tails and claws were replaces by X. I skipped the cut scenes just like i skipped quest logs in WoW. Apart of how quests are given, there aint anything different and the choices you make on the way doesnt have an real impact to anything at the end.

  14. Once the money guys saw the success of WoW they all jumped on the bandwagon...you can see the legacy of utter CRAP that was released since WoW launched, all in a virtual fly by night effort to capitalize on WoW's success.


    Unfortunately this greedy environment has its effect on even big budget endeavors like SWTOR. Although I disagree with most of the criticisms I read in these forums, which sound like they are written by a bunch of high school kids with little sense of reality and a rose colored vision of the last big MMO they played.


    So would you want to play an MMO that cost 30 mil to make over this?

  15. It is absloutely as you say. corperate interests have made this genre utter garbage.


    Kinda yes, making games like eve, SWG or everquest doesnt interest game companies cause there isnt much money involved due small playerbase. Gaming companies are first into business for making money, great game is secondary. If they made SW in old school spirit, and 300k players would play it, there wouldnt be much left of this game, they would need to cut the costs by 200 mil and i dont think that even the old school people would like to play game with such low development costs.

  16. .


    Also, in the case of D2 I do not see how a predominantly single player game (I do not consider battlenet Diablo an MMO) can really compare either. Sure it's probably a great game if they ever release it but it's not of this caliber tbh.





    Its not even a game of same genre, same as comparing modern warfare to ToR. It wont kill WoW, it wont kill ToR. It will sell lot more than ToR though, which doesnt really matter since ToR aint competing with it. And im talking ofc about Diablo 3, you are talking about diablo 2 which is out there already and sold double of what TOR has sold, triple with the Xpack.

  17. They dont deserve any recognition whatsoever. If you devote your life to a game the only recognition you should deserve its from the nearest psychiatric hospital because you need serious help.


    Same could be said about any hobby.

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