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Everything posted by Buckit

  1. I used to run a hybrid spec and switched to full heals not long before 1.2 dropped. For you hyrbid guys, do you stick with combat support cell or do you go back and forth with the other cell (forget the name from gunnery).
  2. Excellent response RuQu. I found this peckenpaugh guy's replies rather blunt and rude. My gut reaction was, "This guy is being a jerk for no reason. Why?"
  3. Really disappointed in what I've seen from 1.2 thus far. Just wanted to say that.
  4. First impressions as a Commando healer having just played warzones for an hour: I absolutely hate the changes with respect to reduced healing abilities, increased ammo costs, and reduced medals/awards for warzones. Not going to unsub, but I'm heavily disappointed in how Commando got whacked relative to some of the other classes. lvl 50 with an honestly earned valor of 67
  5. I don't understand this either. But on the other hand, you get a free respec every week. Not the end of the world and certainly not worth getting ticked off over.
  6. Definitely a nice addition. Hopefully it makes up for some of the nerfs we've received. (Won't be able to play until tonight so I can't check out how good/bad the changes are). Does in-combat rez work in warzones? Guessing not.
  7. uh oh. Please keep us updated on this (a lot of folks are at work today and will be following posts like this closely)
  8. Same is it did 24 hours ago? Crazy forum rage is nothing new around here.
  9. Has anyone done a study to determine how many people who threaten to unsub actually unsub? The title of the study could be "The Smallest Number in the World".
  10. Thanks Sithhelmet. I'm guessing these are purple items?
  11. Looking to put together a full suit of this heavy armor. The resource sites such as TorHead are not currently updated (they mostly list prototype/purple pieces and no info on where to find the stuff). Can anyone help me track down all the pieces? RD-15A Mercenary Helmet - ? RD-15A Mercenary Chestguard - Looted on Hoth, Prisoner Extraction +4 Heroic RD-15A Mercenary Belt - (blue item) Balmorra Comms Vendor (forget, 8 comms i think) RD-15A Mercenary Greaves - Balmorra Comms Vendor, 12 comms RD-15A Mercenary Gauntlets - Balmorra vendor, for sale for credits RD-15A Mercenary Bracers - Crafted RD-15A Mercenary Boots - Crafted Edit: I play Republic, not sure I'll even be able to obtain all the pieces short of buying them off a neutral GTN.
  12. New patch has done nothing to remedy this, not that I expected it. First warzone, voidstar, 6v8.
  13. Buckit

    Battlemaster Titles

    Only if the title is "Special"
  14. This will be my next evolutionary step in my hybrid heals/DPS build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfRoRdcdzZMIkboZb.1 In game, I currently have a point in psyche aide, but as others have said, it's really hard to tell when to use it...so i often just forget about it. Figure I can use that point more effectively elsewhere. Let me know what you think!
  15. Don't know why i bother posting, not like they'll read this or respond to it.
  16. This is really disappointing. Are things functioning as intended? A warzone that starts as 4 v 8 seems unacceptable and extremely unfair IMHO. This can't possibly be an acceptable part of the warzone system, can it?
  17. Let me guess, you talk to the major bad guy, go back and forth a few times, then he attacks, you kill his minions and whittle his health down to near zero. Then you have another dialogue and you either have to kill him or take him into custody. Then Garza says good job, you saved the universe. Something like that? Hey Bioware, you guys should hire me as a writer.
  18. Are the patch notes up on swtor.com somewhere? I can't find them. At work so I can't read them from the launcher.
  19. The Voss are a bunch of a holes. What did you expect?
  20. You're missing the point though. This whole game is sold on story story story story story. The Trooper story is boring. Yes you did all those things, but it wasn't done in an interesting way.
  21. Lightning spammers FTL!!!
  22. Cycao, i'm not in the know when it comes to the numbers game in TOR. Could you please explain this for me? Thanks!
  23. What's that song about awesome game play coupled with a terrible story line? I forget the name, but that one.
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