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Everything posted by Fluffyburrito

  1. A ton of people went after HK. And seeing as how he's arguably the best dps companion, I'd say he was worth it. Getting HK-51 felt like, and I know I'm throwing this word around a lot, an accomplishment. Getting any companion feels like an accomplishment, as if you've reached a goal in your quest to hit level cap. This companion, no matter if they're an Ewok or a droid, feels like a freebie without any restrictions to purchase. (I mean freebie in terms of in-game work, not money.)
  2. Treek is content for the game. Although she may have fur, she's not just fluff. She's not a cartel store or outfit, she is unique and possess abilities that other companions do not. You can use other companions and get by, but Treek is certainly an interesting addition to your crew and, just like HK-51, everyone is going to get her one way or the other. Credits certainly do mean something and I've barely broken 1 mil myself right now. I'm not even talking about credits though, I'm talking about the legacy level. Not requiring legacy 40 devalues not just my accomplishments, but many players who have gotten to legacy 40. You may not agree and that's fine, and I'm not going to throw around words I learned in PHL 151 at you to try and sound smart, but from my standpoint using cartel coins to unlock Treek feels like Bioware is selling a "cheat code" to unlock her instead of making players actually put any amount of time working for her. HK-51, for example, was only unlocked by cartel coins AFTER you already did the quest chain. Treek, by far, will be the easiest companion in the game to obtain if all you need to do is use CC to unlock her. This isn't healthy for the game if all future companions don't need to be earned and only bought.
  3. Because it gives you a goal to work towards. You can have plenty of fun without Treek, but it's fun to have something to look forward to and rewarding to be acknowledged that legacy levels mean something. Using your argument we should just give every new level 55 character a set of full gear without any work whatsoever. Part of the fun of an MMO is progression and being rewarded for that progression.
  4. This. What really makes Treek special to me is the legacy level 40 requirement. Being able to pay CC to bypass months of work feels like a complete cheat to me.
  5. So let me get this straight. A hybrid sorc with no backup heals whatsoever can 1v2 a tank/medic combo, and 3 dps would rather CC a guardian who already is going to have guard on a healer rather than CC'ing a healer, and relying on neither of them using any form of CC themselves, taunts, or CC breaks? YEEEAAHH.
  6. I never once said we didn't have an active PvP community, but no server has an active ranked community due to them being dominated by guilds. Guilds that lose a lot in ranked usually decide to stop que'ing. The ranked system at the moment is a bit of a joke and that's why a big portion of 2.4 will be geared towards it.
  7. Except that combination has little dps. A team of two snipers/Jugg tank/Operative/Sorc healer will be pretty much uncounterable and never die. The big point is that the current balance problems 8v8 will only be magnified in a 4v4 setting, creating a ton of stalemates that will result in people showing as much interest in arenas as they do in ranked. (Which, at least for Jedi Cov, is virtually 0.)
  8. No, he's not. Shadow: Force speed/Pull a dps for good measure. Probably the "worst" getting back to a healer yet they still get back just fine after a knockback. Guardian: Leap/guardian leap. Both of those have really low cooldowns. Good luck. Vanguard: Grapple for good measure and storm to someone else. All tanks: Alternatively, if your healer is a sorc/sage, they will use rescue. You can't separate a good tank from a healer. Stunning doesn't really count considering the 50% damage reduction from guard will always on whoever you want to target.
  9. Arenas are going to need a larger trauma debuff in order for dps to stand even a slight chance against a tank/medic combo. Medics will be untouchable unless they truly suck if the current balance were to stay.
  10. Both would be stalemates, and 3v3 would be worse. Burst timings mean nothing to a tank that guard-swaps and knows how to taunt. It doesn't matter if it's 2v2/3v3/4v4. You can't kill a medic/tank combo with 2 dps minimum. You'd have to face someone making a lot of mistakes to do it.
  11. There had better be a much larger trauma debuff, or else you'll run out of time every single arena with nobody dying. Two dps will not be able to kill a tank/medic combo.
  12. Since you have to get past the capital planet in order to obtain a ship, how "quickly" did this work? Literally the only possible thing I can think of is somehow teleporting after the starter planet, which by itself takes an hour and a half. You can do some dailies during the same time period and earn just as much money, so I really question how quickly it could actually be exploited. Your post doesn't really explain anything at all, especially for level 55s who have no need of a major experience boost.
  13. You're not making any sense. Take it from someone who has actually used them. You can only use datacubes once. After that, clicking on the same datacube (there are four fyi) will tell you that you have nothing more to learn from it. This means that, per character, you can only study 4 datacubes. To turn them in, you go to Nar Shaada. To get to Nar Shaada, you need a ship. This means that you need to hit level 15-16 to gain access, unless you had someone running you through your class quests, which would still take a good 4-5 hours. Can you mail a datacube to an alt that's not bound? Sure... but the best method to exploit them was to legacy them. For someone like me with a ton of alts I was able to get a ton of credit booms and get about 1.2 million credits. I guess they didn't want to reward people with alts and decided to also make the experience boost BoP to screw long-time players over even more.
  14. Actually you have to have a ship to get to Nar Shaada, so getting past Coroscant or Kaas City was mandatory. (Meaning it's not something that could have been exploited.) I made 1.2 million off those credit boxes so I can see why they removed them, but making the major experience bind on pickup was a bad move. There's literally no reward for level 55's to use them. (The conversations certainly aren't interesting.)
  15. How is this thread still going? Why is it still being bumped? Commando is no gunslinger, but they're a close second. I continuously see commandos top the leaderboards in both ranked and normal que, and electro net may just be the best new ability to come out in Makeb besides the roll. I think the real issue is that I see far too many Commandos that have no idea what they're doing on one of the easiest classes in the game.
  16. Make it so teams can't super-que and sure, go for it. Otherwise, I'm not going to force myself to sit through a PUG vs organized 8 person group using ventrillo. It won't be fun for anyone.
  17. Fssh... http://i.imgur.com/ad6Cp61.jpg So close to Vanguard DPS and damage. Once I get my fully optimized gear I'll pass it for sure.
  18. Welp, good luck capping Snow or Grass on Civil War now. It'll be WAY too easy to defend anything since you won't be able to stop interrupts. First team to cap 2 will win and no comeback will be possible. Attacking on Voidstar also just became a massive chore.
  19. It's great how many opportunities you get later to mess with him. "Yeah, the guy in charge, Aric Jorgan, REALLY should have seen it coming." "So Aric; tell me, why should you be lieutenant?" *Aric rambles a bit* "Uh huh. Dorne? Congratulations on your new position!"
  20. I only feel like I'm a subscriber because I have access to the "base" game with no "limitations". I don't feel valued or special at all when it comes to actual content. I've yet to play an MMO that charges just for changing hair. Changing race I understand, but even LOTRO had free face changes. (Not head changes mind you, but eyebrow/eye/hair/etc.)
  21. My suggestion is this: Expand on the cartel collections by letting us unlock items with cartel certificates, and give these certificates away in more cartel store purchases. For example, let's say a new pack has this sweet pod-racer I want but it's either up to random chance or cost 15 certificates. I buy a hypercrate and get 10 free certificates with it (it is the most expensive store item, after all), but only find 3 among all the crates I open. I then have a choice. Do I give up, or buy something else from the cartel store that gives me two certificates? I then decide to buy the Eradicator's mask and get two free certificates with it, am able to get my pod-racer, and we're both happy. I've been "nickle and dimed" but am still happy because I ended up getting what I wanted. You could even expand on this idea by giving subs a certain amount of free cartel certificates a month, even if it's "just short" of getting the best new item from a pack.
  22. My suggestion is this: Expand on the cartel collections by letting us unlock items with cartel certificates, and give these certificates away in more cartel store purchases. For example, let's say a new pack has this sweet pod-racer I want but it's either up to random chance or cost 15 certificates. I buy a hypercrate and get 10 free certificates with it (it is the most expensive store item, after all), but only find 3 among all the crates I open. I then have a choice. Do I give up, or buy something else from the cartel store that gives me two certificates? I then decide to buy the Eradicator's mask and get two free certificates with it, am able to get my pod-racer, and we're both happy. I've been "nickle and dimed" but am still happy because I ended up getting what I wanted. You could even expand on this idea by giving subs a certain amount of free cartel certificates a month, even if it's "just short" of getting the best new item from a pack.
  23. Shadow is pretty much better in every way right now, but playing a Scoundrel is like betting on the future. Expect buffs to scoundrel and nerfs (most likely hybrid spec will be nerfed and cause a drop in shadow players) to shadows. In the meantime, they still make for one of the best PvP healers.
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