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Everything posted by ColonelColt

  1. The sum of your post is this: "You enjoy playing a game you bought in a different way then me, you're bad and I'm superior" I agree with the op. Playing the market is fun, but with the current GTN it's nigh impossible. Best you can do is dominate a select market. Specific items and nothing else.
  2. Y'know, a real problem when trying to figure out the chain of command is a lot of players can't tell the difference between someone having to grovel at your feet, and choosing to. A moff outranks an apprentice, end of. They tell you to jump, you ask how high. But while this may be how it technically is, there are a variety of aspects that can alter this relationship. For example, while Moff Tilderhand may outrank Appentice Johanski, if Apprentice Johanski is the apprentice of say... a Dark Council member, then he's gonna have a LOT of free reign and that Moff will be kissing his ***. Not because the apprentice has any authority, but because his master does. It also depends on the Moff. For example, Kilran is pretty high up on the food chain and has no problem ordering around Sith the same way he'd order anyone around. And there aint much you can do about that, period. So while technically there are plenty of non-fs in the empire that outrank a sith, practically speaking it may not always be wise to exert that authority. That sith may one day become your boss and take exception to you being a dick. Or their master may be very powerful and influential and have your *** killed.
  3. Your nose is broken, then. Like I said, game's not hard. But again, it may very well be because three troopers are about the most terrifying thing in this game, next to four troopers.
  4. I'd ask you to explain how they aren't carbon copies, but that'd be asking the impossible. Seriously, the SE even stole the GE's ships, fighters, ranks. Christ they even stole Palpatine's Royal Guards. The ONLY difference between the GE and the SE is that the SE has more sith. Everything else is the exact bloody same in every imaginable way. That's why I don't really like the Empire. At least the republic looks like it should, a progression from KOTOR to the clone wars. The SE is just a blatant port of the GE.
  5. Then you're just bad at the game. I mean no disrespect, but that's just how it is. I was on my trooper earlier and I cleared half of Taris in 2 hours. I cleared all of Coruscant in 4-5, cleared Ord Mantell in like 2 hours. I'm lvl 23 with prolly 12 hours total play time. Then again, trooper just rofl-stomps his way through anything and everything. But my agent is comparable. However the main difference might be the fact that you're apparently going solo. With all of my characters I've always played with friends. This allows us to power our way through everything. So all those lvl 50s may very well have been playing with friends/guild mates, or just made better use of their companions.
  6. The Sith Empire is a carbon copy, straight copy-paste job of the Galactic Empire. So you really need only look at the GE to see how the SE works. Basically, you have the Emperor who controls everything. Beneath him you have the dark council which handles everything when the Emperor can't be bothered. Beneath them you have Grand Moffs/Grand Admirals/Grand Generals(assuming the SE has the last one). Beneath those you have Moffs, admirals, generals etc. Now Sith a sort of like officers. You can go to the academy and graduate as an Officer, thus automatically putting you above enlisted troops. Acolytes are pretty *********** powerless since they're merely in training. How many troopers did you order around on Korriban after all. Apprentices have significantly more authority, being akin to Lieutenants/captains. Sith Lords are where the real power starts coming into play. They'd be akin to your colonels or brigadier generals. However Moffs and Grand Moffs, FS or not, can still order them around. Darth's are pretty much the Sith version of Grand Moffs/Grand Admirals.
  7. You didn't do your space dailies, did you? That's the only explanation I can come up with.
  8. Ignore all the ignorant individuals going "no life" or something along those lines. Fact of the matter is, leveling in TOR is piss easy. You'll find yourself over-leveled for pretty much every single planet you find yourself on, assuming you play all the content. You need not skip dialogue or anything like that. If you simply play the game normally, but play for a fair bit of time each day (many hours, at least 5) then you will find yourself at max level real quick. For most planets you can power through them in 3-5 hours, max. And that's when doing EVERY quest and watching EVERY cutscene. Throw in pvp and space (especially space, goddamn space gives tons of xp) and you'll rake in the levels fast as hell. Bioware themselves even said weeks ago that all the lvl 50s got that way via quests. And contrary to popular belief, but cutscenes don't drag on for hours, so even if you watch every single one you can still get through them in a minute tops. TOR's just a really easy game to level in.
  9. Y'know, you call me ignorant. But how is ignorance my fault? I mean put yourself in the shoes of the common MMO player. Do you think they spend their time lurking forums and looking for obscure MMO releases? No, not really. The only MMOs they hear about are the big name ones with actual marketing. Virtually every MMO you've named has almost no marketing, and as such normal players such as myself have never heard of them. We can't play or support games we don't even know exist. And to expect everyone to troll the internet looking for information on any and all new MMOs is laughable at best. Those titles you listed aren't triple A titles, they're your usual low-budget MMOs that always get swept under the rug. The only real exception being GW2, and maybe planetside 2. You call me an extremist, but how are you any different? You're perfectly content as long as your game is on top. But would you be so high and mighty if your wow clones didn't reign supreme? Actually probably since you'd be enjoying something NEW with everyone else.
  10. A good addition to your little analogy would be that by voting blue, the room was filled with .... romance novels. Nothing else, just romance novels. Occasionally a single page from another book would be thrown in, but primarily just romance novels. Why wouldn't those 100 people be upset? They get nothing to read. Again, it's the fact that the industry is the way it is that forces this black and white view. If I could get good triple A mmos that weren't wow clones, then I wouldn't care about wow clones, I'd go play the other mmo. But look back for the past 7 years. How many big name MMOs were they that WEREN'T wow clones? Not that many. Any non-wow clone MMO is minor and gets swept under the rug. Because the industry is this way, I'm left with three options. I can either force myself to enjoy playing the exact same game endlessly. I can quit and try to kill wow clones to help spur the industry into something more amicable for all sides. Or I can just forgo MMOs all together and reside myself to playing singleplayer games and FPS. It's not my fault the industry is like this, it's wow's fault and all those greedy developers who want 10 million subs.
  11. Sure people enjoy TOR, same as they enjoy wow. But TOR is nothing more then a fad, same as every other wow clone. It'll keep it's subs, sure, even warhamer still has subs. But it's just stagnating the industry. Stagnation simply is not good, it is never good under any circumstance. So enjoy it all you want, but it should still fail. TOR being successful means we're stuck with wow clones for another decade, TOR failing means that, one way or the other, wow clones will be gone.
  12. The thing you never seem to acknowledge is that TOR isn't a singleplayer game. It's not a game that you'll play a couple times and then never touch again. This is a game that you will be playing for months, years even. Now can you honestly tell me that six months down the road that voice acting will still be the major draw for you? If you say yes you're a damned liar. Since if voice acting was all you cared about you'd just replay baldurs gate every day until the end of time. But you're not playing baldurs gate, are you?
  13. Doesn't make it any less stifling to everyone else. Besides, even wow players wouldn't mind a new and unique MMO, why do you think the locust effect happens with every new MMO?
  14. The games you listed first were all in time when MMOs weren't mainstream, and when devs weren't just copy-pasting the same thing every time. That doesn't work now days. Now days it IS black and white, either it's a big name MMO that's a wow clone, or it's a small title that gets overlooked. I mean hell, looking at your list of upcoming MMOs, the only ones I've heard about were Tera, GW2, and Planetside. And those I heard of from various places on the web. GW2 is the only one you listed with any sort of wide marketing. So no matter how good those are, if nobody knows about them they will still fail. As long as wow clones dominate the market, we'll never see big name MMOs that are unique and innovative.
  15. It is preventing me from the game I like, because as long as wow clones dominate the market, the kinds of games I like will never be made. It's easier to just copy wow and reskin it. I support indie developers and small MMOs when they look good, but they're always overshadowed by the triple a wow clones, so no matter how good they might be, they will never succeed. You can share the MMO market because what you want is on top, so you can enjoy yourself. But would you be willing to share the market if it meant the types of games you enjoyed are never made? No, you wouldn't.
  16. Just because you call me a hater and say I want to see it go under just because it "makes me happy" doesn't make it true. You can believe what you want. If you want to shove your head in the sand and sing to yourself, go ahead. But it doesn't make you right.
  17. I support non-triple A mmos when they look interesting. But as long as wow clones rule, we'll never see the actual unique MMOs gain any real momentum. Also, as I've said before, simply buying the game doesn't support it. Subbing to it is what supports it.
  18. See, you misunderstand. I'd have no problem sharing the world with you. I'd have no problem allowing you to enjoy the game you like. The thing is, though, that you enjoying the game you like PREVENTS me from enjoying the game I like. So because of the way the industry is, we can't co-exist. As long as you and your wow clones exist, I can never get a high quality, unique MMO. I will never see another MMO like SWG as long as the wow clones reign supreme. And this is why I fight. Dramatics aside, it is true. If you could have your wow clone, and I could have my unique MMOs, that'd be amazing and perfect. But that just isn't the way the world works. It's either wow clones or unique games, and I for one would rather see wow clones die then to see unique games die.
  19. See, you're wrong. In the MMO genre there really can only be one big dog. The reason for this is because every dog is the exact bloody same, or terribly small. All the big MMOs with good budgets are all wow clones. But wow already exists, so either they dethrone wow or wow kills them. There is not enough room out there for two WoWs. Any other unique MMO is terribly small, not made by triple a dev's or released by triple a publishers. They all have small budgets, small teams, and little marketing. As such they are never amazingly successful. So the only way to beat this trend is to have one of two things. Either triple a MMOs go out all together, or people stop making triple A wow clones and start making triple A unique MMOs.
  20. It's not hating, it's just an objective look at it. What does voice acting add? The only things I ever see are "immersion". But that works in a one-shot singleplayer game. As I said in my previous post, will you care about that quest giver on Balmora in six months just because he was voiced? No. You will not. Companions may last longer but eventually, you'll stop caring about them to. They can't talk back, you can't hold meaningful conversations with them, they're NPCs. Voiced or not you're gonna stop caring about them down the road and what then? How did VA change the game then? It's a gimmick, a novelty, nothing more. It'll wear off quickly enough.
  21. Even if the landscape isn't shaped the way we want, even if big budget MMOs go out the window, that's still better then another decade of wow clones. All you're doing by staying is telling EA, and the entire industry, that you can make an amazing cashcow just by copying wow and using a big name franchise and studio. It's you who are the optimist to believe you can stay and change things from the inside. Developers don't look at individuals, just statistics. And if they see millions of people playing their game, they'll assume it's because the game is good, not because those people are trying to have it changed into something good.
  22. Voice acting adds... what to the game? Makes you care about NPCs? In what way? Is hearing them repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over somehow more appealing then simply reading text, or skipping it all together? Will you still care about that quest giver on Balmorra in six months just because he was voiced? Like it or not, voice acting doesn't add anything to the game. It's a novelty, a gimmick. It's as innovative as the kinect... scratch that, at least the kinect is moving us closer towards Holodecks.
  23. You make it sound like massive multi-million dollar MMOs going extinct is a bad game. Plenty of great MMOs have been made in the past with budgets that were a fraction of what TOR had. The money bloat is one of the reasons the MMO genre has gone to hell. Also, I love how you think we should all support the game just because jobs depend on it. Welcome to real life, welcome to economics. If you make something bad and that doesn't sell, you go under. That's how it works. I hope it goes under because it's bad and stagnates the genre, whether that costs them their jobs or not is not my concern. Maybe they shouldn't have cloned wow for the hundredth time.
  24. I agree with you, I think that kind of endgame is pointless. Which is why I say TOR has no endgame, because the only thing it has is a couple lousy raids. Why would I spend months doing the same raid over and over? This is why I wont remain subbed. TOR's a single player game, once you beat it it has no replay value. So what am I subbing for?
  25. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not trying to sway anyone. I don't feel I need to. TOR has nothing going for it, nothing to keep people playing for two, three, six, twelve months. It's only selling point is something you can clear in a single month with only casual gametime put in. I forsee TOR going the route of every other WoW clone. I may be wrong, fanboys may remain simply because it's Bioware and SW. But the cycle has shown wow clones don't work, I'm not convinced slapping fancy names on the side will change this.
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