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Everything posted by xdjinn

  1. if I repeated it 11 times to get one guy to appear, one week isn't enough And no, you're no fiction, you are trapped into a fictional vision of things, a cattle bubble so to speak, I'll draw out the logic in an example: Me "Look this chair could be improved by putting a fourth leg" You "Three legs is enough, you can balance it out" Me "But you cannot properly relax on it, it's not worth your money" You "Of course it is, you are opting to relaxing on it, it's definitely worth my money, ALL CHAIRS ARE LIKE THAT!" Me "okay chump, I'll try to draw it to you"
  2. SPAMMER STATION: It's EASY, IT'S FAST, I CAN FORCE PUSH STUFF INTO THE ABYSS. Enough said. jking, I do actually like all of them, each brings a different pleasure to the table, except for the AI one, that one annoys me (can't remember the name). I also don't like much the Onslaught one where we fight that Jedi who wears half-robes for no logical reason, that FP can be quite annoying for Melee, and I mostly play melee. PS: I play all Master Mode + Vet Mode FPs. There's never FILTERING OUT
  3. understandable but this alone pushes away so many potential new players that it'll eventually kill the game, SWTOR is already held by die-hard fans almost exclusively, with the mounting issues, this one being one of the major ones, it will eventually die out because except for a appalling minority, even the die-hard fans will eventually leave/outgrow the game. Had BW done what Blizzard did, it wouldn't be as bad as 2 US servers
  4. embedded bad mechanic, if you had a degree in game design you'd understand how dumb the design of the quest itself is considering possible objectives, reward vs effort, time, etc. You can White Knight it, but at least be honest about it, don't try to say you are agreeing with something that was done badly just to get some kicks in a forum discussion, that's just dishonest with yourself.
  5. if you are wasting time with zero reward, it is. (ZERO REWARD = Nothing at all because you are forced to reset the quest, you won't get EXP, RXP, not even those measly ridiculous amounts of credits, it's null effort)
  6. poor choice on MMO style, but I'm good with not getting censored for mentioning other MMOs, so I'll simply say that you should research more. Asian MMOs are awful, those I avoid like a decease.
  7. no, I just can't believe someone would be thick enough to agree with getting punished and paying for it on top in a media that is supposed to entertain you
  8. no, in essence I am on the verge of quitting the game because it's becoming an unpleasant experience, and it could be easily solved. That on top of all the other negative traits, like lack of support, poor bug fixing, paywalls, lack of new content, some poor content (KotFE onwards)... What is fun so far in the game, genuinely fun? Playing in a guild, GSF, RPing (even if only in your head), everything else is lackluster, or plain bad
  9. I'll quote myself on the same post: Worth to mention that there are other MMOs that aim for quality, not forced hooks and disgusting business practices, it's not "MMOs"... Information is important before making affirmations, be sharper next time, thx come a gain
  10. and it's what's making me want to unsub, one of the reasons. I pay stuff related to games because I like it, not because "i need it". There's no correct way of doing it, but if they pull you into the game you'll sub with a feeling of pride, happily, if they force you with cheap mechanics and greedy mentality, they'll end up pushing away the majority of people, tell me, do you feel pleasure on being obnoxiously exploited? I don't, to me it causes repulse. No wonder why the subs have been dropping drastically over the years, the more they pulled off the cash-cow tactics, the smaller the player-base became. Now we get 2 US servers and 3 EU? How long before it becomes 1 US 1 EU? If it's not working, you must change, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results isn't what I'd call smart, effective, efficient not even under-average. It's plain stupid. Or maybe their plan is to actually kill the game, then I'd say they are doing it proper
  11. So I've came back a bit over a month ago to SWTOR, found in my heart a bright spot for it and subbed again. Now, weeks in and after working over half-way through the Legendary Player status (finally got around on playing different class stories), lvling alts and basically trying to enjoy the whole of the game I also started trying to participate on Weekly Events (which I never did before properly). This week's BBA event is one of the few or virtually the only event that has worthwhile content (Rep vendor stuff), Gree for instance only holds ridiculous looking armor and the only somewhat useful stuff is locked behind Legendary rep, which's a off-putting grind to go for (and the event itself sucks, it's quests, how it was distributed, respawn times, etc.) Which brings me to the pilling reasons that are slowly convincing me that subbing was a mistake and I should simply leave this game behind (hence why I think changes are necessary to many aspects of it). To start, RNG for BBA's henchmen should be either removed or available for immediate check on the first quest, not after interrogating + having the meeting, this alone made me waste hours playing for nothing, just wasting my time. The 11 resets I had to take on a single character to actually get the Henchman target needed for Achievement almost made me rage uninstall the game (not to mention when you are forced to reset due to Troll players intentionally killing your target) So this event should either pack no RNG at all, be instance and or repeatable on a single day for a single character. The fact that this event requires us to alt-hop like maniacs to get anywhere worthy with it alone is enough for me to say that you do not deserve my endorsement, translating into subbing (since we basically vote with our wallets), also, the grief of being put through that was the last nail in the coffin for me, it's what made me wanna post this in the first place. Secondly, the weekly limit on reputations should either be increased or removed entirely, so far you get to rep up only once a week, and if you are for the last rank, you are walled into a 2 week time-sink to get what you need/are after, that's utterly ridiculous. All reps should be okay to farm with a single character, now people are not only forced into alt-hopping due to daily limits, but they are also forced to sit back and wait to get their rewards for grinding it. Finally, the lack of accessible content through playing the game normally when it comes to decorations is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, with the insane inflation, no normal player that arrived recently has the means to get anything unless they start buying Cartel Market items with real money and spend ludicrous amounts of time trying to sell it for "reasonable" prices to other players. I went through that, and it was so frustrating that after I finally sold everything I've been avoiding doing it again. The strongest point of this game ended up being cosmetics, Roleplaying potential, and maybe Ops (haven't tried those yet, never did), for story is only good on vanilla, and everything from KofFE onwards is just ridiculous (lore-wise), lack of content and paywalls make me feel like a cash-cow, and I hate it, also there's lack of support when needed, countless bugs and glitches that were never fixed (some are almost 10 years old, present since the official release), content that divide players into castes, favoritism over aggressive CP gathering guilds, etc. The game doesn't flow well as is, maybe the reason why so many like me keep a on-off relationship with SWTOR. If you are not a in-game billionaire, or do not spend unspeakable amounts of money in CM, you can't get anywhere, and if you wanna save on Sub to instead pursue CM investment, the bizarre F2P model adopted basically kills any chances of you doing that with all the ludicrous limitations (which reminds me, if there was no credit cap for prefered players, for instance, the economy would improve a lot considering the buying market for CM items would increase drastically). Now, after all this rant/suggestion mix, all I have to say is that after dealing with another 5 resets on the same BBA quest to get 2 remaining henchmen, I've simply rage quit the game and I think I should unsub, there's nothing in the game that's worth the hassle to getting, and when the basic gameplay ceases to be enjoyable to put in place cheap mechanics and limitations that we have to circumvent by using "resets" "abandons" and what-not, the value of playing it is simply gone. Also, if I was to opt into RPing (which's a strong pull back into enjoying the game) I'd still be gimped by mechanics that punish you for playing in a non-frenetic pace, making RPing nearly impossible with that alone, not to mention the content important for RPing being locked away behind the CM and vanilla content being so limited or actually ridiculous looking. Summing up, I'm strongly annoyed, I'm frustrated, I'm really considering leaving the SWTOR behind permanently. Games are meant to be a fun off-time, not a time-sink chore trying to drain your wallet like mobile shady games that function as slot-machines. Thank you for reading, no need to tell me 'wElL yOu bE oFf tHeN" for I strongly think that disagreeing to what I've said is fiction.
  12. I feel like starting a moderate RP guild, and wanted to basically recruit veteran players who are willing (and have time) to run a guild. Basically compose the holster of Officers. I am into that because I'm a creative writer myself, and I have been searching for something to boost my creative process (nothing better than writing for fun in my experience), so I wanted to create a guild to be run under the premise of a Gray Jedi Council (or, in other words, a new order with a parallel mantra to that of the Jedi and Sith). Sure this has been exploited back and forth (this theme) by SW fans since forever, but I find that there's always some perspective that was never seen before in what being Gray actually is. In terms of play-ability the idea is to run Conquests (if we get enough people that is), OPs (if we get enough skilled players), FPs, Master FPs, etc. (Basically run every single bit of the game, due to me believing that guilds should complement our fun, not restrict it). Make RPing non heavy (you don't actually HAVE to RP all the time like a maniac, no weird imaginary duels and combat with dice-rolls, no OP guild members taking "the throne", it's all more horizontal and meant to be fun for all, internal guild chat is meant to be out of character just as any normal guild), and no weird scheduled events. The idea is to make a continuous writing in which we update the stories live through optional channels like Discord, where the idea is to keep a full official narrative that is meant to be patched with everyone's own experiences. So if there are 2 or 3 members online and they feel like RPing, they can go do their own thing, after they finish their own flash session, they log it into Discord and it gets updated as soon as a new chapter of the narrative gets written. That's basically it. If there aren't enough people interested in supporting this guild I'll simply continue playing as a "one-man guild" and not buy Flagship or SH for it'd be pointless. Oh, and for non-sensitives the idea is to accept basically anything and have sub-divisions who respond partially to the council, more or less like it's own military structure created to support "neutrality" so to speak. Thank you for reading this annoying WOT, may the norse be with you, wait what?! PS: Do not simply reply to this post, it's preferable if I get PMed in the forums so I can more easily keep track of it, ty
  13. just got back to the game and noticed these changes after trying to enter a pvp unranked to start getting the feels of it again (was a pretty decent PvPer ages ago), lost the match due to complete unbalance on the team composition (and my own incompetence, just returning), and saw that I got no count, went to read it "MUST WINZ!" abandoned the quests and PvP altogether. The learning curve on PvP is harsh, each patch it was already a bit laborious, now that I was away for years, it'd take long time effort to get it again, one must carefully change spec masteries, and even gear, sometimes even the active quickbars must be built differently (for better shortcuts and what-not), it's A LOT OF EFFORT, meanwhile it's trial and error on everything else, I have absolutely zero reasons to go through all that effort completely unrewarded. Completing the Weekly for me is like impossible unless I get carried by pre-made teams. Pointless waste of time in my gaze, I play games to kill time and have fun, not to get punished by biased systems that favor veterans who never quit playing.
  14. with the new patch they'll probably change their approach to kicks. AS I've said, good and bad at the same time. Not to mention that if you hop guilds, say, because you were either kicked or didn't fit in and left, you get cancelled out from the weekly rewards, that's just ludicrous.
  15. Was having this conversation the other day with friends, SWTOR is the best MMO pertaining story-mode, it really does a good job at letting a player go Solo and have fun while doing so, but if I'd go to evaluate SWTOR in comparison to other MMOs, I'd say it's a 8/10 on story 10/10 Solo content, everything else 3/10 PvP is subpar even to WoW (which's already pretty bad itself), customization is full MTS, tons of badly placed RNGs and walled content, not to mention old SUPER-WALLED content, like stuff from the Cartel xpac. Content walled by events that happen once a year, and some minor events that happen sometimes in a year, poor performance engine, bugs (countless bugs that were never fixed), support nearly non-existent, etc..... ... . .. Overall we can safely say that SWTOR is an average MMO, but with a strong pull for more lonely players like me due to what it does best. And then each patch I get more surprised on how hellbent they are into ruining what was already bad, so idk, to me all rant about SWTOR is valid, still like what it offers on the positive side, but it's a on-off relationship curse to me, that's why I never sub for long periods of time, once my SW kick gets sated, there's no point on continuing playing due to all the bad design choices, and lack of love to the game by the devs.
  16. for crying out loud, never read so much rubbish in a single thread reply in my life. FIrst of all, most decorations (vendor basic ones) are incomplete sets, they lack on visuals, and 90% of the time they do not fit any but one SH theme, if at all. Then there are the gate locked decos, most behind gamble wall (CMC), others behind biased content and way too often under ridiculous RNG. Some decos are also locked to legacy/bop, which destroys any possibility of someone trying to market them in the GTN or even trade, if it's no use for them. On a odd note, 99% of the SHs look like balls because rich fools simply stack eveyrthing chaotically, and then publicize their SH for no logical reason. Visited tons, and it's almost maddening how some ppl simply waste good deco pieces just to show that they are hoarders. I don't agree with such behavior, and I strongly dislike how SHs have been handled by Bioware since they were first introduced to the game. I've always wanted to meddle with it (I'm one of those nerd gamer builders who basically build ridiculously massive stuff in games like rust, Conan Exiles, etc.), I build semi-realistic castles with blocks, in SWTOR I could be running some of the most compelling SHs ever, the type of SH people would like to hang out on, but instead these systems simply put me off of it, and seeing how other players handle theirs when they have full access to everything, is just inciting murder... At any rate, since all those walls are up, I've never even bothered trying to build a SH, not even a simple one, there's no point in doing it, it's just what the other guy said, a credit sink, and it sucks for it. I have absolutely zero incentive to start building one, let alone spending real cash in the CM for incomplete garbage that would never fit decently into a SH due to it being 8-80, you either have nothing spend nothing, or spend too much to have access to everything so you can get creative, and even if I, or anyone, was willing to waste money like that (or in-game credits), the access is too limited due to gated content, could take years to pull off enough decorations for a single theme, who in their right mind would build a Hub for other players over the course of years? It's pointless, subtracts from the experience itself, and people are much more likely to get worn out by the game and quitting half-way through collecting the "necessary" items.... Limiting as is, there's absolutely zero creative incentive for players who like it, resulting in those balls SHs I've mentioned, created by fools who are only doing it to "show-off" what they own in-game (which I couldn't care less), the only function of SHs is to RP, and even that is made harder with the limitations. So yeah, change to how SHs and decorations work is a must, if they want that to be a real feature in the game, as is, it's just a depot for rich players to throw their accumulated decorations in without any objective at all, the only way of making it work is if you do it with a guild which creates social restrictions. Not every guild wants to do it properly, and even if you find one, you are a hostage to their whims, again killing any creativity you could develop upon it. To me, buildable stuff in a game has to push creativity or simply not exist, which basically converges on my view of SHs = Fully ignored
  17. telling people in which server u are playing might help finding a group...
  18. Oh you naughty little darkside, making sweet boys into victims....
  19. disney's vision of SW is bad, to say the least.
  20. oh, srry my bad... hahaha Making a fool of myself am I? Anyway, about leveling as Dark or Light generally speaking, I do find that some things were poorly written during the course of pure Light or pure Dark.... It's always more interesting to be in the shades of Gray. Still, even when you make DS choices as an Jedi Knight, for instance, it feels a bit off, kicks me out of character/immersion. And since I'm at it, idk, this event would've been more interesting if the rewards were not instantly bound to the character itself. I don't see myself prioritizing alts in favor of biased mechanics adopted by the event itself... Hince why I find it obnoxious... =) I would love to have my toons forced to switch factions depending on how poorly they perform in the eyes of their masters, I mean, it doesn't make sense having an Jedi be kept around the Republic when he is cruel and self-centered. My guess as to not having such mechanic within the game is probably because among the Sith that doesn't really matter to them, if you are being altruist or not, for any of those choices potentially strengthen the Empire, which is the ultimate goal of the masters. Besides, as already mentioned, KoTFE does kill the whole purpose of having an Republic or an Empire alltogether, too much OPness with the ET, to a point that my DS Sith would most likely join them instead of fight them. Speaking of which, the whole shenanigans of having Valkorian connecting with an Agent/BH/Smuggler/Trooper makes absolutely no sense at all, and that bothers me deeply hahaha He would've rather killed them for they are insignificant if compared to true Jedi/Sith in power and potential... Maybe the biggest "ball-dropping" from Bioware so far concerning SWTOR...
  21. srsly man, I am infuriated by this, there's absolutely zero info about similar issues anywhere.... I can normally join and play in other servers, except the server I have 5 characters IN...
  22. I've tested out other servers and they are working just fine for me...
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