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Everything posted by Kanana

  1. No, the message is simple: If BW doesn't revert this reward nerf, PvP participation will shrink and shrink, leaving a few on each server battling each other.
  2. Alkl one needs to battle afkers is the kick system which was implemented. Deserter punishments will ruin pvp since not many will bother with it anymore, not after the 1.2 reward nerf.
  3. 1.2 hurts pvp by not rewarding participation in pvp, win or lose. The medal minimum can be hard or even impossible to reach, deopending on how one-sided a fight is, and even if you get medals the rewards for losing are so small you're better off bailing and re-entering another WZ. BW needs to revert the rewards to pre-1.2 or many will stop pvping.
  4. We don't need deserter punishments, we need incentives to stay in a WZ even if one loses. Which means reverting rewards to pre-1.2.
  5. Yeah. Add the comms, credits and XP back that were there pre-1.5, especially for the losing side. The more people pvp, the less people scream for more pve content too.
  6. I support getting more people to pvp. Rewards even if they lose a wz will do that. Punishing quitters will not help, it'll simply make more people stop pvping. In short, no one should get punished, and everyone who plays a match, win or lose, should get rearded for the time spent in a game.
  7. Simply add more comms as a reward for both winner and loser, and more credits, and more people will pvp. Even the hardcore elitists ranting about entitlement and elfare comms and whatever should realize that more people pvping makes for better pvp.
  8. Those who rant about "entitlement kids" need to grow up. This is not about entitlement, this is about enticing people to pvp. Better Rewards for losing make more people stay in a match. Punishments for quitting simply make more people stop pvping.
  9. You need rewards for staying, not punishments for quitting. I cannot understand that Bioware messed this up so much.
  10. You've no idea. You can play the whole time and end up farmed and not get more than 2 medals because you die so quickly. Then there's glitches too, where you heal over 75K and get 0 medals.
  11. The new prices do not make any sense at all. The gear was already overpriced for what it offered, now it's completely useless. Coupled with the credit reward reduction and the harsh reduction in rewards for the losing side of a WZ this patch is hurting PvP a lot.
  12. The system pushes people into leaving losing battles, which is no fun for anyone, and makes it even less fun for those who enter a losing battle and at times have literally no chance to get the medals needed for a reward in the remaining time. PvP should be rewarded so more players do it. Punishments and combats without any reward do not help but hinder that goal.
  13. I skipped all heroics and FPs on a few alts, and always end up overleveled. I am not sure how you managed that. Did you not get rested exp at all?
  14. That's a recipe to kill pvp, since not many will bother with pvp at all then.
  15. And even less people will bother with pvp. Punishing people is not the answer.
  16. Cause the current system makes more people quit losing Warzones, the fun of pvp is diminished. If you start losing you'll likely have people quit since they'll get no reward anway, so you end up outnumbered and losing even worse. So, the current system actively harms the fun part of pvp.
  17. If you punish people for leaving even less people will start at all. As it is you have a big chance to end up with no rewards if you lose a game, so dropping out means saving time. If you enter a game in progress you can even end up with 0 rewards if you win, if you did not get enough medals in time. That's bad design.
  18. It's already at the point where a number of people won't queue up at all.
  19. With the curretn system, less people will pvp. That's a bad thing. You need to give people icnentives to pvp, which means rewarding losses too, or too many people will stop pvping.
  20. If you have to gear up to pvp, then you stop playing altogether if it takes too long. PvP is not PvE. People will simply stop pvping if it turns too much of a grind.
  21. You can win and end up with 0 comms since you came in late and had no time to earn 3 medals. You can get farmed and get no medals at all for 15 minutes. That system is bad and makes people pvp less.
  22. This. These changes cause people to pvp less, which is a bad thing.
  23. I think they are meant for those who like the look of the gear, and don't want to pay double for BM when they trade it in for WH parts to keep the look.
  24. Yeah, pvp should sustain itself - which means you need to drop prices on pvp med packs and stims, drop prices on pre-50 pvp gear, and add a lot more credit rewards. PvP also should make people want to pvp, which the change to rewards currently does not. Once you start losing people will drop out, which makes the game even more one-sided.
  25. No, it is not, it makes people pvp less. First and foremost a pvp system needs to make people pvp - the new changes do not do that.
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