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Everything posted by tausser

  1. ^^ 2V for the win here, only speaks (off ship) if you accidentally click on him. Doc on the Rep side tho, he's why I like my JK the best of my alts.
  2. I just did this one last week so, yes, it does exist and the Vultures are there. I'm going to log onto my lvl 50 SW to get map coords to post, back in a bit. Ok, Valhoun is in area almost due east of 75th Legion Forward Camp. His map coord is X: 1217 Y: 514 Z: -214 Take south exit from the camp (next to speeder pad) then head east, veering just a bit to north, he's in a little lean-to tent at the end of flat area between the two ramps going uphill. The troops you have to kill are the Republic Ambush Commandos and Republic Vulture Scouts - they're ranged across the entrance to that flat area between the ramps. Hope that helps.
  3. Um, is this a no-no? I occasionally stop to 'lend a hand', after checking that the mob is greyed-out for me; I thought that the person who agro'd the mob is the one that gets the XP for the kill and the loot, too. Is this not correct?
  4. When someone blind invites you ("this boss is kicking our butts, can you help us?"), then proceeds to criticize your gear or your skills or rotation (whatever that is) once you've joined them.
  5. The corruption comes from being a d---, not from being a dark side force user.
  6. Ooh, I want one of those! Not to bathe in, obviously, just to roll around in. But, wait, to be PC it would have to be fake fur and that just wouldn't feel the same so, well, nevermind.
  7. Core i7 920 @ 2.69 MHz 3 Gig DDR3 @ 1148, iirc 500 GB 7200rpm HDD lowly Radeon HD 4650 w/ 1 Gig ram fleet or planets - 24-28 fps, can dip to 14 or spike to 35-40 but generally sits around there all settings at max except shadows are totally OFF, running @ 1920x1080 Win 7
  8. It was nice that the forums were up during the maintenance tonight.
  9. Was there a rolleyes to use when BW announces "new features coming soon"? I did see one that seemed to capture the general response to 1.4 skill changes, but maybe he was just really constipated (straining that hard can give you a hernia).
  10. God _always_ answers your prayers, it's just that sometimes the answer is "no".
  11. I've given up hoping for this to be added to the game. However, since the only companion I'd be interested in having a relationship with is Doc and I'm a Jedi, which would make that a serious no-no, we've settled for just being 'buddies' - it's strictly Platonic, which is OK by me.
  12. I play total LS even on my Imp alts; thought that would be tricky but quickly saw they always give you an out (LS option) on what otherwise seem some pretty morally questionable quests, though sometimes what passes for a LS choice on the Imp side might initally leave you scratching your head although, if you think about them, they do kind of make sense from an Imp stand point. What I've found interesting, however, is seeing some of the same situations from both side's perspectives. I'm thinking particularly of the one on Belsavis involving some Rep officials doing <blah blah blah>. Playing LS Rep, you find the situation repugnant. On the Imp side, they merely discuss this incident in passing but express condemnation for the Rep's actions. I'm unsure if the Imps are actually expressing moral outrage over something (imagine that!) or are simply presenting it as anti-Rep propoganda. Of course, there are venal Reps as well as decent Imps, so a lot of ambiguity to ponder over.
  13. Nothing wrong with my Legacy name so no reason to change it.
  14. LOL, not sure how I erased the post I was working on but it came to this ^^ basically. And what the heck is up with those armors in the first shot, the black outfit in particular? This is Start Wars? Really?
  15. When I need creds (usually to fund an alt) I do the 3 'easy' dailies on Belsavis, then fly to Ilum and do the 3 there (these are Rep side), then switch to a 2nd 50 and repeat. Each 6-daily run takes 45-50 minutes and usually pulls 75-80k, so a good 150k for ~1'45" work.
  16. I wouldn't recommend doing this. I've bought moddable gear on GTN that was, say for example, lvl 25, stripped off the mods and put them on another item and that new item became req 26, 1 lvl higher. This happened more than once so I just stopped doing it.
  17. Has it been mentioned that non-healer Imps get 3 healing skills while their Rep counterparts do not?
  18. It's always daytime in the game, so I'd assume they're in school.
  19. The service fee at the GTN is *extremely* reasonable, in DDO is was 30%!!! o.O
  20. No cape, please - it'll just make my butt look big.
  21. Voss is my favorite for some reason, probably it's the autumnal look. I don't have objections to any planet, though, like some people say "I hate this one or that one".
  22. OK, I have a 4th item, or can replace my "GTN on every planet with this one: 4> add a "sort by attribute" option to GTN
  23. 1> Different color icon over quest-giver's heads for heroics. 2> GTN on every planet. 3> Allow companions to wear "requires <class>" armor.
  24. I didn't get involved with the plague til near the end and while I did the quest chain on one character, I didn't collect enough things for a pet. This time, I didn't even bother with it other than collecting the tokens the chests I passed and which I may be able to sell in the next couple of days, hopefully.
  25. I'll second this. It seems, to a large extent, that as you get higher up in level the gear gets more elaborate. I like simple understated gear rather than stuff with a lot of, well, frou-frou on it. (The one exception to this, I think, are belts - plain straps-of leather type belts, at least orange ones - don't appear til higher levels; go figure o.O). Boots, especially in heavy armor on Imp side, really suffer badly in this aspect. It's incredibly difficult to find just some plain *boots* - most of the Imp boots looks like they came from a Transformers movie. Then, again, I prefer smuggler-type tunics and pants for all my characters so maybe it's just me.
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