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Everything posted by dschlan

  1. dschlan

    Class confusion

    I would say Sentinel as it's better overall, but if you want something easy to play, go Sage, maybe Shadow. Guardian is moderately difficult and Sentinel has the highest skill cap of any class.
  2. Um the huge burst? It's in the class...most Sents/Maras are bad but the class has huge burst. I can drop people to 30% (often lower) in 4 GCDs without adrenals and relics. Plus it can be sustained easily. Sent utility: Some healing, Movement +Armor buff/+15% dmg and healing boost and the ONLY heal debuff in the game. Sniper doesn't have that, they're a glass cannon. Operative has burst but no way to sustain damage. Sage/Sorc has no burst, just sustained/AoE, which is extremely easy to heal through. Juggs have more control, fewer defensive CDs and lower damage (depending on spec). Sentinel is fine. If anything it's one of the top classes. Stop crying and go work on getting better people.
  3. What...I don't even...have you played the game? If you have more than a quarter of a brain, it's balanced fine! I'd like to see a DPS/Heals hybrid kill me when I have heals or heal himself when there's 3 other good DPS on him. Sage and Sorcs are NOT hard to kill in a team setting. I do it all the time. Balance isn't the issue with this game's PvP. And I do agree they will lose a TON of players to other MMOs this year.
  4. Where did I say 1v1? Every class has a role on a team. Sentinel is huge burst with some good team utility (depending on spec). It is NOT a CC class. That's for the others on your team. Edit: and besides, when I can CC an entire 8 man rez wave for 6 seconds, I'm pretty sure the class is ok...if people are breaking it, that's not a class problem, it's a people are stupid problem. Sorry that the skill cap for the class is above some people's IQ/Skill level, but that's how it is.
  5. They have CC. You have burst. Once they run out of CC, they're dead. Mara/Sent was MADE to kill Sorcs. And I do know the class considering I play Sent too (and apparently, unlike you, I play it WELL)
  6. The game encourages farming. You could do it too if you were good enough to win. I don't mind getting farmed when my team is awful, I still get more medals/Comms. I also do farming because I like to kill people over and over, I find it enjoyable. Lastly, it's a game. If it's really such a big deal, quit or don't PvP. Like people have said, if you're going to cry like a *****, cry about the system that encourages it.
  7. In terms of PvP: yes (also endgame PvE, but that's a whole nother issue).
  8. Again, faction imbalance isn't even close to the biggest issue with PvP.
  9. Um what? I win like 90% of WZs (as Republic no less) and I can't stand this game's PvP. Rep even does well on Ilum on my server.
  10. Because faction imbalance is the only thing wrong with PvP in this game...
  11. Not to be rude, but maybe you just aren't good ( I don't know you, maybe you aren't). I know several Gunslingers who can demolish any class. Besides, as a whole, Sorcs aren't OP. Maybe they can counter snipers, but as a whole the PvP is decently balanced. Besides, if you can't 1v1, who cares? WZs are meant for team play. The best Gunslingers I know go with at least 2 other people and set up in the back and pick people off while using their team as cannon fodder.
  12. Sniper/Slinger is just Underpowered unless it's in the hands of a really good player. Plus snipers have more burst and sorcs have very little burst comparatively. Sustained AoE damage will always put up better numbers but fewer kills. I think all the classes stack up very well. Balance isn't so much the issue with this game's PvP.
  13. Anyone thinking Sorc/Sage is OP is a baddy. I play a Sentinel and a Gunslinger and have no issues whatsoever with any of them. Sure you might get killed quickly if there's MULTIPLE sorcs on you. And there IS a valid reason lots of people play Sorcs (and actually, half the sorcs you see are assassins) -They have one of the best stories and all the kid fanbois think lightning is kewl. Plus all the people claiming they're OP make the drones believe it and so they roll the class MORE. GG carebears.
  14. Yeah...doubt it. If their idea of "saving" PvP is copying yet another WoW system and ignoring the open world issues, it's past too late
  15. The thing with crit and Watchman to remember is the Zen ability. Having Zen, Valorous call and the ease with which you gain centering means in tough/PvP fights you can generally have automatic crit DoTs the majority of the time. At least, I do.
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