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Everything posted by lightSaberAddiCt

  1. Nope tried it a number of times, sure it loads different name missions, but yet again they are all companion gifts. I have been checking this for about 4 days now.
  2. And this is a bad thing because?.... Go ahead and leave, I am sure the PUG group on the other team wouldn't mind a bit.
  3. Agreed. But don't let these doomsayers that go on and on about the game losing subscribers etc convince you, there has been absolutely no proof that they are, just because a persons server is low population they like to assume that the whole game is failing. There are a number of healthy servers in this game, and like me, rather then sit on a slow server and complain that my 50's have nothing to do, I moved to a nicely populated server (jedi covenant) and started new toons. When server transfers come, I will simply move my existing 50's over to jedi covenant and problem is solved. These are the same people that just continually keep posting to forum topics like this one to make them look like there is a major number of people that agree. I say if you are so unhappy with the game, move on, and stop fooling yourselves that anyone else really cares.
  4. Then why not just unsubscribe, I mean if the game isn't doing it for you, you always have the choice to move on... I mean I keep reading all these posts about SWG and this game should be more like it, and even SWG's developers have been quoted as saying the game was really bad. I mean yeah, it had some cool things like making your own house etc, but besides that, it was a pretty boring game. Even with all the bugs this game has since launch, it has been alot more fun to play then SWG ever was. Besides the crafters, and the people that seemed to like dancing in the cantina's it was just one big grief fest.
  5. yeah and even if complete a full page of companion gift missions, in the next page it is right back to companion gifts, if you are lucky there may be a luxury fabrics. Something is definately off.
  6. Yeah don't include me with that general statement, as far as I am concerned (and most people besides a very vocal small minority of people that actually liked SWG, if this game was like it I would not be playing it. Funny how rose colored glasses are applied to games that have passed away, I guess it is the same with anything that dies.
  7. It is pretty crazy, all the UW missions for all the levels are just showing companion gifts. I mean how is anyone suppose to craft or collect metals, when 99% of all the missions are companion gifts. As it is right now, this crew skill is pretty worthless. Is anyone else having this issue?
  8. No!...Now please bury this dead horse, it is beginning to smell up the place.
  9. I have to agree with the OP, it was not like that before 1.2 Whoever is working on the GTN code, really needs to learn a little about POS (Point of Sale) design. Basically the least amount of clicks to purchase an item. This change has really affected the sales of my ear pieces. A refined search is just that, a REFINED search. When you do a default search, it should list all items for that category by default, then allowing you to further refine the results with the associated drop down. This is basic design principles here, nothing to difficult. They really need to go back to the way it was, the way everyone was comfortable using.
  10. I totally agree, it seems that the forums have been taken over by extremely negative people. Or at least the first and second page is constantly being hijaacked by a small number of people that post constantly to keep their negative posts in the first page. It drives down the morale of most people that wish to come and just have an answer to a question they may have from the community. I am no "noob" when it comes to gaming forums, I know they can be pretty rough, but it seems over the top as of late on the forums on the site. Personally I am really turned off when I visit these forums because the same old "SWTOR is in decline" "There is something VERY VERY wrong with your platform" "If I don't get this, I am unsubscribing" Just to name a few. I am by no means a fanboi, and when there is an issue I try to bring it up. I certainly am not someone that defends a game blindly, but really, when there is actually articles on gaming sites such as IGN stating that this is the worst and nastiest game related forum I would think BW would take notice of that.
  11. God forbid someone should have to work for something, it seems that some players think that everything should be handed to them upon initial login. Let's start giving players epic gear upon character creation, it's not fair that we should have to actually work for it.
  12. Well put, it seems that this is a forum topic for all the trolls to gather. I have a decent machine, nothing fantastic and I have had none of these problems. The initial loading screen may take around a minute in a half, but that is it. I have been in 12-18 man raids, no issue. Funny how in the gaming forums everyone is an expert. Yes there is some annoying bugs that bother me, but what MMO doesn't. If the OP was such a well known designer, he would be working at BW, and not trying to tear it down. The one thing that is always true, it is way harder to create, then destroy. So flame me if you want, I don't intend on visiting this pointless thread again.
  13. Yeah I don't understand some people reasoning behind dropping their prices so drastically. I always make a habit of checking the GTN before posting my item. If there is alot, I will undercut the average (notice I don't say lowest) bidder by 1k or maybe 2k. If there is no one else that is selling the item (I only list purple items) then I jack up the price and see if I get lucky, if not I will gradually lower the items price. The only thing I can think of, is that these people are really rich, and don't worry about the cost of collecting materials, and just want to screw with the economy as a means to grief people, or they are just complete idiots.
  14. Lol, this is the most hilarious unsubscribe satire thread I have seen. Thought it was going to be another QQ fest, only to open it up and start laughing. Thanks to the OP, I needed this while waiting for the full client to download once again for some unknown reason
  15. No but quite frankly it gets a little tiresome reading these rants and threats of quiting. If the game isn't doing it for you, you do have the ability to unsubscribe, no one is stopping you. I mean really, how many threads does this subject have to be in? And does the posters actually think anyone in the forum cares if they unsubscribe? Is there issues that annoy the heck out of me, absolutely. But I still like the game, hence I am still subscribed. If I chose to unsubscribe, believe me I am not going to rant about it on the forums, I will just move on.
  16. Honestly, I think this is the major problem. Before 1.2 and this bug I was selling purple ear pieces as fast as I could sell them, and making good money from it. Now that this bug is happening, alot of my stuff expires. They really need to fix this bug quickly.
  17. Nice to see that someone is actually providing a decent discussion rather then just trying to burn someone. Though I tend to disagree a little, I think color changes would help the game by showing each players individuality. It would be cool to see what combinations they came up with. Although I think the unify colors is a good start, I hope they dedicate a little more time to offering some more customization to armor colors (though I think it should really be on the bottom of the list under fixing the bugs etc).
  18. The issues I am having problems with is lvl 40's plus. In levels 20-38 there is really no problems, you can grind that stuff out easy, usually around 10-15 of the items and I get at least 1-2 successful RE's.
  19. I have put quite a bit of effort into crafting, so please don't assume that someone hasn't put in the effort simply because they are asking about a situation. I have also noticed that it really depends on the schematic, some of them you get crits out of, some are almost impossible even though they are the same odds. I am not some power player that has millions in the bank to go out and simply buy my mats at crazy prices on the auction, I have to harvest them from missions, build a stockpile and then craft in Bulk to have a chance of getting a good RE. I can understand having a hard chance at REing a blue to a purple, but those seem to happen easily, and green to blue are just a nightmare.
  20. No I will not unsub, but at least if people like the OP unsub, we will have a few less negative QQing going on all the time.
  21. If my files got corrupted (which I don't think so) I would just have to use the repair tool, not download everything from the get go I would presume. Also, corrupted files for the 1.2 patch and now this one? I doubt it.
  22. No I am not downloading the PTR, that is turned off in my launcher. This has happened a couple of times as I mentioned, first for the 1.2 patch, now this. Not sure if it is a bug with the launcher or what, but it is pretty crazy. Now that I see others are having the same problem, I know it is not a local issue with my machine. Not sure if it was the buy back exploit, or they made the unusual egg BOP. Hopefully both.
  23. Yeah this is the second time. The first time happened with the 1.2 patch, and now again for this simple patch. It is getting really frustrating.
  24. Heck I wish I used the exploit, I had to get my 2 eggs the hard way, by out clicking the farmers. I don't have enough credits to be doing any exploiting
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