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Everything posted by LadyNightArrow

  1. LOL Yeah, that's about right. I see lot of people saying, "Ignore jerks." or "Live with it." I know my earlier response probably came across as saying, "Live with it." It wasn't meant to. I was trying to say, in the best way I know how, is that jerks are every where you go. But, they are not like Pokemon, you can't catch them all. This is why it is so hard for communities (gaming or otherwise) to regulate certain behavior. I was also trying to say do what works for you. If it works for you to ignore jerks/trolls/bullies, fine. If it works for you to just 'live with it', fine. If you prefer to troll the trollers, more power to you. If you think it would be better to try out a different server, go for it. What works for one person won't work for another. I personally haven't had any problems with trolls in the game...then again I keep PvP, General, and Trade turned off. And, that works for me. By the way: Subjective Knowledge: deals with the human experience (stories, testimonies, ect); understood through empathy Objective Knowledge: facts gained through research and study Ineffective: not taking effect
  2. Just goes to show you can't please everyone. There will always be those who QQ about everything, as though they have nothing better to do.
  3. OP: Don't quit the game just because of a few knuckle heads who can't seem to properly socially interact with others. There is a way to turn off general/PvP/trade chat, which is what I do every time I make a new character. I'm a bit tactless. So, if I see someone 'trolling', I will likely attempt to put them in their place. I'll fail miserably, but I will still attempt it. Now here's my two cents on the matter. I hope this won't be off topic. (Note: This isn't just for the OP; this is for anyone who cares to read this. This is my opinion with a little bit of attempted advice.) First, trolling is a type of bullying. People troll to create fear, so do bullies. In reality what they are doing is pushing themselves to the social margins of the Internet Community (the same could be said for jerks). They are creating the label of 'bully' for themselves. They are also making it so no one will take them seriously, which will cause people to not want to answer them when they have a legitimate question. On the other hand, they also make it so people will be afraid of answering other people's legitimate questions. Seems like a no win situation, right? Here's a solution. Answer the question anyway. Who cares if people laugh at you (this is coming from someone who was bullied). The moment you stop answering questions for fear of being 'trolled', you are giving those people power. Again, it's okay if anyone disagrees with me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Second, trolling isn't new since the internet. For example: Kid one: Sphinxtersayswhat? Kid two: What? Kid one and other kids around kid two laugh and call him/her a sphinxter (sp?). How is this any different from 'trolling'? This has been around since before the internet. However, before the internet or even computers were a household must, this was called 'making-fun-of' or 'bullying'. This is the other reason 'troll' is just internet speak for 'bully'. This is usually where people might say, "But there are ways to recognize a troll." True. But, once the majority of the community has caught on to various 'trolling' phrases, 'trolls' come up with other ways to...troll. I'll admit it. I've been caught in 'trolls' before. Remember the stupid question, "If Arthis' mount was called Invincible, why can you see him?" I will also admit that I have a hard time spotting trolls when they ask questions like this, because I've worked in Yellowstone National Park and I have heard some of the front desk people laugh about questions tourists ask. Many are akin to the Invincible question. "When do the moose turn to elk?" "Where are the barns that you keep the bison in?" I have also witnessed peoples' lack of common sense when they are on vacation (I actually had to ask one guy to step away from a buffalo). The point is, there will always be jerks, there will always be trolls/bullies, and there will always be people who lack common sense where ever you go. No one company can regulate this in games. The best thing to do is do whatever works for you. Again, sorry if I was off topic. Musing: 'Common Sense' the biggest misnomer in history.
  4. Remember this is my opinion and my opinion only. I have no delusion that my opinion = fact. That being said... I will have to disagree with making all of the current romanceable options/companions Bi. Having a same gender attraction on any level just doesn't seem to fit with the character/personality of some of the companions. Some of them I can't really put a finger on why I feel making them be romance options to the male and female roles of each class wouldn't work, it just wouldn't. If I do have a reason why I chose what I did for each, it's noted. Also, sometimes you really can't tell if what a person's preference is by looking at them or hearing them talk for five minutes. Sometimes, it takes actually getting to know a person. Not that I know these characters very well...but you get the idea. Just as an example, and I'm only going to mention the characters I or my husband have run across so far... Jedi Consular: Theran Cedrex: Bi/Gay. Could be the reason he has a holographic girlfriend...Just speculation of course. Trooper: Aric Jorgan: Bi/Gay/Straight... As of where I am in the game, he's probably the hardest to figure out, on the Republic side. Elara Dorne: Straight. Personally, I think she's too conservative for anything else, as of right now anyway. (I actually had her in my party when I was on Nar Shaddaa. She really doesn't like it when your Trooper goes against regulation and flirts with the SIS agent. I did it just to piss her off. ) Bounty Hunter: Mako: To be honest, she comes across as being a little sister to even be a romance option. That aside, I would say straight. Smuggler: Corso Riggs: Straight. It could be his good ol'boy attitude, or the fact that with him it seems to be "what you see is what you get", I don't know, but it just seems to me that he doesn't come across as being into men. Though, this could change. Risha: Bi or just straight-up lesbian. She mentions having a history with an NPC on Taris. At this point, that could mean anything. Until I see what BioWare's future plans are with this char, I'm going with partners in crime. Imperial Agent: Kaliyo: Iffy/Bi. Of the characters I've run across this far in the game, she is the hardest to figure out. At least on the Sith side. Again, what I have listed is merely speculation from someone who likes to write and pays attention to the character of people, fiction and non-fiction. To state the obvious, a lot of these characters have current story lines and personalities that could progress as the game progresses. It will be really interesting to see what BioWare has in mind for them. Behind the scenes: 1- I wonder if BioWare already has some script written for future romance interactions. 2- It wouldn't surprise me if BioWare already has voice actors all lined up and ready to go for future story lines. 3- I understand this is a business and BioWare needs to do what is most financially beneficial to them (after all, if the company takes a financial hit because of a bad decision, future content will most likely not happen). If that means making the current companions/romance options Bi, so be it. 4- It doesn't matter how well a game is made or what changes are implemented , people will still complain. Not everyone can be satisfied. Note: Sorry about the size of the font. My eyes are getting old.
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