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Everything posted by Rejectoo

  1. Powerr, Nice video there has always Why are your stances not off on a side bar? Now that it is 100 force to change I normal never change in a fight so I moved them off to lala land on my bars. My fun with keybindings so far has been been working with my G15. I am still trying to get things right with it and the way I want them to work.
  2. I am a Tank I do MT and sometimes OT... 31/0/10 I have my Tank gear Rakata/Columi and I have Stalker gear. I normally do not respec at all even in NM. Yes the enrage timers are tight on NM but normally when I am not tanking I will change out of Combat stance. If it is a boss I know that does not require 2nd tank at all I will then I will use the other stance and DPS gear. I have OT many mobs and MT them too the only NM that I have not tanked is the First Robot in EV and the Soa simple cause we have never tried them on NM.
  3. I have the absorb relic procing one. Last Night I got the 208 DPS proc relic. They both proc a lot. That is why I am thinking of dropping the def relic.
  4. Jealous the loot gods only love Smugglers seems like. Think all of them have the Rakata offhand x like 3 all I have Columi.
  5. Can not wait powerr..... Question for PvP. I full Champ and I have Rakata/Columi. I have been wondering is it worth switching out the Rakata/Columi for Champ? I do it now but with no meters hard to say what is what and which is better. I do it simple for the PvP stat.
  6. Nice Video... 2 points... 1. Always guard someone. The 4 piece PvP set bonus is 5% more damage when you guard someone. I am pretty sure it is just if the guard buff is up not that it is active like them in 15 feet of you. 2. Taunt always. I use single target and AOE Taunt all the time. This reduces the damage they do to anyone they are targeting other than you so like the guy that was fighting with you when you started out at the gun turret. Both other than that it looked good. I forgot how cool all the colors were on my lightsaber now that I seem to be a stat hoe. (Blue,Black 41end)
  7. Curiosity made me ask I have far to many relics and seems like I keep getting them and do not know what to do with them all. No Relic slots on pets guess that makes them vendor bait.
  8. Powerr and a few others on here I respect your tanking knowledge so I wanted to pose this question. Last Night in Normal Mode Ops (Hate Auto Assign Loot) I was assigned the 72end procing 208 damage relic. (should have gone to a DPS but Auto Assigned sucks) At the time I have the tanking Procing relic already and Columi tanking relic with 355 def clicky Here is the question I am thinking that the loss of the 2nd stat and the clicky on the Columi Tanking relic might be worth it for a little extra DPS to help hold aggro. Has it is now unless there is healer issues or they are picking up a wayward DPS(IE died) I hardly click on the relic. The Tank Procing relic is nice and would love 2 of them but BW made it so you can not use 2. What are you guy's thoughts? Just for information on my toon gear wise. I am full Rakata/Columi
  9. Don't use Force Cloak. I never use force cloak in PvP. But then again I want to to hit me. I am tank with 24+ HP and 7k Armor and procing relics plus all my skills and 1750 armor adrenal makes my day to have a guild healer there guarded and them trying to kill both of us and can not. I had 110k Protection in Voidstar the other night with 190k damage and 49 kills.
  10. I have seen this too but they do not chase me they chase my pets. Seems that for what ever reason the aggro on pets are a lot further away than us.
  11. There are people that do attack and try and build up stacks so that when his shield drops they can hit hard. So saying that I am sure is not so true. I know many people that build up stacks on him but with the aggro bug it causes issues.
  12. Open Communication lvl 50 Daily heroic 4. Pretty simple could even stealth solo it. This quest will give you orange pet weapons one for each of your pets but Qyzen he gets blue.
  13. What he said. Seems that Smugglars have the hardest in there. I know we always have to do the one hit high damage to help them But you are looking at different fights in there really . I has a tank did fight and beat 1 time and died the next but had him at 5% health one of the 36k healer mobs that hit like trucks. I have done one of the 100k mobs and finished with out help before any times. I normally stick with the 75kish mob and finish near the tops of the race.
  14. I believe there is a bug and have seen it too where your lightsaber is not invisible therefore they see that and use that to uncover you.
  15. My guild has 4 main tanks between our 2 8 man ops groups. Out of those 4 tanks 2 are Shadows. While not in the same one but we both are MTs in our ops groups. We have both tanked every boss in Normal and Hard and I have tanked a few on NightMare too. So believe me it gets much better later on. Has for stalker gear no matter the build just can not give up the End/Def/Absorption/Shield
  16. Gear will make a big big difference. Right now I am full Champ gear for PvP. I hate to change gear but without meters to know I swap out my full Rakata/Columi for the Champ gear. Champ Gear self buffed I am at 21k HP and 6.2k armor PvE gear I run 23k+ and 7k armor Make sure you work those daily to get your implants and ear piece.
  17. My bet is more than a year or even longer for a level cap rise. I mean they have not even done the legacy levels yet so that has to come first and will take time to get that right. If you do not finish your class quests then no daily quests will be open up to you and right now that is like 150k credits a day and around about 60k legacy XP a day. With them adding Corella daily to the mix in Juneish you would miss out on a lot of gear given by daily coms and credits and things.
  18. Have no fear. That will pass at lvl 50 and you can make around 200k a day on dailies. Although you still spend a lot on repairs bills. I know mine is around 30k a night on raid nights. But heck I think if a mob breaths on me it costs me 500credits.
  19. In normal mode no way at all sorry. In Hard Mode you can but the issue is Master Looter is broken so if you like getting next to no items then sure turn on Master Looter. So your option right now Free For All.
  20. Thank You for putting it out in other terms. Yes I wasted a lot of credit, crafting, and time while leveling and spent coms and all on things that really did not mean much of anything. That is the point of not focusing on gear or buying it or going out of your way for it till you are 50. Now if the loot gods would just give me my Columi Offhand shield I could be very happy.
  21. I am Shadow and mostly Columi and running fully buffed 23.8k My bet same reply we got the first time we did this. Automated Sorry we are working on it will be fixed at later date CLOSED.
  22. You will find at 50 there are 4 sets of gear choices. It all depends on what your role is and what you want to do and spec has to what choice you go. I use Survival gear has I am Kinetic(Tank) speced all the time. Although with the amount of extra gear that is dropping and or I am getting assigned I might be building a Stalker set too soon I have 2nd Columi Chest and Head tokens in my cargo hold right now just trying to see if they do a dual spec thing or not. I would not say I flew though levels. I did all the quests and things and went though the progress to get to 50. There was a ton more 50s than me when I made it. Never the less I found that with 4 to 5 hours of play you could gain a level easy from 40 to 50 and more lower. The point of it is that the game changes at 50 and what you are attempting is pretty well a waste of time and effort has below 50 your gear and things change all the time.
  23. Yes it does. NM 8 man last night and our bosses where full of loot and crafting mats.
  24. Yes it is. Cause with in a few days of 50 your stats will and can change greatly. Below 50 the only thing that really matters is can you level quickly and that means most quest gear will do for that maybe a few pieces off the AH but nothing to over the top has you will replace gear quickly while leveling. I use to flow though gear so fast while leveling it hardly made since some times to spend money on upgrades. Heck I even made the mistake of buying Armor mods for my orange gear at lvl 50 and putting them in when i should have just saved the 60 some odd daily coms that I spent and put them toward implants or ear piece.
  25. Yall are focusing to much on sub lvl 50 stats. The game changes at 50 and your gear will too has well has damage and all. Right now Fully raid buffed I have 6700armor and 23k+ HP and my base damage is 600 to 800 But the difference is I am sitting with Rakata/Columi full armor and Rakata Main hand. I have Rakata Implants and after tonight should have my Rakata earpiece too. So Like I said checking stats and things and doing all of this below 50 is kind of a waste has your toon though PvP gear and Raid gear will change a great deal with lvl 50 and the opening of Hardmodes and PvP bags and all of that.
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