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Everything posted by laparkuh

  1. OMG you can login to SWTOR and play from your phone from anywhere too right?! (ib4 tethered!)
  2. Was completely for cross server dungeon finder til these threads started showing up all over the place. Honestly I'd rather wait 10-20mins extra for a group than to keep getting every piece of gear needed on for NPC's that aren't even helping with the content...
  3. Who's stats make no difference what-so-ever in a 4 manned group...Why can't people grasp this? If you can trio the boss + your companion...then yes your companion deserves a shot at loot. If it's 4 HUMAN CONTROLLED PLAYERS and no one needs the upgrade then yes...ask the group if you can need...If one of the players NEEDS the upgrade then no, it's not ok to need on it.
  4. Ferroz trolls these topics everytime they come up. Anonymity makes it easy...You'll never get a straight answer...
  5. Because without that group...you're companion never would have seen said gear. Meaning he wouldn't have earned it without others helping you. So why should he get another PERSON's upgrade over your NPC?
  6. Name ONE flashpoint encounter you need your companion for when you have a full group....I'll wait...
  7. THIS...people want a choice. If people want to stick around for a companion gear run...that's great. If not, then find another group. Most people here just don't want to see an upgrade drop and out of the blue someone needs it without saying a word "for their companion".
  8. Would you ask group first? Or just hit need without telling anyone though?
  9. Weren't you on this topic the other day claiming alts = you?....But I can roll need for my droid and other human companions over players? Even though they basicly all use a different stat and armor type meaning I can need for anything? Also you have no way of telling of the player actually put the gear on their companion. For all you know they could just be stockpiling vendor fodder...
  10. OH now you're all for letting the group now upfront Mr.Ninja? That's good to know...few of my companions don't have the greatest of gear. Now I guess I can gear them all up. =)
  11. I have 4 companions and 3 alt's (plus all their companions)...I can need for all of them in a flashpoint according to a few posters here...because I helped with the kill and those companions/alts are "directly related to me"...right?
  12. Would love ship customization as in-depth as EQ2 housing is. Can basicly build anything out of anything with all the resizing and different pieces they give you access to.
  13. Sorry you're upset, but this was billed as an MMO...It might not be your description of one...but it is. To assume they will even consider letting the game go "free offline" is laughable. Maybe when it's about to go under like Hellgate : London...
  14. TBH, I'm starting to wonder if the people worried about elitists, are the sages and smugglers I'm inspecting who are using strength gear.... Using whatever spec you want is fine, but people will boot you regardless of combat log or not if you have absolutely no idea what your class role is.
  15. As a healer, I'd LOVE a combat log to atleast see what's actually hitting the group so we can learn from it, and move on. This "WHO-DUN-IT" of what's dmging you isn't exactly fun on your 3rd or 4th wipe...
  16. Shame not many agree with them huh? That's probably why your getting pretty defensive Mr.Ninja.... Oh well. Go have fun with that companion that you earned all that gear for! Because you earned it!...without help of any players besides you and your companion....
  17. Out of logical arguements so you're going to get defensive now Mr.Ninja? I'm sorry I offended you.
  18. That your companion wouldn't even see that gear if it wasn't for help of 3 others. The only way your companion should get the gear over the 3 who helped is if no one needed, or if rules were established at the start of group. Other than that, it's just a shady practice...
  19. If people would just do that, then most of the people with issues...wouldn't have one. The problem is people think they are ENTITLED to the companion loot and feel no need to ask. I don't mind people gearing their companions...I'd even do dungeon runs JUST TO GEAR COMPANIONS if it was stated upfront. It's just shady to say nothing until loot drops, then need and claim, "well you should have said something".
  20. But would you have had access to that gear without 3 other players helping you? No.
  21. Nice job waiting for me to post it Mr.Ninja. Knew you wouldn't yourself. =) It does apply because you are taking loot from someONE who needs it....not a glorified pet... Hence "ninja'ing it".
  22. ninja looter 1) (n) (MMORPG) A player who loots and/or attempts to loot items (usually of significant rarity and value) without the permission of the group, especially one who loots items designed for other classes or one who loots all items of value immediately prior to leaving the group/raid/guild.
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