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Everything posted by Vialator

  1. aware of the issue and burying thier heads in the sand as this is a monumental stuff up that spans every single class out their- its even worse for healersw- hence the lack of them. This is game breaking and no idea what they going to do about it short of redesigning the whole way characters do their actions versus animation of that action. its a complete rewrite of every skill virtually in game of every class- my bounty hunter has it- my inquisitor has it and so does my juggernaut. and not 1 ability but numerous on each one of them. I don't envy EA/bioware with this problem the task is immense and not sure how long it will take them to fix it or if the people will stay around and wait for the fix- I think this is the nail in the coffin scenario they dread!
  2. This is going to be a major thing to overhaul- I have a few chars now in this game- all around the 30ish lvl and they all have ability's with this issues. especially healing- which I guess is why the game lacks healers. They getting stick for groups wiping due to this .
  3. very lack lustre character customization- and the ingame graphics options are lacking in the options as well!
  4. Nasty community here- miserable ppl posting here- you should be ashamed of yourselves- god forbid anything happen to you that gives you lot a disability! Karma is all i have to say
  5. of all the things they need to fix ASAP- its this- I am sick to death of it on my sith inquistor- so much so that its killing the mood to play this game any longer- I log out in frustration over it. This WILL break the game and cause a mass of ppl to unsub- fix it please
  6. um they can control the servers to make them look full
  7. it seems they are "working " on a lot of things- shouldn't this all have been done BEFORE we paid them our hard earned money? we all a bunch of paying beta testers now it seems!
  8. yup and they got your money already - they moving onto the next thing leaving a skeleton staff behind cause they know the game is going to tank come the end of the free month- its inevitable!
  9. more then likely a monkey sitting their with a button randomly closing and deleting posts
  10. Why cant we have server forums? I am trying to find a decent server to call home but these language wars are getting old fast! Everyone claims its their language server and all the fighting breaks out as to what people can speak in general chat- alot say this is primarily a Russian server so they speak Russian in general chat regardless if it says English pve when you log in- the same can be said of the Italians- they lay claim to a server and speak Italian in general chat and claim that this is their server. It gets nasty- can we PLEASE have server forums so we can see whose who on the server please. this game is tanking fast with the lack of options- just look at these forums- you want a return on your investment- stop been so stubborn with putting in what the customers want!
  11. Very true about the STO instancing and such- sucks bigtime- but even sto which is f2p come 17th january got things better in some areas then this pile of garbage that's a single player game wrapped in a mmo con!
  12. There is no point- if you try make a constructive post about what's wrong- it gets bombed by fanboi's and buried by the devs/mods on these forums. this game wont last at all.
  13. My companion keeps threatening to eat me or any npc I talk to he butts in and threatens to eat them!
  14. Oh btw if you say its hard to do- take a look at star trek online- ok the ground combat in that is a bit strange- but they managed to merge the two together pretty ok. Why cant bioware do the same? guess all this £300 million went to pay for the licensing fee!
  15. As the title says- is there a cheap no sub version of this game where I can play it as a single player game and not worry about having to pay £9/month for the single player experience this is?
  16. yeah it is the rocks....... in a massive ocean about to sink like the rock it is!
  17. I couldnt of said it better myself- that is soooo true.
  18. yup- they going to see the massive decline come the end of the month- serves them right for been obnoxious ignorant mods who don't listen to the customers who PAY them.
  19. another "it will eventually be added" i got one for you "it will eventually close down when everyone leaves as they sick of waiting for eventually to arrive!"
  20. I wonder how eve online and dust 514 will go- they trying to pull of first person shooter- tied into eve online universe- ambitious if ever- pity dust is for consoles only- if they make that pc to , I will have died and gone to heaven- a fps ground shooter linked with eve online! nerds dream come true
  21. Same boat as me- endless issues- not worth listing as these posts get buried quickly by the mods or fanboi's not subbing this month either another aion/rift where i never get past the first month due to game breaking issues! perhaps in 6 months if this is still around i will check it out for improvements Eve online and wow can still keep me busy
  22. as long as they specify which hand then yes- i use two of the same pistols that drop off last boss in Athiss instance. they both exactly same pistols. There are some pistols that say offhand only btw as well.
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