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Everything posted by Rejectoo

  1. Make sure the mod you are trying to place in it is also the right level for you could be if the item is on you and bound that the mod is to high level for you.
  2. I lost the first time do to his big casts and interrupts. Second time I owned him. I keep him locked down and he did not come close to killing me. I used Theran to heal me. I had to help a guildie do him though has a healer he could not do it either. To much to heal pet and try to interrupt at the same time.
  3. The End Game coms and quests have already gimped cyber with better Armor and Mods than we can make. BW did it already.
  4. Has any tried to reverse engineer these yet? I just hit 50 this last weekend so have not had much time to buy but a couple. I might try tonight. Would love to reverse engineer and learn the recipe.
  5. Here is a clue for you. Come lvl 50. You can buy with daily coms or though Heroic daily get better Armor and Mods than Cyber's can make. Also get enhancements too So protest till your blue in the face it makes that part of CyberTech useless.
  6. Belsavis daily has a Heroic 2 which is pretty simple that gives you mod choices. Yes the Ilum Heroic 2 gives you enhancements. I now have a a Omenbringer's Chest that has lvl 50 purple mods in all 3 slots after last night.
  7. Grade 2 Ship armor is bugged when it is fixed it will not sell any more. Grade 5 blue is 2750 The purple is 3250 Grade 2 Blue is 3000 You see the bug there. I wished I could make and sell speeder bikes this was a true let down of the crafting for me.
  8. I agree. I also found that the heroic 2 will give you mod 23a also so I do not evan make them any more use those resources on ear pieces.
  9. I think you miss the over all effect of Slow Time. Ya 1k is not much to players in PvP. But them doing 5% less damage is big for them and your team. Then when you add in AoE taunt well you have just taken them down 30% damage to anyone other than you. Makes you a big target cause they do not like it when you reduce their damage. Force Pull is the bomb for those players close to death that want to run off I laugh at that. force pull and spinning strike equals dead player. You just have to watch kill stealing too from you team mates cause it is possible too.
  10. Slow time some one asked why use it in in PvP cause it is high threat. Here is why I use it period. Threat I can careless about in PvP but the one thing is the 5% damage reductions to all it hits. It might not be a lot but when you pair that with AoE taunt at 35% guess what anyone they are attacking that is not you they are losing 30% damage on. so 1k hits are now 700hp easier to heal and survive. There is a place I think in PvP for 31/0/10 builds and I do believe you can be useful. However if you are an ego maniac and all about how many kills and how much DPS you did and not if the team won or not then 31/0/10 is not for you.
  11. At lvl 50 I stopped making Armor and Mods and putting them for sell. Simply cause For 8 Daily coms you can get an Armor Piece better than I can make. If you do all daily quests just non heroic you get 14 a day. For a few minutes with a partner you can get a Mod from Heroic 2 better than I can make. So it comes down to why make things and try to sell when 50s can get better doing quests. I stick with ear pieces and Ship Parts. Ear pieces cost 200 daily coms so people will buy them instead of saving and blowing 200 on an ear piece.
  12. I found that on my server selling Ship Parts the Purple ones are great business. Hard on resources but good for pocket book. FYI Purple Ship Armor sells for 30k to 45k on my server alone. Not that it matters much any more.
  13. I am a Tank 15khp and 6k armor. I normally play in Combat Stance. What is better Combat or Force Technique for PvPing with a 31/0/10 build? Please enlighten me with reasons for or against.
  14. Thanks for the correction. I just wanted to see if it is a bug if so report it so it can be addressed and fixed or told they cancel one another. It would suck if they are not stack able. I noticed it after a bit cause I would get the shield and its visible and has I run into Mobs I would cast Ward and the shield would go and there would not be the absorbed that is normal with the shield.
  15. +100 I am with you there. Good this one is the most annoying of all. You people complain about Theran but when you are Kinetic Shadow he is your bread and Holiday is your butter. I can only use any of the other pets when I duel with a Sage healer in my guild. Then I use Nadia cause I have really only geared her and Theran. Nadia is easy to gear she gets my old gear. But Theran I have used planet coms to gear. Not sure if anyone has tried this. I am not sure I want to cause that driod is so dang annoying on the ship. I did use him once in my 20s to heal me. I heard that the Driod is the best healer pet in the game if decked out with good parts. Has anyone tried this?
  16. I use AoE taunt and then apply Slow Time all of the time. I mean nothing like a 30% damage reduction on anyone other than me. But hey I am a tank I have 15k HP and 6k armor I live to be beat on. I normally stand in front of the doors just spamming AoEs and resists and things to keep them away from the doors. Makes me a massive target any game and normally get 5 to 6 imps on me at a time. But you do not get the daily 3 wins if you win solo and the team loses. So I stopped worrying about my personal scores and deaths and things and started working on helping win. But I am getting close to 10k heals and 150k damage done has well has lots of other things too. Even a few solo kills in there now and again. I am just sick of the easy mode classes in PvP with their flames and stun locked 5k crits. It will be great when those are brought on line with everyone else and to see those classes wine and cry.
  17. I am not sure totally it was quick and into attack mode. I noticed last night that the Sage I run with will cast force cloak before I attack. But if I cast Kinetic Ward it seems to instantly remove force shield. I guess this is a issue that need to be looked at cause Force Cloak takes a lot of damage while Kinetic Ward just increases a change to shield. I mean if it is canceling Force Shield seems like it is reduced to a solo use only buff or between Force shields. Anyone seen this or have any ideas?
  18. Think the most fun is having 4 to 6 imps beating on you in PvP and wondering how long it will take them to kill you. I love it cause normally can take 1 or 2 with me.
  19. Here is what I do... I stealth around see what the objects are. I will pick easy mod mobs and kill see if I unlock bonus. If so then do bonus if not do quest on stealth mode. Not all quests have bonus. I know on Voss. I did 4 heroics with a group that took me from 45 to 46 then did Voss Class quest it took me from 46 to 47. Then did Voss Bonus quest chain with all Bonuses for the that chain and it got me almost to 48. Mind you I always always do the PvP dailies that normally gets about 50k to 60k just in PvP and then 20k from quest.
  20. 400 across the board.... Cyber/Scavenge/Underworld The nice thing with Cyber is I can make all my own Armor and Mods so I can gear myself at 48 I have right now 5 pieces of mod able gear and looking for belt and bracers still. Plus all the armor and mods for my champions This saves me a lot of money for having to buy them. Also I made my lvl 40 speeder and my level 50 speeder will be made. I also made all my grade 2 and 4 ship mods and am in the process of decking out my ship in purples has I level to use those. Right now Purple ship armor on my server is selling on AH for 25k to 40k depending on who and time you look. Oh and ear pieces.
  21. I am glad I did not even look at Inf spec for this class then cause man there are a lot of people that complain about it.
  22. I know that quest and I did Force Cloak and they did not disappear. I did it cause some reason Theran and the speeder bike summons bug hit me and he was not there to heal me so I had to cloak and summon him and then kill all 3. But yes kill weakest first always.
  23. I agree with the accuracy. But I have been rolling a crit build and no issues really. I will switch to what you say once I am 50 and wanting to tank Hard and Nightmare FPs and Heroics but for now Cirt build cause I want to kill fast get in and out of the quest area. I am going to be rolling a 31/0/10 build right now. I should get slow time at 50
  24. I agree Stark was a pain. However I was 2 or 3 levels lower so I excepted that. The Trials quest on Voss was a challenge to but it was great and well written. I survived but it was close with some of those elites. Again was like a lvl or 2 lower.
  25. I use stealth to setup my CC and things before my pull then to target and get a good back stab in to get some good threat before the first taunt. Put has someone else noted force Pull is the bomb. It is also good to get that 1 or 2 mobs the game designers love to stick off all alone into the AoE for other classes or yank that mob off a healer.
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