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Everything posted by tXHereticXt

  1. Honestly, this will not be the last time they look at this class. Considering our shield chance and absorption ratings, we're at a good enough spot that 4% damage reduction just seems to tip the balance into OP territory. Now Strength-Tanks are where we were in that they're being out classed by Will and Aim-tanks - seeing as both can do what Str-tanks can and do an assortment of other things to make them more versatile.
  2. There's an area in the Class Role section dedicated to DPS, I'm sure there're plenty. For the most part is you can do all content for the game as a Deception/Infiltration spec but you just wont be pushing the same numbers, not reliably anyways, as a gunslinger/sniper in their high damage speccs. They can also do it on a consistent basis, my understanding is the numbers were improved slightly but Dec/Infil still relies on RNG for the big crits that give them that burst damage.
  3. In PVE you can get away with stacking endurance, not much of it is very hard unless you're trying to do Heroic 4s. But at the very least make sure you're getting absorb/defense rating mods and enhancements. Then of course there's also the specs to consider as stated above.
  4. Not to mention a good threat generator.
  5. I want to believe the "silver bullet" lies in boosting our armor to a sufficient level so that these "lucky shots" are no longer as impacting. IE give us the 20% armor back from the trait skill(s).
  6. Heals are fine where they are but I do want to see us get out 20% armor buff from the spike/spinning kick trait skill. Our heals shouldn't be touched but the armor values need to be tweaked or an additional buff/debuff should be applied to address the spikeness issue.
  7. I've never rolled dedicated DPS but I know people who do both PVE and PVP and one spec, such as deception/infiltration, is beastly contrary to what a lot of out cry depicted these specs as. A lot of people don't manage their stacks appropriately nor approach an opening with the best of tactics and so attack the spec itself rather than their own player skill. They're heavily viable for melee DPS, you just need to be smart about it. With 2.0 came a few much needed buffs and a pretty nasty nerf in certain fights. I enjoy tanking, I love the balance between DPS and survivability which I felt was lacking in the Jugg. Doesn't mean there aren't issues present that one needs to keep mind of. Been tanking for OPs for a few weeks in a row - competent players will always assure victory. There's some much needed tweeking right now but we're not banned from encounters by any means. Sin/Shadows are still viable.
  8. Lets not lower ourselves with antics like this. I'm not one to claim a dev company favors one class over the other, keep in mind how for months at one point the Shadow/Sin were preferred because a Jugg/Guard just couldn't hold agro without cycling their taunts. While I think we could be waiting for some time, I don't think it's a matter of discrimination and I think people should steer away from falling into those tropes. Be a positive example - be understanding. If this issue were present on Jugg/Guards I'd be just as hard pressed to see it fixed.
  9. Been playing Sin tanks since March of 2012. Mass Mind Control was always, since then anyways, based on your positioning and not the mobs. Wither was the threat generator skill that triggered off the mob and radiated from out of them.
  10. I admit, I really want her gloves. Really hoping one day they add it to the Adaptive Armor Sets since we pretty much already have Malgus.
  11. Nothing more really needed to be said. But hey, keep in mind a healer's skills do not scale based on your health pool. So if you're fine putting unnecessary pressure on your healers, by all means - enjoy your deaths.
  12. I'd like to get my 20% armor from Spike/Spinning kick's trait skill back
  13. Well, we'll have to see where it goes from here. So far it's just a PR stunt but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.
  14. Ahhh, I thought two of the same. Well, seems fair at a glance. I wonder if that means shadow/sin would ditch their heal... but I love too much
  15. They're actually going to allow that? Having two Defense/absorb relics that'll trigger and stack - or is it the PVE vs PVP relics.
  16. While I agree and will say I can wait, it's still feedback regardless.
  17. Not unless if you want to be laughed at and die a lot due to un-optimized stats. Well if you want to sit here and make a definite statement, then yes please provide what "proof" you're basing this off of. I've done all of the above you listed and have never encountered a mob I couldn't Pull unless if they had unshakable on. Period. So, someone on your end is doing something wrong. What mobs? I can't think of a single mob who didn't have a movement impairing-resistant buff that I couldn't pull. Every mob that has failed to be pulled had a buff that explicitly states they are immune to movement status affects (KBs, Pulls, etc) similar to the droids on the drilling stations over in Makeb who were given a buff that makes them resist.
  18. It isn't wrong, it's a matter of context. I understand what you mean, having learned the term "Spike" from spiketeams in Guild Wars for PVP. When the majority of people mention "Spikiness" in this game, they're refering to the amount of incoming damage in truckloads. A Sin and Shadow currently have it bad with a subtle RNG factor - no matter how good the tank or healer are, certain mobs in OPs will flatten a Sin Shadow out of seemingly nowhere. You'll just have to learn to differentiate the two to avoid confusing others in THIS game.
  19. Who cares about what happened in the past? There's no justification in saying, "Well we had it hard so its your turn." People here threw out the numbers regarding an issue (I'd say it borderlines serious but not quite, since I can still tank but it doesn't help me much either) and asked for the dev's commentary, and none was given. Had this been a Warrior, Guard, Tech, or Van - I'd be entirely sympathetic. It's about balance, not about the spotlight. Now I'm not leaving, lets to be fair nothing regarding classes is posted in the patch notes so there's still time. What goes on in the PTS is still subject to change. However it is annoying that there has been no return in communication regarding this topic.
  20. As a tank I disagree. Not only have I been called in for OPs to fill up a tank role but also had to call out and replacements were found in abundance. There's plenty of factors not being taken into account, I know plenty of people in my guild alone with one or two tank alts and work on gearing them up on their downtime. It's a subjective mindset, if you play at poor times then it's a matter of luck of the draw really.
  21. Agreed, it could use a switch to scale. Additionally, to squash the spikiness of the class, the accuracy debuff from discharge could go and be replaced by a +4-5% DamageReduction buff/debuff.
  22. If you're going to add 4-5% DR may as well be DC/CT so tree specs wouldn't really matter. I also feel DC/CT should have a scaling component instead of a static amount.
  23. I just noticed the Beastmasters (I think) in TFB now use the animation we saw during the initial RoTHC trailer (which was allegedly the new skill we would have had before phasewalk replaced it). It's called something else, Vortex Slash or something. They no longer use spinning strikes and it lasts something like two seconds. Anybody else feel free to confirm, I found it odd.
  24. Here is Eche'lon It's an old pic however, I've changed his chest piece since then. Sadly the Techmaster's coat doesn't balance well with white/X Now this isn't his current look. I'll try to post another later.
  25. I managed to pull it off quite easily. Some of the decisions were no-brainers while rarely I'd come into a situation where I'd go, "Hm, would would be best?" An example can be the Selonians on Correlia. My Sin hates slavery, he tolerates it because he's just one man disliking a practice that is used by most. So in that instance I actually had him kill the Selonians because he didn't want to see mystical and grace-like warriors reduced to work horses. Ironically enough with the trandotions on Belsavis however my Sin said to the Imperial lackies, "They would work best without your intervention." Granted my Sin is supposed to be echani so the whole balance, temperament, composure, and analytic style of thinking comes natural to him. Either way, Darth Imperious sounds way more refined and classy than Nox. Imperious ALLTHEWAY!
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