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Everything posted by AndantePhist

  1. Focus/Vigil are probably the worst 2 trees to hybrid. Only defense/vigil variations of viable. NEVER hybrid focus/vigil. Both those builds will literally make you gimp as all hell...
  2. You can't control defiance... You CAN control victory rush. I would rather be in control of my own focus generation than to rely on my enemies.
  3. Here is the thing, my post is for NEW Jedi Knights, heck its in the title of the post. How are NEW jedi knights going to be able to click on abilities without looking at UI? Hmm? However they all probably know how to type, and can start keybinding immediately. Also my post is also aimed for new players in MMOS in general. its a lot easier to pick up MMOs and get used to MMOs by keybinding. Also Keybinding, not only is easier for new players, it also allows a higher skill ceiling than clicking. It's win win for everyone.
  4. Wow... so many elitists in this post. OMG I CLICK AND DO 500k DAMAGE, ITS VIABLE GUYS, EVERYONE CAN DO IT!!! LOOK AT ME! lol. Ok, if this is the case, why are TONS of people having trouble with easy class quests? Why are people saying they have trouble killing normal mobs, etc etc etc. My theory is that many people click, and unless they are the elitest top .1% Uber Clicker, they will fail. The average clicker WILL NOT be able to manage effectively whats going on on the screen and manage their attack rotations at the same time. Most clickers have to glance down at their abilities to see what they are clicking. A keybinder has NONE of the limitations of a clicker. I can rant off tons of limitations that clicking has, but keybinding has none of it, and will only improve the gameplay of a clicker. But, nope, all the elitists simply come in and go, KEEP ON CLICKING! ITS VIABLE GUYS!. Spreading misinformation, when its pretty much guaranteed that keybinding will help the average player enjoy the Jedi Class and become better with it. Honestly can you even name ONE advantage clicking has over keybinding? You guys keep on saying clicking is viable, however to be viable this means that clicking has advantages and disadvantages to keybinding. So what are the advantages? Oh thats right... there are none.
  5. because you give up way to much to get the 6% strength. 6% strength DOES NOT equal 6% damage increase. it equals roughly extra .5-.6% crit, and your attacks hit for roughly 2% harder. So 6% strength is roughly a 3% dps overall increase... not worth it for giving up either momentum or victory rush.
  6. This is after surge nerf... I have 42% chance to crit with force attacks with sage/smuggler buff. I also have 105% crit multiplier for force, and 75% crit multiplier for weapon attacks. L2 gear properly.
  7. You severely underestimate how hard focus abilities hit for. If all my force exhaustion ticks crit, thats 6k damage right there... Bladestorm crits for 3-3.5k for me Zealous leap crits for 2.5k+ Not to mention the 5-6k "one trick pony" forcesweep crits. All in PVE raid buffed.
  8. Jestunhi is just a butthurt Imperial who cannot accept the fact that he rolled the zerg faction. He lives in a world of delusion where even if there is 300 imperials in the imperial fleet and 50 republic in the republic fleet, he'll be the first to spout "THAT PROVES NOTHING! SERVER IS BALANCED PERIOD" lol what a joke.
  9. Beauty of keybidnds, you can use whatever suits your playstyle. For me I have Q, E,R, T, S, F, G, Z, X, C, V, B, (Shift+F, R, V, C, 1,2,3,4) You can even have Alt+w/e key, or ctrl+ w/e key. There is no guide on how to keybind, you have to experiment and see what works for you.
  10. if they buff guardians anymore... I'll become a god...
  11. I know countless of friends, clan mates, guild mates that used to be clickers spread across many MMOs. here is their thoughts when regarding clicking before they started keybinding. Before "Clicking is fine, I do fine in pvp." "I've had no problems, why should I switch?" After "Wow... I can't believe I used to click" I haven't met one person who switched from clicking to keybinding and wanted to go back to clicking once they got used to keybinding. Sure at first keybinding might actually be not as effective, but once they got proficient with keybinding as they did with clicking, they became better... at every aspect in the game. Why settle for mediocrity when you have to option to excel.
  12. WAIT WHAT? Blade Storm is for vigilance guardians? You gotta be trolling, seriously. My blade storms crit up to 3.5k with relic+ adrenal. It crits for 2.5k+ normally. As focus spec we got 20% armor pen, 30% extra crit multiplier bonus, 6% extra crit on blade storm. As vigilance you get 60% increased crit chance after overhead slash or plasma brand 200-250 extra damage dot... ticks for like 50 damage...-_- Yes, blade storm is a little bit better in vigilance but it still rocks in focus. Also good luck getting a FULL 3 second channel of master strike on a sorc or any ranged class, you have to stand still for the FULL 3 seconds because the most damaging portion of the attack is at the very tail end of master strike. Also master strike can be defended against dodge/parry/shield since its weapon damage, while blade storm cannot be defended against since it's kinetic damage. Blade Storm is great for ALL guardian specs... period, saying otherwise is just ridiculous.
  13. Yes, you can be an amazing clicker... but everything you described is on par to that of an average keybinder. If you keybinded, I would bet you would be amazing. Also... make note, on PVE servers most people are clickers from what I've seen, and the competition isn't all that great. It's not uncommon for dps to do 400-700k damage and healers to heal 400-900k healing, tanks getting 300k damage/100k protection at lvl 50 on PVP servers. Now post me a screenshot where you are top with comparable numbers to what I listed.
  14. Force Clap is a bad talent. The stun is too short, and it fills up the opponents resolve meter. The stun is also pretty much wasted because the target is already immobilized, and also you are immune to CC for 4 seconds due to unremitting.
  15. If you are a clicker you have 2 options. 1. Do not play a Jedi Knight (I'll explain why) 2. Start keybinding and mouse turn Why you should not play a Jedi Knight if you are a clicker. PVP reasons: 1. Keyboard turning is ineffective in pvp. As a Jedi Knight, you are a melee class, and if you keyboard turn, you literally maneuver like a boat. If a sorc runs right past you, and you keyboard turn, you have make a U TURN like a boat, and the sorc will be way out of melee range. With mouse turning, you can make an INSTANT 180, instead of a U turn, and stay on top of the sorc with no problem. 2. You cannot pop cooldowns as fast, and also you lose dps if you want to taunt/pop cooldowns. There are many abilities jedi knights use that are off global Cooldown. Keybinding allows you to pop defensive CDs like blade barrier while still maintaining dps. It also allows you to taunt while maintaining your damage. Every fraction of a second counts in pvp, popping your blade barrier right before a tracer missile hits you (especially if you are a guardian), can be the difference between victory and defeat. 3. Your damage will suffer. The combination of having to manuveur your character like a boat with keyboard turning, and the delay of mouse clicking means you will not be able to stay on target as easily, and when you are on target, you probably will not utilize the GCD as efficiently. A key to maintaining damage and usefulness, is to be able to fire off an ability EVERY 1.5 seconds while you are in an engagement with no delay. PVE reasons: 1. Your aggro generation/dps will suffer. If you plan to tank as a guardian, one of the most efficient damage abilities when talented is riposte. However it is off global cooldown, meaning you can fire it off while using other abilities. As a clicker, you will not be able to fire off riposte the moment it's up, and also will not be able to optimally fire riposte off along with your other abilities. 2. Your survivability will suffer. A big part of tanking is firing off your defensive cooldowns precisely when you need them. Having to deal with the delay that comes with clicking, it can mean the difference between a wipe and a clear due to delay, since a boss can kill you in a fraction of a second if you are too slow. In General I'm not here to demonize clickers or saying "OMG uninstall if you are a clicker". All I am saying is that Jedi Knights are going to be SUPER underwelming if you click, and are great if you properly keybind efficiently. Also being a clicker in a MMO is equivalent of using a gamepad to play FPSes on the PC. You will get dominated in this game as a clicker when playing a jedi knight, just as you would get dominated if you played Counter Strike or any FPS with a gamepad instead of Mouse+keyboard. However I do have a problem with Jedi Knights that go to the boards regularly and complain that they can't do anything in PVP and PVE all the time. Imagine someone going into a FPS forum complaining that every gun sucks except for the shotgun and rocket launcher because they use a game pad instead of mouse+keyboard to aim. For those that believe that clicking is as efficient as keybinding - NO, just no. If you truly believe this, next time you have to write a 20 page paper/report, instead of using a keyboard to type out everything, use one of those keyboard emulators where you have a visual keyboard onscreen and you can "click" every letter to write your paper/report... yeah totally as efficient. PS. I'm not trying to be elitist... I'm exactly opposite of that. The elitists are those who click and succeed because they are exceptionally skilled thinking "hey if I can click and succeed, anyone can, there is no need to keybind!". All this does is give false impressions to the average player making them think "hey this player succeeded with Jedi Knight by clicking... so I don't need to change either", they end up misled and start to think their class is underpowered or useless once they start failing. I really enjoy the Jedi Knight class especially guardian, I just want people to realize that the reason they are failing might not a class issue but a playstyle issue (for those that say you own everything and everyone by clicking, yeah yeah good for you, you're the top 1% at clicking, we know you're awesome, want a cookie? )
  16. The music in the video rubbed me the wrong way.
  17. wow... this is some terrible PVP. - Bridge Extends in voidstar, instead of immediately crossing over, you focus on killing imperials BEHIND the bridge... imperials you should focus on slowing and NOT killing, so that your teammates on the door side have less defenders to worry about. (if you don't understand this concept... stick with PVE please) All you are doing is basically doing PVE in PVP, I saw you do NOTHING to contribute to your team outside OMG I DO DAMAGE... you did not use your taunts even once... even though they are off GCD and would not even hamper your dps. I did not see you care about objectives... a good pvper can do great damage while doing objectives at the same time... Terrible PVP video man, you coulda just shown a video of you pwning some mobs.
  18. You wont have 17k hp in full BM gear... more like 16k hp if you go your damage/healing set (not tank stat)... also in full BM you will have roughly 1300 unbuffed of your main dps stat (str/aim/cunning/will), with full top quality PVE with augment slots you're looking at around 1700 of main dps stat. basically if you go full PVE you'll have roughly 400 more of your main dps stat along with 3k more hp than if you went BM. Though the best way to do it is to go roughly half PVE, and half PVP regarding gear.
  19. we already know that... too bad all power enhancements comes with either surge/alacrity/accuracy... so we're pretty much forced to stack surge if we want power. bad itemization is bad
  20. you probably went with might armorings, I went with the other one, so I guess it is sorta tanky. Also I used the 30 end, 15 crit 39 surge enhancements instead of the 18 end 27 crit 39 surge enhancements. I picked the more survivable route so I probably had lower crit and lower strength than you... so I guess in a way im more "tanky". either way works, its just a matter of preference.
  21. I have a thread regarding focus, there is wiggle room for one or two points, I think it works best for players new to focus. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=249602
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