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Everything posted by Grapenut

  1. Hmm no insight yet. Do you think we will hear anything? Or do you think that nothing will be mentioned and 1.2 goes live. I'm guessing we won't get some response until we start getting damage parsing numbers out there. From another thread: Sorcs only spamming chain lightning can almost outdamage operatives and marauders doing their full rotation. http://www.simulationcraft.org/swtor/115/Raid_115.html Meanwhile, best dps an operative will be pounding out is around 1150 (parsed on the 1.2 PTS) which is roughly 30% behind sorcs and assassins. Can anyone prove this on PTS? I guess the answer is ops/scounds are not inquisitors.
  2. My head exploded from all the syntax shortcuts, grammar issues, and spelling mistakes.
  3. Nerf operatives because they are not inquisitors.
  4. Some devs can't take a critical eye to their work. See it all the time where I work.
  5. Dev's are too busy coding then playing their game. Their metrics suck. But trying to convince them otherwise will take time. They simply do not eat their own dogfood.
  6. Better for every class than operative. I can not kill a target, stealth up and hidden strike again. This mechanic is broken and not implemented correctly. If you cloaking screen you get a vanish debuff. This should be the thing which Hidden strike would be regulated. Not a timer. 7.5s is too long. What exactly do you propose in my sistuation in which you kill a target. Out of combat resteath.. and wait?
  7. The problem is your gear. The gear gap with operative is very big. You will stink until you get BiS. Then you will have a chance. But with 1.2 that is debatable. Stay back, wait for the sick and injured then kill them. You will fail 1v1 vs any class that has equal or better gear. Your biggest mistake was to roll an operative. Sorry but that the way it looks.
  8. Please give us some insight into the changes in 1.2 for operatives. Namely the concealment changes. We would like to understand the view points into those choices. We would also like to have an official view on what this class brings to PVP and PVE beyond healing. How do you envision all three trees working? What is the overall feel you want to give this class? How do you see this class stacking against other classes in dps/healing/and utility. Thanks, A Concerned operative.
  9. This is what happens when developers do not play their own classes. They read forum QQ and nerf based on it. I would really like to see some well thought out explanation and thinking process on this class. So far we just get a sentence or two, or some really bizzar interview snipped from darth hater about stun durations. It's hard not to be critical. They drop the 1.2 bomb on a friday. They don't explain the changes. Of all the things i would never have seen these op changes to concealment like this. I can't even fathom the color of the sky in their dev world.
  10. The class is dead. Re-roll assassin or shadow for stealth burst and utility. Sorry, but it's painful. Took me all weekend to get over it. It would be nice if we got some sort of reasons behind their nerfs. But it appears the developers and player base simply do not see eye to eye on this class. So stop trying, and re-roll.
  11. 4200 dmg crit form a jedi knight. trololololo. And they nerf operative damage? NICE
  12. I can see the future of free to play. Strong in the freemium this game will become.
  13. I get that backstab/combo and burt the bubble. All they need to do is knockback, zap zap zap. If they are low on health re-bubble and heal. There is nothing you can do. They have all the stuns in the world to keep you away to reheal. 4 seconds interrupt is useless. That bubble is the devil. I know people in our guild that have it set on auto-cast with their G13/keyboards. The only players I can kill are those with gear so bad that show up in the warzones. This class is simply outmatched.
  14. I can't burst them because their bubble absorbs. It's a downer.
  15. I'm at the point where I believe that conceal operatives are broken. I have a full set of champion PVP armor. Sages and Inquisitors simply laugh at your DPS. The first 3 hits out of stealth are all absorbs. Knockback rooted zapped. Pretty much sums up my experience. Their 30m rage attacks crit more and do more damage than a melee class. They are roadrunners with magic armor on crack. It is so in your face obvious you need to roll a lightsaber class. This class is simply broken in utility, in damage. In usefulness. Now I know why every operative is a heal bot. I'm really in the dumper. Anyone have anything to cheer me up? I am not sure if I am going to reroll or just unsubscribe at this point. So much time spent doing dailies and warzones.
  16. Thank you for your post. The OP sums up everything I have had to say with less emotion.
  17. Love the Fan boi trolls. Really. Thank you. Shows me you have no idea about PVP.
  18. Nice name. BTW have 588 Expertise.
  19. Well, Hit lvl 50 and I have a lot of fustration with PVP in this game. First, a game that has warzones with objectives and ops groups in Ilum there is no in game voice communication. So the advantage goes to premades every time. LOTRO has in game voice communications when it launched. This makes pvp'n fun in Ilum. It was a social event in Etternmoors. Right now the game is like a slide show when action starts. I used to play DAOC with huge fights. Don't remember it being a slide show back in 2005. Then there is Ilum dailies. Which is mostly 100 imperials fighting over boxes. When Republic does show up. They come out in a huge force, Complete their daily/weekly and map out. There is no community in this game. It's a lifeless mess. Good thing I'm Imperial because at least we see each other in hutball 24x7. Knockbacks and CC make the game one complete cluster. Healing is a complete joke OP in warzones. Ironic the best healers in the game are the best damage dealers. Road-runner sages and sorc's with bubbles that can't be killed. Stupid GEAR - differences make it impossible to compete. I'm just spewing. Look at me. So much hatred. I'm supposed to have fun? Grinding broken Dailies in Ilum? Man. Get your stuff together
  20. Most likely a space holder until real spaceship system will be implemented.
  21. Man Learn to grow another digit. l2g12dig All these operatives complaining. Just expose yourself to microwave energy and grow a few more fingers. (all in good fun)
  22. almost like a commando using a stealth detect probe...
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