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Everything posted by laparkuh

  1. If you are taking loot from someone who can use, for yourself who can't, (companion doesn't count unless it helped on the kill), then the loot WAS ninja'ed....
  2. He's right though. NONE of the people saying they need on companion gear would ever post their server, let alone character name...anonymity is great..can troll all you want...
  3. So basicly your saying that every group who doesn't want ninjas should macro, "No needing on companions" at the start of group and at every boss drop....and even then people will ninja but my "anger will be justified"...
  4. Threads like this will just make it so out of fear of being ninja'ed, everyone will just need on everything that drops period. Guess we all win or lose depending on how you want to look at it...
  5. So people should have to go out of their way to stop someone from being rude...instead of the guy who wants to need on stuff to ASK FIRST? Would you really listen if someone said that at the start of the group though? OR, first upgrade for your companion you see you say "screw this" and need it anyways?
  6. But would you need on a piece of gear a groupmate needed in a flashpoint just for your companion? I keep mine geared as well. And he does have a few instances pieces, but when I see the drop I say "If no one wants do you care if I take for my companion"...If you can't even type that simple line...you're selfish...
  7. Did I quote you troll? No? Ok. L2R =( Fact is, you're just trying to start fights with the weakest arguements possible. Players and companions aren't the same....you can word it anyway you want but you're still the minority.
  8. How many mmo's have you played before this one where people let the "Well I'm needing this for my alt", arguement fly? (I don't mean asking group first then NEEDing, I mean straight up NEEDing then explaining after you won...)
  9. If companions even took a percentage of the stats...I'd agree. But they don't...So they aren't PART OF YOU...If you gear your companion to the teeth, then join a flashpoint...does your companions stats help at all???
  10. It's not unfair if everyone knows upfront. Then people can plan for it and decide if they want to put forth effort to possibly be gearing someone's companion. Easiest solution would be remove greed all together and just put NEED (to use/sell) or PASS. Then everyone has the same chance instead of someone waiting to see 2-3 greed rolls then hitting NEED because their chances of winning are now higher.
  11. Hey marlaine...did he help kill the boss that you needed loot on? Or did players?
  12. So you're basicly saying you think that your characters that weren't there for the group deserve loot just as much as someone who directly helped with the kill? That's like me taking all the cunning gear for my scoundrel alt when I play a sage....is that fair?
  13. Straw arguement is weak. =( That's the best you have? Who cares if both can be improved...If you aren't using your companion in that group...it doesnt NEED the loot. Again, that'd be like me rolling NEED for friends and family loot since I play with them sometimes. If their gear sucks it makes it harder on me, so in theory...shouldn't I be allowed to need for them without people getting mad?
  14. But your groupmates can, meaning they are better than a companion and deserve loot over yours. If you can't get past that then why not try getting a duo together with someone who needs on companion gear and do a flashpoint and gear them? Because you can't without player help? Ok then...
  15. Hey marl...since you like to make stuff up...Can you do any flashpoint at lvl with your companion? Or do you need help from players?
  16. Yes because my willingness to share loot with PLAYERS makes me selfish...next try troll?
  17. Stop making up facts. You're companion doesn't share your stats...not part of your character. If your in a 4man group, your companion basicly doesn't exist. You can twist it however you want but you are the minority. If you take someone from someone, then you're a ninja. Sorry if you don't like the title but that's what it is. BTW, pets in EQ1 could use gear/weapons til death / desummoned, would you let someone need on gear for them? Since it betters their character?
  18. THIS!....What happens when people have 4-5 companions? Can I need for each individual one? Since they all do help me in soloing you know...Pretty sure that means I can need on almost every drop in a flashpoint...
  19. Do you use a companion in every flashpoint? NO?!?!?! Ok then you're just being selfish =)
  20. It's already happening without LFD and people don't seem to care. So what harm would bringing the system do? Can't really get worse than 2-3 topics a day about ninja looting...
  21. What's funny is I'm sure half the people saying "I NEED FOR COMPANION" would ragequit if someone took their "main toons" upgrade...It's just playing selfishly. In single player games it's ok to "me me me" but since you can't solo the flashpoint...stop being an *** and share. =D
  22. I hate having stupid rules, but we almost need it so if your archtype can't use then you can't roll anything except greed. BTW people, this is the same arguement people are using against dungeon finder, yet it's happening constantly before it even exists. Guess the "community" everyone is trying so hard to save, never existed...
  23. COMPANIONS ARE NOT "YOU" UNLESS YOUR GROUP REQUIRES YOU TO USE IT. If there are 3 other players in your group, then your companion isn't doing anything. Someone answer me this..... If it's ok to need for companions...can I need for my friends who aren't currently in group? They help me progress through the game too...
  24. I love these replies. "I don't have issues so it's obviously you..." What if the person plays at off peak hours? "Get a guild" is another cop-out. I said it once and I'll say it again. If WOW didn't do the dungeon finder, then half these nay-sayers would be praising it. I'm sorry your group broke up on one bad pull, but if that's not happening every single group you got....
  25. This. If you think your companion is better than real people then only group with 3 and use him. Then I'm sure people won't care that you need gear on him. But to take an upgrade from someone to make your "soloing easier" is about as lame as you can get...besides just straight up selling the loot of course...
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