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Everything posted by aarka

  1. It wont be. BW seems to be dead against any kind of e-peen comparisons open for all to see. Why can't even I track my own personal wins vs. losses?
  2. Or hey, they could just add a deserter debuff. LIKE EVERY OTHER MMO IN THE HISTORY OF TIME.
  3. He's beatable, especially if he's a fotm bad. Anyways, sounds like a huge gear difference. Shouldn't run though. There's no better way to learn your class than taking on fights you might not win.
  4. You can also buy them for credits (usually cheaper than the GTN) from Legacy vendors, but there is a legacy level requirement. Perhaps no help to a new player, sorry.
  5. Im in Korea and stayed on Harbinger because of the terrible ping to Australia. Weeknights its pretty light, but you can still get stuff done. Weekends are great. And lately Ive been getting up and playing for a few hours in the morning.
  6. Good lord man.. a full 1:30 into your voidstar defence before you even pan the camera once at the door?
  7. aarka

    Cross servers

    10-49 is fun at any level. Seriously so what if there are some 40's in some games. They will be on your team as well. And when you get to 40 you can crush some level 11s. You're taking it way too seriously. You're only under 50 for a couple weeks. Learn to play while you're there, because 50 WZs are going to spank you.
  8. You dont need to do any heroics or flashpoints or pvp. As long as you complete the bonus series for each planet you will always be overleveled. There are 3 planets which have bonus series later, meaning you must go back to the planet later to get them.
  9. I suspect you have wandered into the level 50 part. This area is for end game repeatable daily missions.
  10. One is for gettimg level 10 and the other is for finishing chapter 1.
  11. aarka

    Stun Locking

    The skills do the same damage and have the same effects (stuns) for the same amount of time, just with different animations and names: Mirrored. Unfortunately for you, once you have shown us that you don't understand something basic about the game, the actual main point of your argument (stunlocks) will not be taken seriously.
  12. I think you may have picked up that one as a drop without noticing. The one your trainer gives you will be in a bag in your inventory. You need to right click the bag to open it. It shouldn't have any light/dark requirement.
  13. Control over your character's movement. Knowledge of the classes around you and their abilities.
  14. There are a few idiots who do it. And it's annoying as hell. But overall it's pretty rare (at least on my server). And I think BW has done a decent job in this area. It's something that happens in every mmo I've played, but seems to be under control a bit better here.
  15. aarka

    New Huttball Map

    I'd even be happy with a different skin or lighting/color change. Like playing at different arenas.
  16. aarka

    Too bad......

    I'm just going to wait and see. The first stage will help a lot. Hopefully later we can pick and choose.
  17. aarka

    Force Pull Video

    Entertaining vid! Some people take these way too serious. Best pull was on to the ball spawn and then he exploded.
  18. After 3 games... The last 2 ended early due to lack of players by the way. http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/7610/screenshot2012060600193.jpg
  19. And again, second game.
  20. Just played a game where people were quitting and coming back in. No quest credit at the end of the full match.
  21. At times it feels a bit excessive, but I still think 90% of the rage comes from Huttball carriers who assume they are cc'd when rooted.
  22. aarka


    Typically ranged classes beck-pedal, because they try to increase distance while melee tries to close distance. So.. The 3 biggest ones would be: 1. Speed. Doesn't matter if opponent has gap closer or not. Moving away faster is always better than moving away slower. 2. Vulnerability. Exposing your back to opponents who have more powerful abilities when positioned behind you. 3. There's no reason to beck pedal ever. You can do everything you can while strafing that you can do while backpedaling. Some players think their abilities won't work unless facing the player, when in fact, you can throw attacks over your shoulder just as easily while running away. And some consider strafing as only moving to the side, when in fact you can strafe directly backwards with some mouse adjustment and take advantage of everything from above. Players who argue that backpeddling is fine simply haven't mastered the movement of their character yet. Or find it awkward to hold the right mouse button down and maintain control over the camera. Players who backpedal are by no means bad players. Some great players even claim to backpedal in order to draw fire or fake being a noob. I think that's bs personally but whatever.
  23. Please make an exception and fraps one last performance for us.
  24. And since they will raise the level cap 2 years from now again, there's no point getting the new gear from later this year either! omg mmo!
  25. Never heard of ability stacking. But stat stacking is common. "Should I stack power or crit?" Maybe this is what you mean?
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