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Everything posted by VincentWolf

  1. Operatives needed a nerf, and they got it. End of. They're fine now. Now shadows and, most of all, marauders turn (yes yes don't look at me like this, if you never met a well geared marauder, it's your problem. I have one on my *** every time we're in the same game, it's a hell, they need crazy huge damage nerf).
  2. VincentWolf

    Fix CC

    I'm agree with Op. Chain cc'ing in this game is crazy and resolve is either utterly broken or way too tricky, it's simply useless.
  3. Wait, I thought they were going to add an option to buy BM commendation for 1k of each marks, while keeping the daily bm bag reward as an extra chance to get a token, but they actually removing bags whatsoever and now I have to grind like crazy to get that gear?? Seriously? Ok I didn't want to say that but now I really seriously start to consider to NOT renew my subscription.
  4. That's the only way to prevent "pro raiders" from dominating pvp also. Pvp gear is piss easy to get, even champion one, so if someone can't even try at least a slightest bit to build himself a centurion set, he doesn't deserves winning in pvp. I do, however agree on that resilience/expertise is a terrible idea favoring those who have too much time to grind or good reliable friends to win with. But then we talking about a whole different level -- that gear just shouldn't exist in pvp at least, everyone should have equal stats.
  5. I honestly can't understand if op is trolling or not... Sounds serious enough and english is decent, but he keeps on saying such an incredible nonsense, that I'm really confused here...
  6. Trolling or not, but from my personal experience a good mix of pvp and pve (with about 500 exp) is much better than full pvp gear (650 exp+) because exp scaling is pretty awful after 500. 11.5% at 530 exp and 12.5% or so at 650. Really? I would really like to see expertise buff soon.
  7. Actually if I could transfer my full valor without having to farm it again to a new character, I probably would do that. Unfortunately, it's so far impossible.
  8. Oh look, another idiot whining about tracer/grav round spam... Now let me explain something to you from the point of view of someone who's actually playing commando from day 1 and is currently at rank 63 as republic (means not much of an ilum grind, but actual skill instead). What I am: I'm a turret. What that means? I must stand there and spam grav round at you 3 times to prepare for my burst. Each cast is 1.5 seconds, which is, sadly, long enough to interrupt. Yes if my enemy lets me put all casts on him, he's in the world of hurt because high impact and demo following my grav round spam WILL put him on a brink of death. Unfortunately, as I already mentioned, this spam is too easy to interrupt, something any opponent with half of brain does. And then /laugh, call me names and suggest me to learn to play. If I kill them despite even that, they start whining, like you. So please don't give me this crap, I'm not happy about it either, but I just simply don't enjoy assault as much, because gunnery provides my team with a nice serious burst that can practically win the battle for my team if I manage to burst few imps in a matter of seconds and plant bomb/get turret. Those saying that assault can give a nice boost too are lying. Gunnery's burst is much, much better. What I might suggest about grav round spam, because I don't like my skill level being judged just by the fact that I'm MADE by developers to play like this: Lower grav round damage by alot and make cast time 0.5 sec, or instant. Buff demo and high impact to compensate for the lost grav damage. This would remove spam while still allowing commando to burst people nicely when everything's off cd and would allow us to stop being an "loljustinterruptandkill" target.
  9. On my server pug going versus pug usually in about 70%+ cases means a total win for republic (that's me). However, there are way too much of "pro pvp junk" on imp side that runs premades all the time, every evening, thus gaining easy victories over our pugs and ruining experience for us (I can't stand losing in pvp, but I also can't stand grouping up with people for premades all the time, I just want to queue and play solo with random ppl). As long as this isn't fixed (aka premades should go only, ONLY versus other premades), I see no problem in leaving wz and maybe even hopefully ruin experience for that premade by ending game prematurely and leaving them with much less valor. So either you do a 8 vs 8 premades only and pit them, again, ONLY versus each other, or you let us leave at any point with no penalty. I probably shouldn't post it here as it's one of my little tricks and I really hate to share those, but there probably won't be much ppl reading it anyway and from those half should know it anyway so why not... So, leaving wz also gives a higher chance to "loose" too powerful premade from this game and let player go versus actual pug with equal chances to win. Otherwise if we just sit through it, on our next game we have higher chances to meet this same premade/stronger team again. WoW does penalises for leaving battlegrounds btw with a 15 mins deserter debuff. well if someone wants to quit he shall do so anyway, and just afk these 15 mins.
  10. The thing that most people think that sents/maras are underpowered is the reason the most experienced players still enjoy free wins and actual, as all pro players know, op'ness. This is the class that actually needs serious damage nerfs, but because ppl dont know how to play it, it's still untouched.... Pretty sad.
  11. Boba Fett. Absolutely pathetic. And don't give me this crap about how he didn't die, it's only in books, that doesn't counts.
  12. This is pretty much a perfect explanation. We want to log in any time, without having to form a group or worrying about joining one. There's an option to play solo, that's pretty much the only reason why I still play swtor at all in fact. I don't want to enter a new wz wondering if I'll have to quit it and wait again, because I'll have an "loleasywin" premade against me. This is no skill, this is no fun (not for opposite team at least), this should not be allowed. Premade vs premade. Only.
  13. Finally I can stop looking like one of those hundreds of same-looking troopers in pvp gear. Simple white pants from like lvl 15 or so are still the best, especially on "dat *****"
  14. Hmm... I'd suggest making 2x separate queues that can be queued and poped up at same time, giving you an ability to chose: 1. Same as now, server-only, without valor bracket restrictions. 2. All servers-wide, limiting it to lvl50 valor+. Or at the worst case only second option.
  15. I'm an avid pvp'er in swtor, currently Battlemaster and a Republic player (pointing it out so you knew I actually know what I'm doing, unlike all imp battlemasters who just farm illum) and I gotta say that I really do hope for the sake of this game that they'll soon fix premades issues and put them only versus other premades. The thing that you have friends/can make premade going/just know someone and can be arsed to invite should NOT be rewarded in any way. Most of loses against imps I have to suffer are versus premades, and sometimes it's just way too often. And now news that you want to punish wz leavers? Really? Well, on thing or the other, please. Premade vs premade only OR wz leavers punishing. I don't have unlimited time to waste vs premades and I really hate losing, leaving wz as soon as I see premade is the only way to fight them right now, hoping other ppl will leave too, ending wz sooner and leaving that premade with minimum valor.
  16. Everyone with bad gear, not really anyone specific if I have good gear. Juggernauts are a pain because of thier cc immunity and double charges, but still doable. Assassin's damage should be nerfed a bit too... Mostly you just gotta know your place and it's right there out of sight, putting every cd up and nuking the hell out of imps before they notice you.
  17. I don't mind "older ladies" but I personally wouldn't romance her even if I could. But I wouldn't mind them having this option either. With a body better than those toothpicks most of players seems to be picking, I bet it'd be interesting.
  18. Jaxxo seems to be so popular, I'm sure they'll bring her back at some point even for those of us with a...
  19. I'm sorry, are you serious? Trade my trooper, a whole bada.ssery incarnated, with awesome huge assault cannon, voiced by non other than Commander Shepard's voice actress herself, leader of the most elite military squad in a whole Galaxy, for... what? Some crap with 2 farters? Based off a character in the movies who got killed by being pushed accidently by a half blind Solo? Just because "some of their animations faster"? Animations can be fixed and it's not much of a problem anyway, I own any BH I meet lately, but a lameness of a BH can't be fixed by nothing.
  20. I'm usually one of the mad, raging "that's it, I quit!!" players myself with other mmos, but I'm absolutely with OP on this one. I enjoy pvp alot, in fact that's all I do recently, every evening, I only pvp and still having alot of fun, I love it that I can play solo, I love it that it's fun, I love it that there's little grind for very good gear and top gear rewarded to those WHO grinds, but it's not gamebreakingly better. I only hate whole Illum situation and it's really bad that imps just farm valor for free and have tons of battlemasters already, when I have to work my *** off to get it (almost done btw), but at least we win most wz's. I think I'll stick around with the game until they do something very stupid (wow's arenas come to mind as a perfect example of totally ruined pvp).
  21. This is a mechanic of the huttball. You knock people down good, you win, you don't -- you lose. I'm a commando with 2 knockbacks, one at a very short cd, and I, myself also being knocked down very often. Position yourself so you werent' kicked down. If they remove kicks then huttball will be too easy, oh yeah, hell, let's give operatives/smugglers immunity to knockbacks, let them just line up at enemy side and toss the ball around until the very score!
  22. That is correct, that is why I, myself always leave and I don't find anything bad about it. What's your problem? I leave, someone else comes in my place. If not, you win faster. Or lose faster if it's from your side who's leaving. People won't be leaving if the game is good, but if it's a sure loss and they want to save some time by trying to get into a new game, why forbid them? Would you rather ppl just afk or just kill random enemies, ignoring objectives? Even if you add a deserter debuff (one of the most stupidiest things ever in wow, which makes pretty much no sense at all), ppl still won't "keep on fighting" as they do when they have hope for victory.
  23. I suppose the OP expresses his annoyance by the bug (hopefully it's a bug) that quite often makes republic characters to lie on the ground with a "fear" animation, like if caused by one of empire-specific spells. This is, indeed, highly annoying, I hate looking at my character like this while some imp standing near, smirking to himself and I do hope it is going to be fixed soon. In any case, no patch can fix empire players pvp skills, so as long as I'm winning I can get over this little annoyance, I suppose.
  24. Yeah I really hope Lucas stays the ..umm... away from Star Wars forever now. He;s done enough harm. I'm not a fan or anything, in fact until swtor I quite disliked the movies, but now I'm slightly getting into them and... damn... This guy is just a disaster for the series...
  25. I'm thinking about it alot recently. I do think first trilogy should be remade (and prequel one should be deleted from history), but they should keep the original heroes' appearance through the cg.
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