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Everything posted by Black_Rabbit

  1. This "community loss"argument to oppose LFG is total BS I have always used /LFG channel to find group, and not the Dungeon Finders in games like these, I have met hundreds of a55hats, do I remember anyone of them? NOPE, have I played with the same a55hats without remembering? YES (Ignores lists are limited, so you have no way to remember, and no, I won't write down a paper list) So, with DF: Will I meet a55hats? YES, will I remember them next time? NOPE I have a life, and cannot honestly be bothered remembering the virtual, silly, unpronounceable names of online weirdos, so LFG or DF, makes no difference to community, except, with 1 of them, you get in quick and do not spam the general chat, which was not meant to be used for LFG. And like someone there before said, the WoW argument? That is also total BS, WoW was still blooming by the time they introduced DF, yes maybe the hardcore had left, but the game was not declining because of DF.
  2. This x 10 It puzzles me how much I hate companions in this game, considering in games like ME I adore even the most annoying ones (Except Jacob, I need my alarm set before I press the line to the next conversation). I found really weird that you could flirt, I do not know much about Jedi, but it really feels out of character so I try to avoid it.
  3. I wanted to play a trooper really badly when I started this game, but after reaching lvl 10 I was actually loosing interest in the game, I did not enjoy the story line, nor the environment of their starting area, so I tried last resort and went Consular, which completely changed my view on the game, now I Actually love it. I think there is more fun on the Jedi side because it has been better looked after by designers.
  4. I have the same issue with Skyrim, I mean, I like the game, but I cannot be bothered playing it more than 30 min at the time, which is weird by my own standards, I do not think it has anything to so with getting older as some people mentioned here before, it only means that YOU do not find it interesting, even if your brain do not understand why. I still get super excited from playing games I really love, and if I don't have that spark, it simply means that "I believe" I like the game, but deep down, I am just lying to myself. That said, I was not among the hyper crowd when I got this game, so I played it with no expectation, and created a trooper (First character), and hated the bland, boring , generic starting area, to the point, I was about to loose interest in the game. Luckily however, I tried Consular after that, and absolutely changed my view on the game, the world was beautiful, the story made sense and it didn't make me sound like a *** everytime I gave an answer to my storyline.
  5. I was on the republic capital City yesterday, and I remember meeting a pair of kids on one of the quests there (Something about shutting down water pumps), one boy and one girl, and yes I remember being clearly freaked out by how the little girl looked, I mean she spoke like a child but had the ***** of a 18 years old, creepy. Itis not something you can miss, or something only pervs sees, because it is common sense.
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