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Posts posted by Mirthadrond

  1. The problem I had with pyro is DOT's. Not a big fan of them in PVP where burst damage rules. When in combat I need to blaze someone down NOW, not 18 seconds from now, when I'm dead.


    I may give it a try in the future when I get tired of my heal/bodyguard spec.

  2. I'm getting used to Kolto missile, but... sometimes, I place my target hex in the target area but my mouse curser passes over a friendly, or enemy and the missile cannot be placed, costing me a precious second before I can get my heal off.


    Obviously - I need to focus on just placing it on the ground 'near them' and just let the splash heal who it heals, but being able to target a friendly specifically with it would definitely improve the speed in which I can deploy it.

  3. I would vote for a 'click' power that increases range temporarily, with a minute cool down.


    Channeled powers working after losing LOS? No way, that WOULD make snipers overpowered.


    OP - you have OTHER attacks 'besides' you're channeled ones.... just an FYI.


    You could always try moving out of cover, and back into cover for an 'instant' snipe, if you've spec'd it. Again... just an FYI.


    You can then use 'Follow Through'. LOS problems solved.

  4. SWTOR has perhaps the worst pvp of any mmo I've played, and as far as I'm concerned PvP IS the end game of every mmo. I do not honestly expect devs to release PvE content faster than I can finish/get bored with it, so.. PVP is what keeps me playing a mmo for the long haul.


    That being said, I still haven't hit 50 yet, due to a bad case of alt-itis, so.. we shall see.


    Global cool downs, broken/borked resolve system, ability delay, lag, CC's up the wazzoo, gear grind, I do not have a great deal of confidence.


    Can it be corrected? Most certainly. Where there is a will, there is a way.


    Will it be fixed/improved... likely.... at some point, but then again I only have to look at AOC to see evidence that PVP is not a top priority in most MMO's and AOC launched as a PVP focused game.


    Time will tell, but as the OP pointed out, time is NOT on the developers side, when it comes to PVP fans.

  5. Sages/Sorc's are NOT underpowered. Period. If anything, they need a nerf similar to the assassin/shadow hybrid nerf.


    FYI - OP; there are NO aggro tables in PVP. If we see you, we WILL focus you until you are dead, period, regardless which spec you choose. If you aren't dead, you're helping your team too much for us to overcome, so you are a TOP priority on all damage spikes.


    That being said; I'm seriously disappointed. I just (last night) changed up my MERC to a full healer spec, (yep read that correctly - no tracer missile) and was wondering why I was only able to hump out 79k (max) healing during a round, where'as the Sorc was doing 200k easily. (pre 50 pvp)

    Getting 2000k + heal points for a bubble they can cast very 5 seconds, on every team member, means I will never get even remotely close to their heal numbers. My 1 bubble cast, can only be used on 1 team mate at a time, heals for around 2 - 3k over the course of 30 seconds.

    On top of that, my damage is now severely lacking, but at least I can keep a team mate alive if they are fighting 1 v 1.....


    Regardless - reading that little tid bit on heal points makes me wanna respec back to arsenal and just roll a sage/sorc if I wanna heal people.


    FYI - I cannot out self heal 1 person's DPS. I can buy myself time.. yes.. so.. working as intended.

  6. I'm with my fellow merc players on this one OP, so shut up and play one and you will CLEARLY see 'why' the build/play style requires the use of Tracer Missile spam.


    For starters: It's one of the best/hardest hitting powers we have in our line up. The ONLY way to match it with any other power is by first placing the 'heat signature' on you from (you guessed it) tracer missile.


    I can throw EVERY POWER I HAVE at you, without using tracer missile, and you will only feel a slight tickle, my heat buildup will be through the roof leaving me absolutely helpless, and you free to face roll me.


    FYI - vent heat is a 2 minute cool down, which is an INSANELY long time in pvp.


    I have NO CHOICE but to use tracer missile if I expect to do anything productive in a fight.


    You wanna nerf my tracer missile?? That's fine by me. Make up for it by increasing the damage of unload, flame thrower, explosive dart, increase my heals..etc...etc..etc... and allow me to use them ON THE MOVE and I will NEVER fire another tracer missile (at you) ever again.



  7. "Resolve" may be working as 'intended'; but due to the grotesque amount of CC in this game, the constant complaining on the forums about it and CC, and the popularity of PVP; I think Bioware would be remiss if they did not take a serious look at their system, and take steps to make it "More" fun.



    Granted; PVP brackets will make a difference. Pre-mades vrs Pre-mades and Rank vrs Rank will 'resolve' (pun intended) some of these 'fun factor' issues.


    Regardless; I still think Bioware should take a good hard look at this system. Contemplate purchasable trinkets like the City of Heroes system, or instant reset on global cool downs on death.

  8. Let me get this straight OP....


    1: You had no idea what the legacy system was.


    2: You have no idea what legacy means.


    3: You had no idea 'when' the legacy system would kick in for you.


    4: When it DID kick in, you had no idea what it would do for you.


    5: Your legacy finally kicks in and you realize you lost an entire level of legacy XP, due to your own ignorance, laziness.... and...

    You are now mad at BIOWARE??? Because they 'screwed' you out of 1 lvl of legacy XP??


    That about right??


    Seems to me you are misdirecting your anger sir. You should be mad at the playerbase............. because clearly we did not hold your hand tight enough.... or not hold your head in the toilet long enough.... you choose.

  9. Well for me it started in BETA. I'd been debating with a close friend the merits of going Republic, since I wanted to play a Jedi. He was hell bent on Bounty Hunter.


    During beta, I started an Imperial Agent, since it was my least favorite class and I didn't want to ruin my desired class story.


    Well.. the Agents story hooked me, so that's what I started out with and now my 'home' server is filled with Imperial toons, so if I want to start on Republic, I have to go to another server.


    It's not a 'good vrs evil' issue. My Bounty Hunter is lightside, as is my Sith Warrior. Even thinking of making a lightside sorcerer.


    My agent is currently dark side, but now that she has a romance companion, and wicked cool plot twist, I'm thinking of converting her to light side.

  10. "How is it biowares fault that people "rushed" through content?"


    How is it the players fault that bioware made one of the easiest and most simplistic games ever released as a supposedly AAA MMO? And that is both in PvE and PvP.


    If I want awseome cinematic scenes I go to the cinema. If I want an awsome story I read a good book. This game instead is a bastard between bad to mediocre storylines, bad to mediocre cinematic scenes and the worst gameplay and game mechanic in the last years.


    And it doesn't matter in the least how much time has passed since the official launch or how polished games were 7-10 years ago. This is 2012, this game is in development since > 5 years and the competition are the games already out not the games of the past.


    Don't get me wrong. I wish everybody who has fun in this all the best. But I don't see me paying yet another month for a underdesigned and hardly disguised beta of a single player game with barely thought out small group content marketed as MMO.


    "One of the best PvP teams in the industry..." yeah sure.


    Troll much??


    Last I checked. Nobody was forcing you to play or post here.

  11. Cover only works on ranged attacks, but Tracer Missiles/Grav Rounds basically don't miss. Sorc attacks never miss either. So it's only useful against another Sniper.


    So interrupt them, and while they fumble around for 4 seconds asking why their TM/GR isn't working, blaze em up. They will retreat or die. Either way, you win.


    Though, I agree our cover should mitigate more damage, provided the damage is coming from the correct direction. (flanking should always work against cover and be a weakness of ours)

  12. I don't think Gunslingers/Snipers need more tools to get away, they just need their current tools to not be so awful.


    The cover system, which we are bound by, only reduces white damage (the majority of which is only done by other Sharpshooters/Marksmanship Gunslingers/Snipers) by 20% in a frontal cone. Cover should have a proper benefit towards all classes outside of "well, you can use a few more abilities now." The cost of having to remain still is not weighing up against the benefit of using cover. If we weren't forced to use it for Charge Bursts/Aimed Shots, we wouldn't be using it. The best thing cover does, in my opinion, is prevent Warrior/Guardian charges. That said, we're talking about a core mechanic of the class that really only affects 1 or 2 classes.


    Pulse Detonator should not require cover to use. No other class - I repeat - NO OTHER CLASS with a knockback has to have a condition to use it. This is akin to making Sorcerers have to have Static Barrier up in order to use Overload. You could say "well, Cover has no cooldown or Ion debuff," but I could retort, and say: "Yes, that's true, but I can't cover when I'm rooted - the prime time I need to USE my knockback."


    Defense Screen needs to not be terrible. Compared to Static Barrier, this is an absolute joke of an ability. For a 45 second CD, this ability should be more valuable than the GCD it wastes.


    Personally, I think Leg Shot/Dirty Kick are fine. I also think Scrambling Field is fine - a big benefit like that should have a proper penalty. However, the "can't cover while rooted" thing is still a colossal pain in the butt.


    Flash Bang/Grenade is fine. It's a great offensive/defensive tool.


    As BioWare has noted, I don't think the class needs huge buffs. It has the potential and good players can play it off. However, it feels that our tools didn't get the last pass they needed during beta. A lot of it feels unfinished and in need of final tweaks. How not being able to cover while rooted made it out of beta is beyond me (name me a single other instant-cast ability that cannot be used while rooted). If the things I listed got improved, then we'd see a lot more Gunslingers/Snipers playing and actually providing a formidable addition to the team.


    What this guy says.


    The auto roll to cover is a... frustrating system. For example, fighting a commando yesterday in voidstar (think it was commando anyway) he laid down that Firebomb, napalm type attack on me while in hard cover. I moved to avoid the DOTs, and of course needed to be in cover to use 90% of my attacks, so hit the 'cover' button hoping to drop my portable cover and lay some hurt down, but instead... the game rolled me back into the hard cover I was just in.. back into the DOT's.

    Nice... :(


    Pulse - being rooted and unable to drop into cover when i need it the most is utterly stupid and equals I get FACE ROLLED.


    Defense Screen; Too damn weak. Again.. need to be in cover to use.


    Leg shot - could be better, but would rather see it reduce movement for X seconds, by 50%, rather than immobilize for 2 (before some goof hits them and breaks it :eek:)


    I'd like to see a "Buff Range" power added. A click, long cool down power that increases our range 5- 10 meters. Since we can't do pretty much anything, unless we are stationary, at least give us the ability to have the longest range in the game, even if it's a short term buff.

  13. I have a level 50 Operative and am now leveling a Sniper (33 atm). Here are my thoughts:


    -One thing to mention about Legshot: If you can manage to time your dots to be ending at the same time, immediately hit ctrl-2 to stop your companion from attacking, THEN hit leg shot. Instead of it only applying fo r2 seconds, it will then apply for the full 5 seconds as your target is not taking damage. During this time, you are gaining free energy. I suggest you use leg shot to help you get your energy back. Burst --> Leg shot --> wait 5 seconds --> burst --> repeat. This is hard to do with DoTs rolling, so engineering and lethality should concentrate on slowing vs rooting like a marksman. Time thos dots though, and you can use this as engineering and lethality. Also, if you are going to root without doing any damage, make sure you are LoS of the target so you take no damage as well (or behind hard cover).


    Excellent tip. I personally have not taken full advantage of leg shot in this way. Should work good on melee. (does it root/prevent force leap??)

  14. This is the Jedi guardian??


    Because he was a *$&!@!!~ for me to take down, but I did manage after 5 attempts.



    Yes, your pet is going to die. Summon boss and sic her on him. Ignore her QQ'ing that you aren't helping and DPS him as much as possible, but pay attention to your PETS health meter, do not waste things like 'flash bang & cover pulse', you WILL need those shortly.



    If you have it, entrench, when he turns to engage you. Use ambush to push him back when Entrench is about to expire. You can adrenal now and gain energy if needed, or scoot and shoot if you still have plenty of energy. (You should 'instant' snipe whenever possible. Move 1 step, take cover, fire snipe instantly. The exception is when 'entrenched', of course)


    When you health is 1/2, FLASH BANG. Now heal up. Scoot and Shoot. (watch for NME mobs nearby, don't move too far away just enough to get out of melee range, just a few paces, drop cover and fire Snipe or Takedown if it's up.)


    Just remember, you HAVE to keep him off you, and you only have 5 tools to do it.

    Entrench, Flash, Debilitate, cover pulse and Ambush. So space them out, using 1 at a time. He WILL stun you once entrench is spent. Trinket and return the favor.


    Use your stuns duration to get some space between you, re-cover and snipe instantly, leg shot to slow him down.


    If you can't beat him solo, bring a friend. You'll smash his face in.


    And yes.. above post. Go ahead and face your end boss solo (chapter 1) but be ready to ask a friend for help. You WILL need them to beat him, at even level. This quest is actually bugged, so.. unfortunately... as a sniper, you will need help to finish it.

  15. I get AD on both my Sniper and my Merc, occasionally. It is not constant, so could very well be lag spikes. I've seen my latency meter jump from 80ms to 201ms quite a few times yesterday. I'd be in the middle of combat in pvp, 1/2 health, go to click a power and I'm dead?? Wha??? :(


    However; despite apparent lag spikes, there is no doubt in my mind that my character is LESS responsive in PVP than they are in PVE, but again... the pace of PVP is MUCH MUCH faster than the pace of PVE.


    I've had 1 seriously challenging fight in PVE so far. My sniper faced off against a Jedi (elite). It took me 5 deaths to finally beat him, and EVERY single power on my tray had to be used to pull it off. It was the closest thing to a PVP fight I'd experienced in the game (outside pvp). But at any rate, point is... the fight was as hectic as most PVP fights, but still responsive to my control input.

  16. No... no...... no... no .... frigging no.



    Thanks for at least trying to come up with ideas to improve Hutt ball, but this idea is not good.


    If your team can't control the ball, or kill their team members fast enough to keep them from playing catch instead of playing the match... well?? You're team is not playing very well.


    Unfortunately - if you're up against a Pre-made, this is more likely to happen. Facing a team in Vent, while playing on a team of typers... no chance.

  17. Sorc and Sage bubbles are WAY OP, IMHO. Great absorb, fast recast and cool down.... yeah.



    I've run into quite a few who (with bubble and heals) could easily out heal my DPS. (sniper)


    Healing, by itself is not OP, but combine the good heals with the awesome bubble ability, they have a massive advantage in 1v1 fights. Add two, working together, and you will need to have a coordinated group to take them out.

  18. Eviscerate and all abilities like it are not useable in pvp or on "gold" and "boss" mobs. it is a worthless ability. The tool tip in this case is exactly accurate in that it is only useable on standard and "strong" mobs.


    Ah... tool tip confusion.


    I thought in PVP we were all considered 'standard'. (sure seems like we are) Bummer... oh well... at least i know NOT to try and use it any more. :rolleyes:

  19. Oh good grief....



    I have not seen this bug yet, myself, but I can easily see how it would be insanely frustrating.


    Will likely happen to me when I'm having the game of my life...... :eek:


    I've been kicked from Warzones, during winning matches, because I didn't respond to the open door fast enough. (was looking at my power tray, trying to figure out which power disappeared) 1 missed door and YOUR OUT!!! Lame.


    I can see 2 missed doors, but 1?? That's just mean.

  20. I cannot, try as i might, get this power to fire off in PVP. (Sniper)


    Flash bang... cannot use eviscerate.


    Debilitate... no eviscerate.


    I've grown quite accustomed to using it in PVE, but this power is NEVER available in PvP, no matter what I, or anyone on my team does to our opposition.



    I know my Sith assassin buddy is having problems with a few of his power combos working as well, in PVP... so... I guess I'm at least not alone.

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