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Everything posted by Mirthadrond

  1. I have a heck of a lot of fun doing PVP from lvl 10 - 49. Once I hit 50 that toon is retired. I have no interest in getting utterly destroyed post 50, for 2 weeks, until I can get gear so I can be slightly more competitive, and more time again so I can be on par with full BM gear'd 50's. PVP gear grinding SUCKS! It is a far cry worse the PVE gear grinding and always will be. You cannot compare the two, they are apples to oranges. PVP gear disparity creates massive imbalance, and makes post 50 PVP absolutely NO FUN. Since it is no fun, I do not play On a personal note, I PVP because it's fun and I love the team aspect. I could care less about gear, with exception to vanity purposes, and again.. IMHO - the BM gear looks ridiculous, so again.. I've no incentive to get it. I want the playing field as even as possible so that the best players/team wins, not the best gear'd. Get rid of expertise Bioware. Make POST 50 PVP fun.
  2. I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS CHANGE!!! Let me just be clear, I have had multiple boss fights while leveling up toon's that required me to 'kite' to stay alive, hide behind obstructions, waiting for my med pack to refresh so I could use it and continue the fight. Being able to use only 1, during any given fight, is a stupid idea. I don't not understand the logic or purpose of this change. It makes no sense. I mean.. why am I showing you a picture of Chewbacca?? It makes no sense. If it makes no sense, you must acquit!
  3. Nonsense. I played LS BH, and the Jedi were always lying and trying to kill ME!! Me: "can't we talk about this?" Jedi "You must be DESTROYED!!" Hell, I even let a couple Jedi 'live', only for them to come after me again later and try an kill me AGAIN!! Republic = Good Guys = My *****$
  4. I've got 2 servers full of characters ranging from 22 - 50, and have YET to hit 'Social 1' on any of them. I don't mind playing this game solo, other MMO's you really wanted to group if you wanted to lvl up faster.
  5. This is closer to the truth than you think. COV/COH had one of the best grouping systems I've seen in an MMO. You didn't need one, but it sure made the game a lot more fun if you did group. LOOT was also handled discreetly, If I recall. I didn't see what other players got as drops and we didn't compete for loot when killing a boss, we each got something out of the quest, guaranteed. Frankly, when I invest 2 hours doing a strike force / flash point / raid, I want to come out of it with something, not lose my chance at loot because someone else needed an item for a companion. Competing for a loot drop blows.
  6. Ok, so I've got the Pre-order stap bike and I have to say, its by far (IMHO) the BEST looking speeder bike in game. Can we PLEASE have the option to upgrade this bike, rather than forcing me to buy a new ugly bike if I want more speed?? I'm fine paying the purchase price of a bike to upgrade my existing one, I just want to keep the bike I've got because.... it's much cooler looking than the others.
  7. 1: First barrage was both of us unloading with 'death from above', which should have done significant damage. 2: Then, max damage rotation, which WILL max heat. Vent heat. Go through 2nd rotation, slightly modified, with every other shot with tier 1, until heat is maxed again. Now, no choice but to tier 1 until cooled down enough to use other powers. Can't speak for the other guy, but I was going for max burst damage, and was NOT expecting a long drawn out.... 'fight' ( I say that loosely because he never even attacked back. Not even an interrupt.) 3: Im a PYRO.. i had dots on him the entire time. Push back???? At least some delay in healing? Max my merc can get is 70 % unless bubbled, which lasts 12 seconds. 4: The fight was 1:32 seconds. How do I know?? because that's how much time was left in the match, and I attacked him until the score board came up. 5: Expertise has diminishing returns?? So what exactly is the MAX % buff you can get from it? My 136 gives me 4%.
  8. Perhaps a bit easier, but... who wants to be crushed for so long before you actually earn that many comms, post 50.
  9. I'm pyro merc - 32 points, rest in body guard. Not sure the exact spec of the other merc, but he didn't use 'tracer missile' so... either bodyguard or pyro as well. If he was bodyguard, he wasn't using his 'heal' ammo, that much I could tell. So.. ?? Incendiary missile, combustion cylinder and 29% crit chance on my gear. Combustion is fully spec'd, so... approximately 16% chance to proc. Lets not forget was using RAIL SHOT as soon as it was up, which means.. DOTS all over this guy.
  10. Honestly - it just never occurred to me someone would be cheating, so.. I only paid attention to my damage numbers, and I was hitting 'softer' than I'm used to, due to expertise no doubt, but still, some ticks were 600, 800 points. Tier 1 was hitting at 56 - 156 each shot. Ex dart, fusion, rail, all hitting at about 25% less than normal, I'd guess. I honestly doubt I could have tracked his healing numbers, other than seeing him do the heal motions, we literally had so many ticks of damage numbers flying, couldn't tell which were mine and which were his heals. I looked for a guard, as that was my first thought after our first volley of fire, "like why isn't this guys health dropping??" There was nobody else around. Seriously. I checked the catwalks above us, the pillars... He had no help.
  11. Well??? I'm not saying he wasn't, but... after the round I jumped on GOOGLE and found 1/2 dozen 'hack' SWTOR sites. Some with videos showing BOT's in frigging PVP?!?!?!? If it's really hackers: BIOWARE TAKE NOTE.. APB was killed 2 months after release due to hackers. DONT LET THAT HAPPEN TO THIS GAME.
  12. So, was in a hutt ball match a few minutes ago. Match was almost over, myself and another merc ran upon a Sorc hanging out in our teams pit, all alone. Nobody else around. And I mean NOBODY. No body guard, no friends. We proceeded to unload everything we had on this guy, both pyro's. Death from above x2, rail shots, power shots.. everything!!! I went through my rotation, venting heat, going to max heat again (both of us), blazing away until I could only fire my tier 1 attack. This continued for a FULL MINUTE and never once.... did his health ever dip below 75%. If it even got close to 80%, he just healed himself up. He never attacked back, just literally stood there taken it, likely laughing his butt off at the futility of our assault. How is this even possible? I've got a sorc at lvl 26 and he isn't anything even remotely close to this strong, even with a body guard and friendly heals. Granted, I only have about 136 expertise, but seriously??? Two of us can't bring 1 sorc down to 75% health??? Over the course of an entire minute, when he had no support?? Trust me, I looked around, there was nobody else near us. Let me just be clear here, I'm not crying. I'm simply... dumbfounded. Either this is an exploit, or the gear disparity is so vast.... ???
  13. CLEARLY - the devs did not check the current market price for crystals, as 250,000 is WAY OVER PRICED!!! That being said - I'd like mine free too. Also.. while we are complaining.... WHY ON EARTH DOES IT SAY: "Optional" next to the "security key" window, as this is NOT optional. If I don't enter it, i can't log in. One cannot consider that 'optional' at that point since it's clearly 'mandatory'.
  14. Something tells me you've been AFK the majority of the time, kill trading or some other exploit, so no....... you didn't 'earn' anything. Playing should be your reward, your 'gear' obviously wasn't actually 'earned'. I see no problem.
  15. I completely agree. Rewards should be limited to "Vanity" orange gear, Titles, Consumables, Legacy Points and other such items that do not directly upset the balance of play. It is difficult enough to balance 8 classes for PVP without throwing in the complexity of 'gear disparity'. Good luck with that... I don't even understand 'why' they went with PVP specific gear, when their original design philosophy was: "Is it fun?" The whole "Gear" issue has already forced them work on developing "PVP brackets", forcing 50's into their own zones and longer waiting ques, exploiting the valor system and a host of other problems I wont go in to. Get rid of it. I'll further add: The PVP gear looks like it belongs in WOW, not SWTOR. Steampunk Mercs??? Really bioware?? Really??
  16. I don't usually last 8 seconds once stunned, so.... can't really comment. Although i can say.. at least my resolve bar is full when I respawn...
  17. So, I've noticed this odd and frustrating issue and wanted to see if someone 'in the know' could confirm this or provide insight. I've encountered times during PVP when NONE of my powers will respond to button clicks. My character is NOT stunned, NOT mezzed, or in any way incapacitated so that they couldn't act, I can move about freely, but clicking even a basic tier 1 attack power will result in nothing, nadda, zilch, zippo.. and shortly afterwards, death. (obviously - since not attacking your enemy in PVP is usually fatal) It is VERY noticeable on melee toons, but I've noticed ranged 'delaying' shots unusually long periodically as well. Generally - my latency reads about 81 and occasionally as high as 110, during PVP rounds. It doesn't happen in every single round I play, but generally after several rounds or hours of continuous play. Anyone else experiencing this type of issue? Is it lag? Memory leak? I'm running a quadcore, 3.5ghz, dual 460 SLI, 8 GB ram, Win 7 64bit.
  18. SIGNED!!!! I just have to say first: LIGHTSIDE sith does NOT mean you are a 'good guy' / aka Jedi wannabe. It means you are more "Lawful Evil", a devote imperial warrior with a code of honor. I let people live because it serves my purposes, or serves no purpose to kill them. I'm not a homicidal maniac. I'm a SITH, not a mass murderer or a psychopath. I still use the "dark side' of the force, aka 'rage' and 'emotion' to gain power faster than those foolish Jedi and their years of mediation. That being said: I see no reason a "Light Side" Jaesa cannot be romance able. Sith are supposed to use emotion and romance/love is a very powerful one that can be utilized quite effectively. For those who have played "Jedi", you have an encounter early in the game with two apprentice love birds. They are clearly using the 'emotion' of love to channel the force. While this is WRONG for a Jedi, I am a SITH... and I'm converting Jaesa to the SITH and the dark side, regardless if I'm making her 'lawful/honorable' or 'dark / evil'. She is still being taken to the dark side. She is no longer a Jedi, so romance for a LIGHT SIDE Sith should most definitely BE AN OPTION. She falls all the way or doesn't fall at all???? Makes no sense. If that is the case, then why even allow SITH to make Light Side choices??
  19. I welcome the War Zone debuff for players who quit a match AFTER it starts. I don't care what your excuse is. My TIME is just as valuable as yours, so you can do your dailies with a debuff. I welcome the VOTE KICK option for AFK'rs. Again.. my TIME is just as valuable as yours. .................... OP - just because your guild is PVP focused, doesn't mean they don't suck. I'd wager 'gear' is not the reason they get beat against decently geared teams. Your guild lacks "LEADERSHIP" and coordination, and apparently your guild mates lack experience and the ability to follow the directions of your team leader (if he/she is actually leading....). Your lame team leader is robbing you and your guild mates of valuable experience. It has nothing to do with gear.
  20. I love Hutt Ball, Void Star is probably my least favorite simply because it's too easy to get steamrolled if you're playing on a disorganized PUG. Alderran can be fun... but sometimes it gets a bit boring if the gun you're guarding remains uncontested for the whole match. "Should I stay or should I go"... always plays through my mind during those matches.
  21. So... an amazing thing happened two nights ago. I was playing Huttball with a friend. As far as I could tell, both teams were PUG's, having no associated guild names. Yet fate apparently brought these 16 players together who not only wanted to play and knew how to play, but wanted to WIN!! We traded goals for the first few minutes; the score tied at 2 - 2, when the training wheels apparently fell off our characters and the opposition scored an unanswered 3 consecutive goals. The score now 2 - 5, it looked as if all hope was lost. Why.. even my friend complained the match was lost. (whiny ***** that he is... ) I shrugged off his negative comments, warmed my Kolto Missile up and ran back from the spawn point to assist our team. Amazingly - somehow our team rallied. We scored a quick goal. Worked our butts off to score another AND managed to prevent two game ending goals at the last second. Finally - with 1 minute left on the clock we tied the game: 5 - 5. What followed was an EPIC scrum/battle in the Oppositions pit, as they tried to maintain possession of the ball, rather than push to score. With 10 seconds left on the clock, one of our teammates managed to steal the ball. At 1/2 health, a swarm of "Reds" approaching, I cast every heal and shield I had on him (bodyguard merc), he slipped around a corner, hit his speed burst and sprinted just out of range as the clock ticked down to 0. The match was ours. But.. truth be told. It was not our hard fought victory that made me want to post this story. It was the fact that 2 seemingly non-premade teams came together and PLAYED a round of hutt ball, with NO communication, and yet both teams played as if they 'were' communicating. Passing the ball, swarming the ball carrier, advancing to receive passes. It was amazing. I also posted because, yes, the chips were down and it looked like we were going to lose, but our team did not quit. They didn't give up and leave. We dug our heels in, and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. It was the MOST fun I've had playing this game, to date. Even had we lost in those final seconds, it still would have left an impression on me. Victory..... just made it taste that much sweeter.
  22. Yes, a female BH can romance Torian. It's ridiculously easy to... him being a guy.
  23. I play merc, but wish I'd have rolled a powertech.
  24. I only played a pyro build for a day, but even with that little experience I can't see why you WOULDN'T use combustion. Anything else doesn't make sense........ so... if I show you a picture of Chewbacca and it doesn't make sense, you must acquit.
  25. I wont disagree with you on those points. I can certainly see the usefulness of the DOT's in those situations. Mind you, I only dabbled with Pyro for a day, so by no means an expert, but after getting crushed by an Operative (yes he got the drop on me) I started getting frustrated. A few minutes later I got the drop on him; launched several of the dot missiles in his face, only to see him stealth away and disappear............ sigh.... Apparently he has an ability to remove DOT's, then a little burst of speed to get him around a corner and out of LOS and range. I was very sad.... (see frustrated.. having wanted revenge quite badly.) Obviously - the pyro / DOT heavy build would require a change in tactics as well. Something I will look at again, perhaps when dual spec is finally introduced. (respec is starting to get expensive...) Like the OP, I'm sick of the constant 'rooting' of Arsenal, which... in hindsight is kinda funny because my bodyguard build is pretty much the same..
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