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Everything posted by Buckit

  1. I've been looking at my quick slots and noticed that there are some abilities that I either never use, shouldn't use, or can't use in PVP. Explosive Round: I use this in PVP while on the run but I'm starting to think it isn't worth the ammo cost. Would really like to hear how others use this in PVP, if at all. Full Auto: This bugged ability was recently fixed I heard. I've never tried using it in PVP because of the bug and thus know nothing about it. Is it worth using? Why? Sticky Grenade: Only time I use this is when I'm moving. Seems pretty weak sauce. Am I missing something? Blitz: I believe this ability does not work in PVP?? I've never seen it available for use.
  2. Combat medic is a well rounded spec. You put out nice damage, nice number of kills, and nice heal numbers IF you play your trooper wisely. I've consistently performed well on my CM since level 10 and i'm a PVP noob. Unless I'm drunk or falling asleep or playing with a horrid pug, I always score in the top 3 for damage, kills, and heals. I'll occassionally score #1 in one of these categories and very rarely top two or more. Top 3 in 3 categories is pretty damn good in my book. You will not routinely be a beast in any one category, so don't expect to be. Leave that for the (ahem OP ahem) Consulars. What you will be able to do is put out damage AND heal AND take a beating. We're well-rounded, which means we can fit in with any group of other classes and fulfill an important role. Don't get upset if you get burned down quickly when you get focus fire. EVERYONE gets burned down quickly from focus fire. Your role is to hang back a bit and lob damage and heals as needed. Your role is to not run around solo like Rambo. You're a support class. If you can't stand getting focus fire all the time, then don't be a healer. It comes with the job. I've been in matches where I die constantly because the imps know I'm a healer and they waste my *** the second they see me. It happens. A little tip for warzones: if you want to boost your damage output, watch for clumps of Imps and drop your AoE's on them. Do that a few times in a warzone and watch 'em weep.
  3. They say it was fixed. Has anyone checked in-game to see if it really was fixed?
  4. swtor.com forums...where intelligence goes to die
  5. Since when do you have to explain cardinal directions? Applying your logic, why don't we explain right and left too? There's a mini-map. It can be reasonably expected of your fellow players to understand NSEW and to look at the mini-map. Cardinal directions give vastly more directional information than left/right. You do understand this concept, don't you?
  6. Isn't this sorta the reason why they came up with cardinal directions all those centuries ago? To establish a fixed point of reference and not something people can get confused about (left/right)? Sweet screenshot. Might have to use that for a wallpaper!
  7. I really think this boils down to people not using or not knowing how to use their mini map. I can always travel in the cardinal direction you give me by glancing at the mini-map for an instant. And so can any player. Again, left/right, snow/grass, up/down, etc is superfluous. Am I missing something?
  8. This response made me LOL. And I agree.
  9. I'm right there with you Drekor.
  10. I was going to quote my hero George Carlin about cardinal directions making the most sense: "Try to pay attention to the language we’ve all agreed on." But it would appear that some of us have over-estimated the ability of some of us to read maps.
  11. Can we keep this polite? I didn't make this thread so we can discuss who's stupid and who isn't stupid.
  12. That's what I'm puzzled over. If snow = east, why would you bother using "snow"? We learned cardinal directions years, if not decades, before we started playing warzones in TOR. You're adding a superfluous level of information. People new to the warzones can be reasonably expected to know east and west but may not know what snow or grass means.
  13. Fine idea in theory. In practice, however, this system will instantly be abused.
  14. I thought I noticed this as well during my short time as an Imp in Beta testing. It was very bizarre after having played so many WZ's on the Republic side. Unless I'm confused, though, east and west are still east and west. Right? I mean, correct? If that's the case, using "Grass" or "Snow" is just re-naming the cardinal directions, which seems pointless.
  15. I personally prefer to call out east/west over right/left. Seems to reduce confusion slightly. I've seen many instances where players are confusing their left and their right. I'm assuming this results from judging which side to go to based on looking at the screen and not the mini map? Example from Alderaan yesterday: Someone announces "Incoming left!" You look at the map and see that nobody on your team is on the left (west side), the person is, in fact, on the right (east) side. This is also an issue on Voidstar where you can easily get turned around, especially if you're a defender coming out of the spawn area.
  16. More of a pita than an issue: At certain points in the story, especially between chapters or near the close of chapters, general Garza needs you to go all the way to Coruscant just to tell you things she could have told you via holocall. Seems innocuous but at one point, for example, you have to go to Coruscant, then fleet, then right back to Coruscant again. Why? At least shuffle it up and have us meet her somewhere else for a change. Depending on where you are, a trip to Coruscant then trip to next planet/back to where you were can soak up 10 minutes of just running around and loading. What a waste of time!
  17. Another issue that probably isn't specific to our Class but annoys the hell out of me: The icon which indicates your companion wants to talk on your ship pops up intermittently and then disappears again. When this happens, the companion doesn't wish to speak with you so I'm assuming this icon pops up when it shouldn't.
  18. Thanks to those who offered advice. I tried some of these tactics with a few operatives I faced. Haven't run into anyone that could fight like the one specific Op I ran into...so I haven't had a chance to really test things out. I think his guild is an adversary of mine so I'm hoping to get in touch somehow and try and hook up in a WZ or open PVP area soon.
  19. Where am I complaining? I'm looking for help on how to improve my game play. If you don't want to help, go away.
  20. So say you're consumable stacking. What defensive measures can I take in that situation?
  21. Something like that, but he's dishing out ridiculous damage while I'm stunned/KD'd. My memory might be hazy on the details, but that's how I recall it happening.
  22. A little more on how this guy was getting me. I don't know the names of the abilities he was using so bear with me. Pop out of stealth behind me, knife in the chest/stun. Massive burst. Knock down, massive burst, I'm practically dead at thsi point. Then he'd either disappear or kill me, depending on who was near by and paying attention.
  23. Will try this. Don't have anything dot-like that casts instantly. Maybe cryo him or sticky grenade? I've never bothered to use the stealth detection thingy, i'll try that out too.
  24. I'm a level 47 commando, mainly combat medic spec. Level appropriate gear. Got completely torn down today, multiple times, by the same operative. My hat is off to him for some splendid game play, but I was miserable. He'd have me locked up and bursted down to dead in seconds. Between that and his stealth ability, I felt completely helpless. Hoping to get some pointers on how to deal with this particular class in the future. Let's keep it civil shall we?
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