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Everything posted by trussasp

  1. Hi Dave: The game you describe sounds very very fun and cool, and I would really enjoy a game like that. However, that game doesn't exist, and hasn't ever existed in an MMO that I have heard of. If somebody knows of one, please let me know! SWTOR has huge, major flaws, but expecting it to be a game that doesn't exist is (to me) an unfair reason to quit. My reason for quitting SWTOR at some point will be that it just isn't that fun.
  2. The point of the 2 day limit was (assuming more people were playing) to eat up more listing fees, a gold sink. In WoW, 48 hours is more than long enough to sell your stuff, but in SWTOR, a week would be more like it, given the lack of players, at least on both of my servers. We just need more people playing (per server), is the dilly-o, yo.
  3. Hi OP: I would direct you to a small-ish game, known as DCUO, for an example of a big game going F2P. Can't happen to SWTOR? My money's on yes...
  4. If they wait too much longer to do something constructive, it'll have to be condensed to one, unfortunately.
  5. Hi OP: I think your post is sorta correct in what SWTOR is, but unfortunately, few people want what you are describing. I feel very little re-playability for this game, and from what is happening, lots of people feel the same way. If you really enjoy it, good for you. But, eh, we don't all enjoy it that much. TLDR.... I doubt this game'll be charging folks to play, before the end of this year.
  6. Hi OP: It's it's fun for you, that's all that matters, and carry on. For me, on either Infinite Empire or The Bastion, SWTOR feels, well, empty. What I enjoyed the most about WoW was that pretty much every day, I would have at least 5+ random interactions with other enemy players out in the world, which would end with one of us dead. (This was just moving around, questing, without me running around trying to force PvP on others) With SWTOR, I've had a total of 4 of those so far, which is kind of a bummer, and feels pretty single player-ish to me. From the start, even when populations were heavy, or full, I didn't see enemy players out and about. If I had to guess they seriously overestimated server populations, and spread out faction quest hubs accordingly, especially at low levels. Consequently, I never see other enemy players. Other than instances, I don't care so much about seeing other people of my OWN faction, but I'd like to see players of the opposite faction. (so I can kill them)
  7. Hi OP: Based on your posts, you should cancel and wait. Sorry, that sucks.
  8. so THAT'S why my guy turned pink! (thank you, I did not know that)
  9. Hi OP: You are correct, and 74 people on the entire server, at any time, is goofy. How did you arrive at that figure, however?
  10. I know this is not really answering your question directly, but the starter PvP (Recruit it's called I believe) gives you a bit over 800 expertise, and my guy has maybe 14000 health with it on. I cannot say how much of a difference that makes, but I would imagine it is a relatively big improvement over 571. I'm also not sure how you're getting one-shot. None of my guys get literally one-shot in the Warzones. (and I am by no means an expert PvPer, but I have the Recruit set for each of them)
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