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Posts posted by Orizuru

  1. Hello. I actually explained why this happened. Please go back and re-read the original post. I was moving fast to get a part crafted. Also, if "it's quite a a bit more than just carelessness," could you elaborate to what you're implying here? Maybe provide some examples?




    I was trying to avoid being blunt, but since you asked... I think it was quite dumb. There are no fractions of a credit, so a single item listing will never have a decimal. This falls squarely into the realm of "stupid mistake".

  2. I think people spend way too much time dwelling on what F2P account can't do in the game. The amount of game content that is freely given to them is fairly substantial already.


    I see nothing wrong with locking them out of cosmetic features that do nothing to prevent them from enjoying the 3 complete chapters of story content available across 8 different classes. Anyone who quits playing over something as arbitrary as hiding a helmet or unifying colors probably wasn't going to ever invest monetarily into the game's success for any amount of time that would make a difference over-all.

  3. Sadly this is not the case. It was one item. 99 items would have been awesome as I could just sell back what i didn't need. No, I clicked too fast and didn't bother to look closely at the amount. It was something like, 3,333,333... and I saw: 3,333.33. Of course it went to the very top (bottom) of the list, so i thought it was the cheapest!


    I also thank anybody who is telling me to be more careful, but there's no greater lesson than the one I just learned on my own. :mad:


    :) I'm already in the process of making it all back. And i have a black/black dye as back up! :p


    I can understand making that mistake on a stack of items. It's careless, but understandable. But to make that mistake on a sale that you know is a single item is quite a bit more than just carelessness.

  4. Huh. I had no idea the CPU would have so much relevance. I've always thought that the GPU was the most important factor in increasing game performance. So, upgrading just the CPU would fix this FPS problem I have, you think?


    I wouldn't count on a cpu upgrade to be the end-all of your troubles.


    I'm using a 2600k, which is 100mhz slower than your 2700k, and my performance is perfectly fine. I'd keep digging. Something else is causing your performance problems. The cpu you have should be more than enough power for this game.


    Edit: I should also mention I use a moderate OC on my 2600k to bump it up to 4.7 GHz. If you aren't over-clocking, then your 2700k is only 3.5-3.9 GHz with turbo boost enabled. I tend to assume anyone running an Intel cpu with a K in the model number is over-clocking though, so we're probably fairly close in cpu power. Even if you aren't though, a stock 2700k is still plenty of power for SWTOR.

  5. I recommend that all players learn to do things with any and all companions. There is a slight variation in your play style when you use a dps companion over a tank or healer. Learning to play well with all 3 types, helps you learn how to be flexible in your play style when grouping with other players.


    Its far from required to be good at the game, but I think it helps.


    The only real difference I've noticed between the 3 types of companion is the amount of downtime in between pulls. When I'm playing dps with a dps comp, I notice I have to release and resummon the companion often and I have to regen my health every couple of pulls. With a tank companion the down-time is lessened because I release and resummon less frequently and rarely need to regen my own health. With a healer companion though, there is essentially no down-time at all because the companion keeps us both healed. Pulls take a few seconds longer with the healer companion, but the removal of the down-time usually means I get things done more quickly.


    This is all very generalized though. There are other little tricks a player can use to help reduce down-time with a dps or tank companion as well that can allow you get things done even more quickly. A dps player with a dps companion that properly uses defenisve and offensive cooldowns, CC, interrupts, stuns, and maintains good threat control between the player and the companion can get things done much more quickly with little to no down-time at all.

  6. They wouldn't need to rewrite the whole engine. They could hire a few people to work behind the scene to optimize the LIVING **** out of the engine we currently have. Hiring a few people would not break a major corporation like BW. Then when optimizations were ready for release they could release them with normal scheduled updates.


    Optimization rarely has the impact upon a game's performance that the people complaining about the engine want.


    Even when code is poorly optimized to begin with, a few years of code optimization might only yield a 1% improvement in performance.


    If Bioware had even an inkling of suspicion that a big push into optimization would solve the problems and complaints with performance that players have experienced since launch then don't you think they would have done it already?

  7. This is called "white knighting". Thinks he's a pillar of the community and makes dramatic claims about leaving because he can't stand to watch it die. If the game does actually die, it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy and feeds his ego. If the game doesn't die, he can claim his departure from the game made such resounding waves within the community that it effected change that saved the game, which once again, feeds his ego.
  8. No. One or or the other will give you a message and prevent you from doing so. I have heard of a work around for this a long time ago, but I don't remember where, or how.


    I think the work around you heard about was slightly different. You've never been able to log into one account from two computers.


    You can do what the OP is wanting to do if you have two accounts. However, there is a small segment of players known as "multi-boxers" who wish to run two instances of the game client on one computer and be logged into 2 accounts simultaneously. By default this isn't possible, but there was a work around that allowed it by installing the game client on the same computer into two different folders. Last I checked though, even that was no longer possible.


    @OP - If all you want to do is run around and shoot some gameplay footage, you will need a second account. If you are careful, you could probably do this with one of the free to play accounts, but you will have to play the new character on that account long enough to get a ship so you can travel to other planets with the character from your main account.


    Edit: Unless you wanted footage on a planet that is part of the 3.0 SoR expansion. A F2P account would not have access to the planets added in this expansion.

  9. Snipers have the hardest hitting ability in the game with Ambush. But I find the Deception Assassin to be more satisfying in this regard. While Ambush is amazing damage and Snipers do excellent dps, I find the Assassin brings more to the table if you want to see big numbers on individual attacks.


    Maul, Discharge, Ball Lightning, and Assassinate account for 4 of the 5 most used attacks in the rotation and they all can crit for about 14-18k in 186-192 gear if you follow the rotation/priorities. If you can get procs and cooldowns to line up as well, then they can crit for 18-22k, and they have a very high crit percentage as well.


    Ambush may hit for about 5k more damage, but it has a longer cast time, can be interrupted, and is part of a more complex rotation that involves several filler abilities that are lack-luster over-all (which is my highly subjective opinion).


    The end result allows both classes to be very competitive when you look at overall dps though. And even with the recent nerfs to Ops, melee classes are still disadvantaged in most boss fights in ways that ranged dps are not.

  10. I wouldn't be opposed to individual loot when grouping with pugs, but I would like the current loot rules when I'm going solo or with a preformed group.


    Sometimes my friends and I will run a pre-formed group to get specific items that would cause drama if the person seeking the item needed on it in a group setting where reserved loot isn't appropriate. We do this to get specific shells for specific looks for the most part.

  11. Wait, you have to pay for addons in WoW?


    I've never heard of any you paid for, and I'm fairly certain Blizzard has a very strict policy prohibiting it.


    A friend of mine in college actually created an addon that he tried to charge people to use and he ended up getting his accounts banned and cease and desist order from Blizzards legal department. His addon also required a large degree of botting on his own accounts too though, so it's hard to say which violations had which exactly penalties.


    The addon was pretty clever though. It botted a player to the Auction House for both factions on every server and then used existing addons to scan the entire Auction House and log the items listed, current bids, and buyout prices. This allowed him to have a live and constant feed of all transactions in all markets on every server. Then he tried to sell access to his data as a marketing tool for anyone who wanted to play the market.


    If I had to guess though, I'd say the botting process for data collection is why they banned all of his accounts, and the attempt to profit with an addon was the cause for the legal action.



    There is a software utility that Curse Gaming offers that you can pay an annual subscription to use. This tool will allow you to manage the installation and updating of all of your addons, but there was a free version you could use as well. The annual sub just added some additional features that weren't available in the free version.

  12. When was WoW not casual?


    It created the concept of solo questing in an MMO.


    I won't disagree with anything else in your post though. I'm not a big fan of PVP servers myself, but you aren't wrong about the state of open world PVP on PVP servers. It's quite dead.

  13. It's because you play pacific- some where that isn't you, it's a common complaint when the APAC servers were shut down. I feel for you man because I know what it's like to lag like a ***** but the only way they could fix that is if you is if they made brand new(or reopened idk what they do with servers) in the APAC region, which won't happen because there isn't enough of an APAC player base for it to be anywhere near cost effective


    That is definitely a big contributor to his problem, but even for an Australian player on a Pacific server I wouldn't expect more than 5000ms latency. That 309,505ms latency he is showing seems quite excessive unless he's trying to play from the moon.


    However, testing with other games doesn't prove the problem is the game server either. I would suspect there is a routing issue somewhere in between his computer and the server. If the problem were the server, nearly every player on the server would be having the same lag spikes. I run Ops with a young lady who plays from New Zealand and she has told our team that he latency goes up and down from about 700-1500 usually, and this is on a bad day. She's usually around 200-400ms on a good day.


    @OP - Have you tried using a VPN? It might help by cutting out some server hops in your connection that could be causing the problems. That is about the only thing I can suggest though. The VPN itself will come with it's own set of performance issues while gaming online though, so it may not be the solution you are looking for.

  14. Once you go laptop, you never go back. I was in the desktops rule camp for years, but I have since converted, because there is no denying the portable allure.


    I have both. I prefer the desktop though. The games you want to play make a huge difference though.


    My desktop is a 2600K cpu with a 4GB GTX 770 gpu, and the laptop is a 4710 cpu with a 3 GB 970m. The performance for gaming is fairly similar with both of them. While the laptop has the newer and more powerful cpu and gpu, the ability to overclock the desktop allows it to perform just as well as the laptop. If I went with water cooling, I could push the desktop even further.


    Witcher 3 is magnitudes better on my desktop, while Civilization V performs better on the laptop. I haven't put GTA V on the laptop yet to see how it runs, but I will be soon. It's been my experience though that the FPS and Action games tend to stutter a bit on even the best gaming laptops if you don't fine tune the settings, while turn based games and MMOs tend to do as well on a laptop as a desktop.

  15. So do you guys use Legacy travels and such? If so do you open the abilities pane every time to use them?


    Thanks for the responses also. I have been wondering for a few months now if I was the only one with quick bar issues.


    Yes, I use the Abilities window to access and use my Legacy Quick Travel abilities, as well as many other out-of-combat abilities.


    I have seen a few other threads asking for more toolbars. They haven't really generated much in the way of constructive discussion though. It's been mostly a dozen people telling 2 or 3 people who would like more toolbars how to make better use of the ones available.


    There are definitely people interested in having more toolbars, but they do seem to be in the minority. Oftentimes it seems like many of them are trying to keep too many different mounts, toys, or recovery items on toolbars as well.


    I can't imagine needed more than 4 toolbars myself. However, that doesn't mean adding more is out of the question. It would have to be done in a way that ensures it doesn't degrade game performance though. While the impact of adding 1 or 2 new toolbars may be very small, the players with low-end computers would suffer greatly with any additional hits to performance.


    Edit - I also never place Sprint on a toolbar. The ability should never be turned off unless you click the buff icon by mistake. I find that this happens so rarely I have no problem opening the abilities window to turn it back on.

  16. Well, it's not too late to remove them? They just don't want to take the time and effort and resources to do it. :p


    A lot of players have spent large sums of CC (real money) and credits to collect all 4 crystals of each color so they can have all the stat options available.


    If they removed those stats and left us all with 4 of the same color crystal that had no discerning traits in their place there would be complete and utter chaos on the forums from all the displeased players.


    I like the idea of making the stats more varied. However, I believe this would ultimately mess with the stat budgets and result increase diminished returns on all stats to ensure players don't end up with too much of one or two of the secondary stats that work well with each other.

  17. I think you are missing the fact that I see no color at all. That would simply shade my black white and grey spectrum. I have tried this already.


    No, I saw you mentioned that and I knew the product wouldn't be of any help to you, but the OP here and many others who may be reading this are not in the same situation as you and might benefit from the suggestion.


    I apologize if you thought I was replying to you directly.

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