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Everything posted by Sheneria

  1. because Mythic keep destroying it with new PVE expansions, making PVP just a sideshow after the ToA expansion (which was in 2003/04) before that it was the best Faction PVP centric game and it still is to date.
  2. wow you make no sense. im glad those useless low level scrubs are out of my warzone, making things much smoother and the 3 wins for bm bag are faster than ever.
  3. eve online 1000 vs 1000 if the node gets reinf. is playable, the smaller that number gets the smoother it is.
  4. 3 games 3 wins also here. i love the new brackets, no more useless low level scrubs on my team.
  5. really ? then i must be the luckiest person on earth since just yesterday i got my bm mainhand and offhand. today i got 2 bags 2 coms and having already another useless relic i got 3 coms all together, bought relic, waist, bracer, so i got up from 2 bm items to 5 in a day. doubt its only me that has this kind of luck tbh.
  6. *facepalm* then i am lucky i guess 2 bm bags 2 tokens right there. why do people think they know stuff if you are not even bm an tryed it out yourself.
  7. now i trolled about this earlier, but its just a rumour as far as i know. you can however get lots of valor (in my chase over 4k valor in 20 mins and i wasn't even trying) on republic side as a sage. find a organized ops grp and then start following it, use aoe attacks and hard hitting dmg spells on low hp player. thanks to the neverneding stream of imperials its easy to get more and more valor points if you really try hard. which is however useless to me since i am bm since last week.~
  8. oh you will cry i will pwn you so hard you low valor rank scrub. get on my level
  9. it works np you need controll over ilum to make this work my op alt is already valor 60 and now im ready to roflstomp those rep nubs.
  10. finally 60 on my operative Alt thank you bioware, now i will roflstomp those republic nubs so hard with my bm gear.
  11. think its fine my operative alt is already at 59 (up from rank 12) soon 60 and i still have my 2 dailys to give in at imp fleet. hmm was it 3 bm marks for a offhand, really can't wait to faceroll all those noob reps.
  12. think its fine my operative alt is already at 59 (up from rank 12) soon 60 and i still have my 2 dailys to give in at imp fleet. hmm was it 3 bm marks for a offhand, really can't wait to faceroll all those noob reps.
  13. so much whining. learn to play the game new one. inq./sage is far from op, its just a l2p issue with most people here on the forum if you can't take them down.
  14. you kidding me? almost all of the 50tis on republic and imperial side on my server running around with champion weapons. purple and cyan lightsabers are not unique they are the most common right now, want a unique colour for your crystal, go green, blue or yellow.
  15. yea my sages new battlemaster lightsaber just looks like the preoder crystal in blue. seams a bit cheap for the best tier pvp weapon atm. atleast it could be magenta or just cyan like the champion one. also thanks to this crap basically every one on my server looks the same, incl. the saber colour.
  16. useless low level trash like you should get out of my warzones tbh can't wait for all the QQ from you about 40+ and even more QQ once you hit 50
  17. only 200k damage on a sage with expertise? then i saw your keybinds. lol k noob
  18. you sound so mad. did a 50 kill you?
  19. jokes on the OP now. really glad that soon we won't have to carry useless low level scrub to win.
  20. looks like you are just bad, learn to play this game, mr below average new player
  21. that funny. i see lots of people run away from 1vs1 they started. (assasin pulls me to him and then runs away with 3 dots, still dieing) guess your one of those losers aswell.
  22. i pug all the time and win most of them. its really funny seeing how premade groups leave once we farmed them for a couple of respawns premade does not mean beeing good or bad.
  23. sorc/sage is the most underpowerd class once most people are at level cap and geared. everyone who is complaining about them should first hit 50 and gear up, then we talk again.
  24. its already there, check your keybinds its alt+t by default
  25. this so much. im tired of all those lows and 50s without a clue, running around like headless chickens in warzones completely ignoring the objective and just attack the enemy with the lowest hp. damn right i leave every warzone, not gonna pay for a game where i have to play with people that just don't wanna learn how the game works, ignore the chat and just do their own thing.
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