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Everything posted by devilkat

  1. devilkat


    Yes, but my trooper was able to point out that she had trusted an Imperial (Elara) before, and it worked out, so she was willing to give them a chance again. Besides, an alliance isn't joining, per se, it's just helping each other out when needed. You can have an alliance with a group that you don't completely see eye to eye with. I was a little upset that they wouldn't let her come with you, even if you ally with the Empire.
  2. Wow everyone has such cool ideas. This is the first one I've ever tried to decorate. I am a little frustrated that they have a limit on the number of characters you can put in each one. I want to set my friends up in a good party place, dang it!
  3. Wow. Entitled much? I had a couple of characters that I had to change after the merger. I got in and put a ' inside some of them somewhere and "poof" they worked. And it didn't change the actual name of my guy. This guy's an a**
  4. There's a decent robe set for republic characters, but I tend to get most of my armors off of the gtn (I've found some great stuff for a steal).
  5. I'd say later than that. They may be doing a little on it right now, but I imagine not much of consequence will get done until Anthem drops.
  6. I was having some really bad lag yesterday and the day before with crafting and missions (and everything else, actually), but last night was fine. Dumb question, but did you have the right components? I've tried to make something before when I though I had enough and it suddenly caught up and told me that I didn't have enough of something. Not trying to make you feel dumb, just trying to cover all the bases
  7. Omg now I want Kotor2 and swtor on this engine....
  8. This is the first one I really played around with. I've got almost everything unlocked and got it decorated to 11%. I spent a lot of time lounging on the beach in my spa and listening to the waves while making my companions craft.
  9. Yeah. I've read enough to know that is one scene I'll never see. Doesn't matter what kind of character, I myself wouldn't be able to do it. Thanks for taking the bullet for us chickens!
  10. I somehow acquired an Icetromper and it's good for my big dudes.
  11. Very first playthrough on a Sith Warrior. She ended up at L5 and turning a Jedi Master to the dark side by being nice to him is still one of the high point of the game for me. It's hard for me to play a DS warrior now just because I think this is so damn funny
  12. Yeah...more Cartel Market direct sales items and a flashpoint....but hey, go Anthem....
  13. Is there anyone here willing to take on the roll of tutor when it comes to Ops and the like? I like to run everything that can be run with a normal group, but I run with RL friends in the same room, just because it's easier to communicate and coordinate. I know most guilds have chats that they use for this reason. I would love to run some OPs, but beings how I have never done that content, I think of myself as a liability rather than an asset and I've been made to think that by others in this game. I've done group finder before with just FPs and I've had the misfortune to run across jerks every time. Either they yell at you for wanting to listen to the quest giver (I swear, if someone tells me "space bar is your friend" one more time, I'll reach through my pc and strangle them), take off running as soon as the FP opens and leaves the rest in the dust to deal with any aggo'd baddies, or get pissed that some won't "play their way" and quit in the middle of a fight. All in all, group content, from my prospective, sucks. I'd love to be able to see some of this stuff, but unless quite a few someones are willing to actually play nice for once, I never will.
  14. You're not alone. My favorite story by far is the Sith Warrior. The story for the Inquisitor is good, too, but I prefer to make my Sith LS and the inquisitor seems more like the one to make a psychotic DS character. Even some of the supposed LS convo options seem a little crazy. The Bounty Hunter is a fun one, but taking one through the end game stuff doesn't make much sense, simply based on their profession. I honestly didn't care for the Agent (I think I'm in the minority on that one). On the pub side, the only story I actually like is the Soldier, but that's mostly because the companions are good and it's fun to play a bit of a renegade. The Smuggler is ok, too, but not my favorite. I find the Consular boring, the Knight sanctimonious, even DS options aren't as good as they should be.
  15. I just want something more than "They mysteriously disappeared"....After all, it's not our character at that time, just another NPC who had an affect on the course of events. Some (like the Inquisitor for example) make sense to take off, looking for more artifacts. So do the smuggler and bounty hunter. Bu the soldier? A decorated Major in the Republic army just wanders off? I'm sorry, but no. It would almost be better to say that he died (if you aren't the character) than that. And each character does have a canon. Every story does. It shouldn't make anyone mad, it's just an easy way to keep a story going. Revan is canon male, the exile female. I don't have an issue with that, even though I usually play female characters in both KOtOR and KOTOR2.
  16. I had that happen on Hutta with the old woman in the hut. I wish they'd fix it. It's creepy...
  17. No true open world. They did well with the planets that they made, but it would have been much cooler to have a true open world feel to the game (eg, Skyrimesque with NPCs who actually wonder around and interact with the environment, day/night changes, no real linear sequence to missions, etc). Instead of having us start as someone already fairly powerful, let us start from scratch and improve our abilities as we progress (again, like Skyrim). Smugglers get to sneak around, and if your skill isn't high enough, you get caught. Jedi and Sith have to figure out how to use their lightsabers and force abilities, we don't just know how, etc. More factions. I'd have liked to create a character like Kira. A force sensitive who didn't know they were and joined up with a gang to survive, etc. Making the traitor story arc make sense. I have a feeling that the writers wrote a good story, but they were forced to pare it down to fit a budget, and it didn't work well. A good explanation of what happened to the other classes after their stories were over. The whole thing started getting condensed down on Ilum and if finished with the Outlander. Mentioning them "disappearing" doesn't work for all.
  18. There's some new content, but most of the posting happens after new content comes out and there hasn't been any since May. After the Rishi stronghold is released there will be an uptick. Then it will die down again until more new stuff is out. There has to be something left for just subscribers. We don't have much left that makes us exclusive anymore
  19. Mine is Gault and Vett's argument in their recruitment mission in FE. Just for giggles
  20. I got the impression of Lana talking down to you quite often, regardless of class. I liked being able to put her in her place when on Nathema (you may not trust him,but trust ME). She backed down pretty quick on that one. I also liked how Theron got after her, too. That being said, I still don't mind Lana. I don't think I could ever romance her, though. She reminds me of an overbearing older sister. She cares a lot about you (and Theron, actually), and she feels she knows better than you
  21. I love running the uprisings, but I have only ever run them with my bro, husband, and one of our friends. It's easier to coordinate if you're all in the same room
  22. I always ram the Fleet in the first chapter of Fallen Empire. Doesn't matter what my alignment is, the damn ships must die. Saresh is one I usually at least hit. Most times, she dies, too. But, my LS Sith kept her around, mostly to use as a punishment for any unruly members of the Alliance (behave or you'll spend a week locked up with Saresh). Oh, even my DS smuggler couldn't leave Theron to die. That's one story bit that I'll never see.
  23. Maybe. But everyone in the Alliance, for all intents and purposes, was booted from their former faction. The Alliance was also able to fight off Vaylin when she had control of the Fleet (she said that Odessen was too well defended to attack, even with the fleet). I can't see my guys going back to either faction, anyway.
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