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Everything posted by ColonelColt

  1. It's funny cuz this is the main reason people are upset. I don't know if you're serious or not, and if you are then this is aimed at you. But it really is quite sad that people are upset simply because other people have lots of money and they don't. In the end it doesn't really effect much of anything, at least not on my server anyways.
  2. Maybe this is true, but then, maybe it's not. As I've said numerous times in numerous threads, I have not noticed anything. I'd fall under number 2 of those two things, since I only learned of this exploit during the down time, and from the patch notes themselves. But so far I haven't seen any increase in prices, I haven't seen any influx of super rare items, or anything really. maybe just nobody duped on my server, maybe they didn't intend to kill the economy and just wanted lots of money for themselves. But on my server at least, there are no problems caused by this exploit.
  3. Probably because it can very easily become a problem? Why would you even ask such a retarded question? Just because it's not a problem yet doesn't mean it wont quickly become one, especially once it becomes more wide-spread. However it was taken care of before it had any effect on the economy, as such, not a single **** was given this day.
  4. On the contrary. I learned of this exploit from the patch notes. It's ruffled my feathers because it's blatantly clear everyone else learned it the same way. Yet they act all hurt, claiming this has ruined the economy. If you only bloody notice because they flat out told you, then obviously the economy remains unruined. People are just crying because they found out too late and didn't get rich, and it bugs me.
  5. And this matters, why? They have nothing to bloody spend that money on. Who even cares if they have all that money. All it means is they'll never have to worry about getting skills or repairing gear or buying gear they want/need. It ultimately has zero effect on you, so why do you care so much?
  6. Really though, the game's too new for them to have effected anything. The only real thing they could do is the last option, but even then Bioware can just swoop in and remove the credits they earned via exploiting. It simply isn't that big of a deal. Hell I've been playing since early access and I only learned of these exploits today. So obviously it hasn't had a very large impact on the game since I'm not seeing mass amounts of rare loot on the GTN or anything.
  7. Considering all they can dupe is relatively common gear, no, not really. Game hasn't been out enough for them to have the best stuff to be duping, at least I don't think it has.. kinda sad if people can attain the best this game has to offer in three weeks.
  8. I'm of the belief that punishments such as bans and rollbacks are unnecessary and pointless. They don't actually do anything to curb this sort of behavior, so why bother? Just remove the items and credits they obtain from abusing this exploit and call it a day. It's fixed now so it's not like they can get all of it back.
  9. Wow, for the first time I decided to actually read up on the big bad mysterious sith emperor. God I wish I hadn't. Who wrote this ****? I mean honestly, I don't mean to offend and I'd hope people don't call me a troll for this. But this is something I'd expect from a middleschooler on deviantart. Fanfiction about their amazing self-inset character. I cringe at the thought of reading up details about the changes made to revan and the exile. I was right in choosing to ignore this stuff. God even TFU had better stuff then this. Thank god whoever wrote the stuff for the sith emperor didn't have a hand in my agent or trooper storylines.
  10. Actually, this couldn't be farther from the truth. I loved Revan because he was one of the few sith that actually followed sith ideals. He saw the hidden sith empire as a threat to order and stability and knew the galaxy would fall as it was. So he went out to fix that problem. Either the republic resisted his attack and proved itself capable of fighting off the sith empire, or they fell to his rule and he'd build it up to the point where it could resist. He was one of the few sith that followed the true sith way of order and peace. Contrary to popular belief, sith aren't all angsty teenagers with daddy issues. They want the same thing jedi do, peace and stability. They just see a different way in attaining that and Revan actually followed that line of thought. Too many sith are just angsty ******* who want power for the sake of having power. Revan broke this mold like other sith such as Bane, and worked towards achieving the true sith ideals. And that is why I liked him. Then in comes TOR and those retarded books and **** all over Revan and undermine everything that made him a decent character, turning him into yet another generic sith that I couldn't care less about.
  11. As many have said, you really can't compare. TOR is essentially a singleplayer game with co-op options. It's all about the personal story and that's it. It's just a singleplayer campaign. SWG on the other hand had no set direction. You MADE your own story. You did what you wanted to do. It was the definition of free roam. Personally, I much prefered SWG to TOR. The linear on-rails gameplay of tor is as fun as any other singleplayer game, but it loses it's luster after a while. Eventually you're gonna play all the class stories and then what? At least in SWG you had so many options available to you, even if you did use up all your points. SWG also had a lot of fun and unique things, TOR really just copies from wow on most everything. So there was that as well. I'd absolutely kill for a SWG2 made with proper technologies and a decent budget. Imagine what they could have done with all the money that went towards voice acting in TOR. Prolly coulda implemented seemless transition between ground and space and other nifty features.
  12. I'll have to ask my friend what the CD on his rez is next time we play, then.
  13. There are quite a few species in the game that should have been playable. Wookiees, Mon Calamari, what else is there? Let's turn this into "species that should be added" thread.
  14. Killing revan and stealing his pants has been a target for hatred for months. TOR butchers everything that made Revan a good character. To be quite honest, I just ignore anything Revan related in TOR. I'd rather stick my head in the sand and remember Revan as one of the few truly good sith who actually followed the sith way instead of some retard who became this big bad mysteriously immortal sith emperor's slave.
  15. Yeah but, as far as I'm aware, even medic classes suffer from this. Me and my bros operate a trooper squad and as far as I can tell, our medic has to wait 15 mins between rezzes to. Unless he gets something that changes this down the line. It's fine for non-medic classes to have this timer, but medics should be able to rez you until the sun sets, since that is kind of what they are there for.
  16. The real thing you should be ************ about is the rez timer. The ability to rez another player has a bloody 15 minute cooldown. That's just stupid no matter how you look at it. Self-rezzing should always be a cumbersome affair, but to have to sit there and wait because your buddy rez'd you ten minutes ago is just bad design.
  17. Y'know, I don't normally defend TOR on these forums since, despite what the defense force may say, a lot of threads are very valid. This one, however, is not. You're lucky all you get is a 10 min timer. Back on Everquest you'd lose everything you had on you. Death penalties are exceptionally light in this game, so light, in fact, that I'm not afraid to throw myself into a death trap. Even if the timer gets super long, I just spawn at the nearest med center and spend 2 mins traveling back. But considering how impossible it is to die in this game, since you SHOULD be a good 5+ levels higher then any of your opponents (assuming you're doing every quest and space dailies), it really isn't that big of a problem. If anything death penalties should be more severe. Too much hand holding going on.
  18. I knew the game was story-based, I didn't know every single NPC I came across would be kissing my *** because I fought on Ord Mantell. Being special forces doesn't mean you're some super leet war hero. Really, why are you so against people wanting to play a normal human being? It's not so much that we want to rigidly play out real life military life. We just don't want to be some amazing special snowflake. Even normal people are capable of pulling off the extraordinary, and that is what we want. We want to just be a normal person. Made it past boot camp, got shipped off to fight on some planet. Not this super amazing war hero who graduated top of his class and got put into the most elite commando unit of the entire republic. How this is so difficult for you to understand is beyond me. They were both generics. NPCs were generics and so were we. That's what made it fun, we were just normal people serving the Empire/Rebellion.
  19. The thing you are ignoring is the setting. in TOR everyone will praise you for how amazing you are. Talk to any npc and they'll just recount of how amazing or fearful you are. in SWG everyone and everything treated you like the no-name generic you were. Whether it was NPCs or Players, you just another guy with a blaster. Sure, gameplay wise you were special, but lore-wise you were nothing. In TOR, you're always some super elite special snowflake.
  20. You can disagree all you want, doesn't make my statement any less true. I've played every class til lvl 20 thus far, and so far NOTHING I've done has made a difference. Combine this with testemonials from all the lvl 50s out there and it's pretty obvious your choices ultimately don't change much, if anything. You could select options at random and the quest will still end the same way. Only things that change are who lives and who dies, but seeing as how most everyone you can spare vanishes into the galaxy, they may as well be dead. Face it, it's a linear story with no choices and no player input. You can only replay that so many times. Especially when, as someone said, 90% of your leveling is done by shared quests.
  21. Wow, those amazing options. Spare someone and never see them again, or kill them and never see them again. OP's got a point, TOR has zero replay value since your choices don't actually change anything.
  22. Y'know, I know this thread was made as a "shut up haters". But I can't help but realize that your class idea actually sounds quite ******. To be able to play a Hutt who just sits on his throne ruling his empire, talking with other Hutts as we determine who gets what. It's like a mob boss class. I, for one, support this idea since it'd be awesome. Maybe as some guild-related thing. Guild leaders can roll Hutt alts.
  23. In SWG NOBODY was special. It was a freeroam sandbox game. The quests were very plain and generic and in no way made you anything special. So in SWG people weren't even special forces, they were just entirely generic. And surprise surprise, everyone loved it.
  24. It's this very misconception that caused SoE to kill SWG. People DO want to play generic grunts because it goes back to wanting to do stuff you can't do in real life. Sure I COULD join the army, but I don't want to. In fact a lot of the stuff you do on TOR you could do in real life. You want to be a jedi cutting through a swath of enemies? Take a sword to your local college. But you're not going to, are you? Why? Because it's not the same? Because you're not psychotic? Because you don't want to die/get thrown in prison? Same applies to wanting to play a generic grunt. I don't want to join the army, I don't want to get shipped to the middle east, I don't want to risk dying in combat. Doesn't mean I don't want to live the fantasy though. Where, exactly, did you pull that number from? There are only a few hundred named species in SW. Moreover, factions in SW don't have very large armies. Beyond that, they certainly don't have enough super duper elite Havoc Squads running around so that they can dedicate thousands, if not hundreds of thousands to a single planet. But hey, not like this hurts my point even if they did do that. It's been canonly stated that soldiers in KOTOR were trained to fight force users. In an era where there was a 30 year long war consisting of force users, I'm pretty sure soldiers would receive similar anti-force training.
  25. Alderaan actually isn't that strategic. It's position in the galaxy is not near any major supply routes... anything, really. Unless they arbitrarily gave it some amazing significance in TOR. But even so, you send an army to defend strategic locations, not a handful of commandos. Why do you think the army exists? Jesus talking with you makes me think you think the army could just be disolved, so long as we have commando units who needs an army? Also, if soldiers were trained to kill force users in KOTOR, pretty sure they'd be trained to kill force users in TOR. See, you're showing your ignorance to lore. Jedi/Sith do NOT handle large numbers very well at all. Hell, episode 2 showcases this perfectly when over 200 jedi died to a swarm of battledroids. Their lightsabers can only be in one location at any given time. If two blaster bolts come at them, one from one side and another from another side, they can only deflect one of those bolts. Sure movement helps but it's far easier to move your army an inch to the side then it is for you to do flips to the side. Force users get creamed hard when fighting large numbers of enemies, this is canon fact and not something you can dispute (at least not unless you just enjoy being told you're wrong) Actually this is a misconception. People like going "you're special forces, go nuts". But special forces work in squads too. They never operate solo. This isn't James Bond here, this is Navy Seals. You don't send a lone Seal to Iran and expect him to get the job done. You send a squad of Seals. So it's evident by the trooper storyline that Bioware has no problem ignoring common military protocol if they feel it makes a better story. And as I've said, there are a lot of ways you can explain the trooper being solo and away from his squad. Maybe his squad died in combat and he's the sole survivor fighting to get back. Maybe his squad leader sent him and a buddy (his companion) off to recon an area and then shenanigans happen along the way. Maybe something else happens that I don't feel like thinking about. The fact remains that story-wise you could very well be part of a squad, but through various circumstances you find yourself operating solo on quests. This is not a justifiable reason and you really should drop it.
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