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Everything posted by mastirkal

  1. That is horse crap, if you can move out of fire under your feet, you're not being raid aware anyway. The fire is annoying, but it still was up for three seconds, you just need to remember where the fire was and no move over to said spot for 5-7 more seconds. The droid can wait if need be to be released.
  2. Seems legit. Sneaky bioware telling us it's a nerf then adding in new content like invisible fire and more aberrations.
  3. So little guilds on this server for pve
  4. That's my personal plan too. If it's not in 3.3 I'll likely be breaking until something comes out.
  5. If they make a drought for a year. I doubt I and probably quite a few other people will care to be here. Zorz is taking their break, but I'm hoping they release an ops for 3.3 or else there won't be any raiding teams besides zorz.
  6. Nah I mean Rambo was a pretty well known ******e on harb way back when. I was getting at I thought he got a kill for a second before realizing it wasn't the same person. Also no other server exists. There is only harbinger.
  7. And here I was thinking how the **** did rambo from harbinger somehow get a kill.
  8. It's still a dead server. It lacks people and probably should be merged with another server. Just because the bottleneck at the top of the raiding on that server, doesn't change that it is still a dead server with a bad pug scene because no one can get a full team together and not that many raiding guilds.
  9. To add onto this, the three guilds I assume he's talking about are DnT, Hates you, and recently Provectus on Pot5. DnT and Hates you got their kills because they were already talented and dedicated and yes, they can recruit better players as a result. Provectus was successful in our kill because we took quite a few players from Harbinger who were disgruntled with their guild's lack of progression. Jurb, Zeern, Prodigy, Shadow, Meno, and myself are all very good players who were all in guilds that were 8 or 9 out of 10, but couldn't seem to get any further. So we all went to Pot5 and worked our asses off on revan and were rewarded by being in our first two kills of revan. The idea that server is indicative of success is stupid. Pot5 is arguably one of the most competitive "pve" server at the world first level in the game and as he said, it's almost completely dead.
  10. Revan I might argue doesn't need a hard enrage though because there is no point in the revan fight where something isn't hurting you. Transition between floor one and two has the focuses that increasingly do more damage, and the 80 seconds before instant gib between floor two and three make sure you can't stall there. Floor three obviously has abs and the core which you can't survive forever on. Now that I think about it, why does revan need a enrage timer? All of his mechanics ensure there is a soft enrage that you can't just sit around and wait for/ All the other nine bosses make sense, but not really on revan. On the same token, there's not really a reason why not to have a hard enrage on revan, seeing as you can't stall anywhere in the fight (maybe second floor before revan comes) anyway, you're already on a predetermined time between each floor.
  11. It was a joke Milas, Provectus doesn't really function on having an A or B group. We have an A and A1 groups that split our "A" group in half. By that standard each group has 3-4 players that were in the original kill. We're just happy to have our names up there.
  12. I have yet to meet anyone inside of DnT/Hates/Provectus/ExitArea/Chandrian/etc that are in the boat of the fourteen guilds that have cleared 10/10 who feel that they don't want others to clear revan and be part of an "exclusive club". Sure we all want to be the best or at least faster to the kill than each other, but that's being competitive more so than it's being ******es. The fight isn't easy, it takes time and effort to master, much more so than any other boss ever made in this game. Every guild I've asked said they spent at least 40 all the way up to 150 hours of wipes just to get their first kill, that is by no means insignificant on either end of the spectrum. @OP, currently even with the loss of overall dps from classes, the fight and specifically the soft enrage is very much doable as long as all dps and at least one tank is up.
  13. That's a terrible comparison because of how unoptimized using non-bounty hunters is along with the fact that hates you group A already had gear on those toons that couldn't otherwise have been gotten besides from the boss they just defeated. The reason they were able to get that kill was because they had already killed it numerous times as a mostly bounty hunter group just like any of the other 14 guilds that have cleared it. Along with the fact that they are all very strong players to begin with, they still barely beat enrage by less than 10 seconds. I doubt a lesser group could beat the enrage, let alone kill the core. The last phase of revan is stupid. It was poorly designed and either expects a beyond reasonable dps check or expects you to bring in bounty hunters to lessen said soft enrage from the stacks of reducing HP before that 80 stack heave one shots you.
  14. Everyday 7:30 - 12 EST now that we are in farm mode, we still raid everyday, but mostly because we want to. On that note, we are no longer recruiting players unless they are exceptional applicants who we believe can replace another member of our team in a positive way. Our A group is 20 man strong as we hope to keep it at around that level.
  15. Provectus has 15 players with revanchist. I will officially claim Provectus (2) got a kill.
  16. Again I'd like to bring up the fact that 14 guilds (18 teams) have killed revan so far. Is this not an acceptable number or at least growing to a much more acceptable level? I can't recall who said it, but I remember hearing someone guess less than ten guilds would kill revan in this rendition all the way to nightmare mode. Though there's a chance no one is going to get a kill after the Chandrian and it will stay at 14 guilds, it seems highly unlikely that will be the case. What are other peoples opinion on the state of this tier of content now that it's been shown that maybe revan isn't some impossible wall that only a select few will be able to beat (Not suggesting this is true, but the sentiment I've heard from players who don't have it seems to be as such) and could potentially be boosted to a higher difficulty that would be an acceptable increase from hard to nightmare.
  17. Well you're wrong unfortunately. Being 0.0 meters away from sparky will make sure the brutalize doesn't kill you.
  18. 14 guilds (16 teams) so far have killed revan. This seems pretty acceptable as a hard boss fight.
  19. Please note we do not have a first and second group. We have two groups who we expect to down revan. The people from our "A" team are in both groups as we are looking to move forward with 16 of our best players.
  20. Damn you guys! We are so close to that kill too. Congrats none the less.
  21. Apparently people don't know you can solo tank ToS. *********** dps trying to tell me it's not possible. ***** please.
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