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Everything posted by dschlan

  1. Why should Bioware take the time and effort to put that into the game when the current system works fine? Your guild is the only group I have ever seen cry about same faction WZ on the basis that people can't handle being killed in a video game.
  2. Rage much? It isn't "farming". It's something you have to expect. Guildies enjoy killing each other because they KNOW EACH OTHER. You're here QQing to cover his ***. This is one of the only good things about PvP. Just because you guys whine about it doesn't mean you're right. Grow a thicker skin ffs.
  3. dschlan

    Force camo

    Don't forget our amazing CC...oh...wait...but at least Guarded by the Force doesn't cost 50% of our health...oh...wait...don't forget our best burst spec isn't the bleed one...oh...wait...
  4. Why? Everyone else can take it, yours is an isolated incident. Why should they listen to YOUR guild of QQers?
  5. If they rage quit over 1 WZ, why the hell would you want them in your guild in the first place? Our guild always ends up with our 2 best groups going at it in Huttball and we love it.
  6. you're still comparing 2 different genres, which doesn't work. If you really think solo queue will be used for anything other than farming Rated comms then that's your problem.
  7. Is this a MOBA? No. Not at all. Not even close.
  8. No, that's not at all how it'll work. Good players can't carry 5-7 bads and so their ratings will never go up consistently and they'll never get to a higher tier of play. There's no way to ensure that your PuG will have more than 1 or 2 quality players, especially since the best players and guilds will be doing group queue. Solo rating will be a joke and the solo queue will be only a way for those without guild teams to farm Ranked Comms
  9. Really, the way most PuGs play, I don't see many people, if any, getting very high solo ratings.
  10. As things are right now, it's not too big an issue for me. My worry is that it won't get fixed in time for Rateds.
  11. Went in a WZ today...other team was 5 assassin's and 3 Sorcs, maybe 2 healers. My team had no shadows and 1 sage. Guess who won. That's right, us.
  12. Guard is easy to beat. Push/Pull the tank away and it's gg. Or, method 2, you can lock down the healer and all the DPS that gets transferred to the tank will wear him down. Just have 1 guy quick switch to finish him off, gg.
  13. Guardians have great utility and can put out very good damage (in either spec).
  14. TM Spam is necessary. It's the devs fault. They made it so the viable DPS spec focuses on 1 skill. Just interrupt it and they die. However, if they take a strategic spot and sit back and free cast, they're lethal. IMO that kind of balances it out, you just have to think about positioning.
  15. On my way to 50 there was a good amount of people trying to gank me and such, so it was fun. However, that was because it was the first week of early access and so hardly anyone was at max level. Now, it's totally dead, on either faction.
  16. Yup, it just looks awful. No grind, no holy trinity, skill mattering more than gear, a great Open World PvP system, open world bosses that 100+ people can fight. Such a bad game /sarcasm off. Compared to this game, how can you really say anything is bad? Especially when you haven't played it.
  17. The healers should still be dying if the focus fire and CC is there. If not, the team work probably isn't there or they're just straight up better players. Healing isn't OP, people just whine because they have no idea what they're doing.
  18. Maybe your server has awful PvPers, cause I have yet to see a zerg stand up to a competent team, be it PuG or premade
  19. Wrong on so many levels. Zergs are so easily countered by good players that it's hilarious.
  20. Or you could be competent players and realize that zerging is a terrible strat that only works against bad teams and is easily countered.
  21. This essentially. Sure there are good players who can kill healers 1v1, but the game is all about team play.
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