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Everything posted by MillionsKNives

  1. Yeah, I'm not exactly loving the effect. It's got some weird aliasing problems or something. It just makes the shine look like a ton of white pixels shifting around the jet pack. http://imgur.com/VLCJQ47
  2. It was delayed, because creating content is hard and stuff.
  3. I'd rate the story at about a 7/10. Not the best, not the worst, it was an enjoyable mini-story. If you ignore the wait time between chapters I think chapter 10 fits in well overall, and gives a good opportunity to hit Zakuul. Felt too much like ME though and not enough like a Star Wars story. For that it might be closer to a 6. I'd rate the gameplay at a 2/10. Boring uninteresting fights. Mobs attacking you from 80 meters away and never coming to you. I spent 90% of the time in combat but much of that I wasn't actively fighting, because I was just trying to walk to wherever the hell the enemy actually was. The same objective over and over. Stuns and slows aplenty. In the context of how long we had to wait and how long we're going to have to wait, it was way too short. Four months for a quest that's effectively only about 15 minutes long, if you remove all of the useless fighting and objective running around. That and so many bugs.
  4. Just want to add that Armormech is having the same issue for me. And for some reason the scroll bar for the companions dropdown (where you can quickly change which companion is doing what), if you use your mouse wheel to scroll then the scroll bar doesn't move.
  5. I'm having the same exact problem with my Synthweaver. All my schematics are missing. There's also a weird issue with the dropdown filters. They're scrollable for some reason, and if you open the companion dropdown then a scrollbar appears next to any of the other dropdowns. I've posted a video of me showing the bugs.
  6. In their infinite wisdom, BioWare decided they needed to remove a majority of moddable gear from the game. Because, reasons (cartel market).
  7. They weren't moddable. They were the crap pieces with static stats.
  8. I don't believe there has ever been legacy offhands (other than blasters and lightsabers) available from anywhere other than the Gree.
  9. They already did a while ago. See here, my cargo holds stims in stacks much higher than 20. My guild bank has a number of stims in stacks of 99. http://imgur.com/dWoF1IB
  10. I've got 9,999 problems, but mats ain't one.
  11. I've given you guys a lot of crap lately, but I have to admit, that's an awesome move. Thank you very much. This will literally turn just two of my full bays of materials into about 5 stacks. For the stuff I craft I have to keep about 3k each of the grade 6 scavenging and archeology mats. That takes up a lot of space with the current 99 stacks. Nevermind all of the other mats I have spread across characters that will be greatly condensed as well. I asked you at the NYC cantina if you'd be able to expand the stacks past 99 and I remember you saying that you didn't know the answer and would talk with the devs. I didn't actually think we'd ever get it though.
  12. My guild is on the Shadowlands, so I can't really help you. But there are guilds that are happy to teach their new players. My guild has dedicated nights that we take members who aren't already in raid teams through operations, and if they're new then we do full explanations. We also are willing to take them aside outside of ops runs for general advice and ways to improve if they want it. I'm sure we're not the only ones, so try to find a guild that does something similar on your server. One that is willing to show new players the ropes. Unfortunately PUGs aren't the best place to learn encounters for the first time, especially if you haven't looked up the fights ahead of time.
  13. They realized they could cut out the "FIX IT" part altogether and save themselves even more letters. Now it just "goes live"
  14. You may recognize me from my listings on the GTN as Rylina or Karlina. I regularly list all of the Battlemaster and War Hero (rated) gear pieces and have for a couple of years now. While I know some others do craft them as well, I am the only one I see that regularly lists all of the complete sets and for relatively cheap. I wanted to give you all a heads up that I will likely be discontinuing my subscription soon and therefore will stop/heavily reduce my sale of those items. If you were looking to get them now would be a good time, while I still have my sub and can craft them easily. With all of the negative stuff that's come out of 4.0, and the way things are looking for the near future, a number of people in my guild are looking to start up in FFXIV. And while I will likely still continue to play at times as a preferred player, it greatly hinders crafting in that instead of crafting up to 30 items at a time I can only do 6. With that in mind I didn't want to leave anyone out to dry if they were under the assumption they would be able to pick up those sets in the future at any time from the GTN. This isn't an "I quit so feel sorry for me" post, so please don't make it about that. I'm just trying to give forewarning to those who buy from me.
  15. I'm pretty sure I leveled from 63 to 65 just on Brontes. You'd have to very carefully pick your boss battles, if it's possible at all. That's a lot of work for a bunch of crappy 216s.
  16. Last character I did an operation with pre-65 went from 60 to 65 in a single DF run. I have a hard time believing that someone could manage to run an entire operation without leveling from 60 to 61. And since you can't delete a level 61+ character without losing your token it kind of voids the concept.
  17. Count for what? You don't need even close to min-max to complete heroic star fortress. You can complete it in crap gear and low influence companions.
  18. I want to point out the big "(These are DIGITAL sales ONLY)" for the console games you just referenced.
  19. Umm...good luck going through an operation without reaching 61.
  20. Where did you get that number from by the way? I'm finding articles saying they shipped 12M units which comes to about $750M. Also, according to SuperData they sold about $100M just from steam in the first few days of release. So Clash of Clans made over a billion in the course of a year and Fallout 4 reportedly made about that pretty much at release. Source Source
  21. You mean the pvp map with no known release date, that was announced before the live stream? That pvp map? So, yeah. Nothing new. Perhaps you need a refresher of the word new if you think something that was already known is new.
  22. Windows 10 home full version is about $100-120. Or for an OEM you can get it for just under $100. Or, since he's just doing upgrades to his existing computer he can probably phone MS if he has issues authenticating it. Most likely scenario is that he won't have to buy a new copy of Windows.
  23. That's why concentrating solely on one-and-done story is a bad idea. Duh! As for working at BioWare, I considered briefly about applying there not long after the game came out. But I prefer an employer that appreciates and compensates me well for my work. That's pretty much the opposite of working at EA (and many game studios).
  24. And there was nothing new announced then either. So all we have coming is an hour of story per month and an arena with little reward that will likely pose little real challenge, even at the highest difficulty. And that's supposed to keep players busy? Their content throughput right now is pitiful.
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